Showing results 1 to 10 out of 23
Lady Problems Hackathon - Mexico City
12 Nov - 09:00 AM
Mexico City, Mexico
Entry to AngelHack Social Impact Accelerator
Want to help break down the barriers to female entrepreneurship? Want to help more women enter and succeed in the technology sector? Come and participate in the Lady Problem Global Hackathon Series in Mexico City! Collaborate with like-minded women—and men—in an effort to build creative solutions to realize the potential of the female half of our world population! You'll be asked to hack a solution to one of the following challenges: Health: Help women access health resources to ensure that they can have successful careers, regardless of whether or not they choose to have children. Safety: Help ensure that women can be safe when they go to, are at, and come home from work. Economic Empowerment: Help women gain financial literacy and access the resources they need to grow their businesses. Culture: Help women access better mentorship and feel less isolated in the workplace. Go to our hackathon tips pagefor participation advice!
Hackathon BBVA Bancomer by Hackers and Founders
28 Oct - 04:30 PM
Mexico City, Mexico
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria invites you to join them in a 36 hour hackathon in which competitors will be challenged to disrupt how banking is currently run, with the best projects receiving big cash prizes! 100% of participation fees will be donated to non-profit organizations whose mission is to increase the penetration of Internet and technology entrepreneurship in Mexico. Create a team and show your innovations in topics like biometrics, Blockchain, cybersecurity, and Big Data.
Taller SAP - SAP Build on HCP (HANA Cloud Platform) por: Fernando Sánchez y Jonathan Aguilar / Hackathon BBVA Bancomer by Hackers and Founders
28 Oct - 04:00 PM
Ciudad de México, Mexico
“Dame seis horas para cortar un árbol y pasaré las primeras cuatro afilando el hacha” ― Abraham Lincoln No te pierdas este taller sobre desarrollo ágil para no programadores con HCP (Hana Cloud Platform) que impartirán Fernando Sánchez y Jonathan Aguilar del equipo de servicios financieros de SAP en México, abierto para todos. Preparate para tu participación en el Hackathon, así como en los retos que tendremos disponibles y aumenta tus posibilidades de ganar. No olvides llevar tu laptop y algo para tomar apuntes. 
    WeCanCode Hackathon México 2016
    23 Sep - 03:30 PM
    Ensenada, Mexico
    The WeCanCode 2016 hackathon represents the third installment of the WeCanCode series, where over a hundred hackers will converge along with some of the nations largest developers and tech organizations to create new technologies and applications.. In addition, WeCanCode will once again have lab Hardware provided by MLH which competitors can use to expand ideas and produce a more ambitious project.
    19 Sep - 12:00 PM
    San Nicolás de los Garza, Mexico
    Members of the Faculty of Architecture at the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon—students, teachers or researchers! Do you have ideas for apps that can help improve the community of the Faculty of Architecture? Come and participate in the Hackathon for FARQ and collaborate to make your ideas become reality.
    09 Sep - 11:00 AM
    Monterrey, Mexico
    Student hackers! Come and join students from the University TecMilenio in their first TecmiHacks hackathon. Free topic! Open to students of all universities. Food, caffeine, and a lot of code.
    Cloud-app-hackathon - Guadalajara, México
    09 Sep - 08:00 AM
    Zapopan, Mexico
    Developer? DevOps? Designer? Ever had a great idea for an app that would solve a global problem? Do you have a great proposal for a software project and don't have anyone to help you bring it to life? Haven't been able to work on your idea for lack of time or resources? All are welcome to participate in the Cloud-App-Hackathon. This Hackathon is for all those eager to learn, meet people and solve real problems of global impact through cloud applications.
    Ultra-Hackathon Campuslink 2016: Ciudad Juárez
    08 Sep - 07:00 AM
    Ciudad Juárez, Mexico
    Collaborate with like-minded people with the intention of solving a problem creatively. Form your team and participate along with hundreds of enthusiasts in 2016 CampusLink ULTRA Hackathon.
    Actividades de entrenamiento V - Internet of Things Architecture 101 and Cloud
    27 Aug - 09:00 AM
    Zapopan, Mexico
    Sign-up for training on the Internet of Things (IoT). Be part of the revolution of everyday objects interconnected via the Internet. This hands-on training will teach you the basic components in the architecture of Internet of Things solutions. Here's some of what you'll learn: »The Vision of the Internet of Things »The key components of Internet of Things solutions »How to create a basic IoT proof of concept solution from the Edge to the Cloud »How to define the dev environment required to deploy IoT devices »The available connectivity and protocols to communicate IoT devices with the Cloud »The APIs, Services and Platforms available
    Actividades de entreamiento IV - Desarrollo con NodeJS + Swift
    20 Aug - 09:00 AM
    Zapopan, Mexico
    Come and collaborate to build an app that saves the most popular of internet images. With this application, any user can upload their favorite photos and share them as they chose -- quickly and easily. You'll develop the app using Swift -- one of the most mature OpenStack projects -- one that allows you to store and retrieve objects in a durable, high availability and concurrent manner.