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Bamako Policy Hachathon
30 Oct - 09:00 AM
Bamako, Mali
Le 30 octobre à #DoniLab, #Mal’Innov et #i4Policy organise Le premier Policy Hackathon du Mali. Cet évènement rassemblera les acteurs clefs de l’écosystème entrepreneurial du Mali afin qu'ils conçoivent ensemble des recommandations de loi visant à améliorer le climat des affaires pour les startups et PME innovantes. Les places sont limitées. Si vous souhaitez participer au #BkoPolicyHackathon, merci de manifester votre intérêt ici : Cette initiative est soutenue par la Banque Mondial et appuyé par le Ministère de l’Economie Numérique et de la Communication du Mali.
    Mogadishu Watt Information Session 1
    07 Jun - 02:00 PM
    Mogadishu, Somalia
    Somali software developers, energy experts, data analysis experts, product developers and designers, and finance or project management ninjas! Are you an innovator aged between 18 and 35? Do you have an idea to improve the access to clean, sustainable and affordable energy to residents of Mogadishu? Then Irise Hub invites you to attend the first information session about the Mogadishu Watt hackathon. At the hackathon, you'll be challenged to design an innovative smart energy solution that helps: Deliver affordable, reliable and sustainable energy through new sources, Use innovative business models to improve access to clean energy, Use creative financing models to increase access to clean energy, Reduce energy wastage across the value chain, Save cost for producers, distributors or consumers of energy. Come with a team, or join one at the information session prior to the hackathon. Visit our tips pageto prepare for your Mogadishu Watt hackathon experience!