Showing results 21 to 30 out of 75
The Future of High Tech: Towards a Smarter Industry
26 Sep - 01:00 PM
Hengelo, Netherlands
The tickets for the Future of High Tech are sold out! You can only register for the hackathon.
During the StartupFest Europe, The Netherlands will be the epicenter for international startups, scale ups, investors, scientists, corporates and other innovators. Tuesday the 26st of September the next edition of The Future of High Tech ‘Towards a Smarter Industry’ will take place in Twente. During this one-day event we gather the brightest minds in emerging technologies and entrepreneurship. Industry leaders, investors and entrepreneurs are being brought together, facing their challenges.
HighTechXL - Market Research Hackathon
23 Sep - 09:30 AM
Eindhoven, Netherlands
Students in and around Eindhoven! Are you interested in a career in market research? Want to get some real-life experience? Then HighTechXL -- the European hub for high-tech hardware startups -- invites you to participate in a Market Research Hackathon. Come as a team of four -- or join one at the event -- and you'll get to work with an actual fast-developing, high-tech startup. You'll have two days to develop a comprehensive, full-segment market report for the startup’s business growth plan.
Capgemini Automation Hackathon! - Powered by Aruba
22 Sep - 04:00 PM
Utrecht, Netherlands
Capgemini clients in Europe! The Capgemini Applied Innovation Exchange invites you to participate in the 24-hour Capgemini Automation Hackathon! You'll get to collaborate with technical folks from Capgemini and other clients to design and build an innovative automation solution on your choice of one of three themes. You can choose to create a solution for Smart Buildings, a Smart Store, or Real Time Customer Insights. Come and compete for recognition and prizes. Your project will be judged based on Innovation, Relevance, Complexity, and Quality.
Stupid Hackathon Amsterdam 2017
16 Sep - 09:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Come and make something STUPID! You're invited to participate in the second annual Stupid Hackathon in Amsterdam! Come and battle to create a working prototype of some useless idea which creates absolutely no value for anyone. Compete for NO PRIZES in categories including Freemium Decommodification, Blockchainz, Design Like It's 1999, Monetizing Esoteric Languages, Snack Driven Development, or whatever your twisted mind comes up with!
Hack the Road
14 Sep - 07:00 PM
Zandvoort, Netherlands
Interested in self-driving cars? The province of Noord-Holland invites you to sign up to participate in Hack the Road -- the first hackathon to be held at the famous Zandvoort race circuit. Showcase your hacking skills by developing your self-driving vehicle prototype that can be integrated into the existing road infrastructure.
Content Hackathon - Brainstorm a year's worth of content in 2 hours!
06 Sep - 06:30 PM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
As an entrepreneur, blogger or marketer your content builds credibility, trust and business.
While it’s easy to start a blog, it’s hard to keep going and get results. You slip into a ‘blogging rut’, unable to find ideas to produce great content consistently with your busy schedule. That's why you need to shake things up with...
What you can expect:
A fun and enjoyable evening to focus on your content
Brainstorm a whole year's worth of content in 2 hours
Learn to renew and repurpose existing content
Understand content trends & seasonalities
Recieve content creation planning tools, resources & worksheets to take home with you
What others think:"I have no hesitation in saying that this was the most informative and well-delivered workshop I have ever attended" - David
"Coming out of the training I felt empowered to articulate this back into my own processes but also excited about how else I can apply this in my own role!" Stephen
"Vourneen Taylor is extremely knowledgeable and credible in the field of content marketing. The training went beyond the surface into the nuances of the system and delivery that will really provide benefit" - Sadbh
Why come along:
Discover new ways to approach content creation by taking apart the process and putting it back together again. Learn how the buyer’s journey can help you create highly-targeted, quality content that assists your conversion.
Who is it for:
You’re not sure where to start with content or blogging
You find it difficult to know how to plan and create content on a regular basis
You know how to blog, create website pages, emails, and social messages, but you’re not quite sure what all of those pages, emails, and messages should actually be about
Curious, but still not sure..... no problem just contact me for a quick chat!
How can I contact the organizer with any questions?
Email -
Twitter - @vourneent
Live Chat -
What's the refund policy?
100% full refund 1 day prior to event
Eindhoven Maker Faire Hackathon
02 Sep - 11:00 AM
Eindhoven, Netherlands
The Eindhoven Maker Faire Hackathon is the 2017 tantalising challenge to circumvent, target, invent and build solutions for our society of tomorrow.
The city of the future is a Maker City!
What IOT solutions do you propose?
What are smart solutions for society?
How can people participate more?
Prove your ideas right or wrong during this 30-hour super cool gathering of smart, creative and open minded people.
Registration is free and includes food, drinks, coaching, facilities, jury comments, follow-up support.
Prizes are set to reward you and motivate for ground-breaking results, both in money prizes and exclusive products. Actual information on the website.
Register free via this Eventbrite platform, pay the deposit as you like, and enjoy this weekend of creating the future! Participation includes access to the Maker Faire, en lets you talk, collaborate and eat with all makers.
More information about the Eindhoven Maker Faire HERE.
Hope to see you there!
René Paré,program director Eindhoven Maker Faire
MvvmCross HackDay
02 Sep - 09:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
MvvmCross developers around the world! Are you planning to be part of the .NET Summer Hackfest? If so, make sure that you stick around for a MvvmCross Hackathon on the final afternoon of the event. During the Hackfest you'll get to network with like-minded MvvmCross contributors from all over Europe and the world. So come and flex your techie muscles -- show how you'll be challenged to collaborate to build and improve the MvvmCross framework.
World Port Hackathon 2017
01 Sep - 02:30 PM
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Are you interested in the sustainability of sea port systems? Great! You're invited to sign up to participate in the World Port Hackathon 2017--24 hours of hacking for an innovative, safe and sustainable port. It'll be a high energy event, with loads of data, creative thinking, collaboration, inspiration, coding, innovation, and more. Sign up today to be a part of it! Come and collaborate on port industry challenges along one of the following themes: Infrastructure & Assets, Cascading effects in the network of networks, Energy, Logistics & Mobility, Autonomous Shipping, and Data, Documents & Integrity.
01 Sep - 09:30 AM
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Hackers in and around Rotterdam! If you are interested in Music Tech, then you're invited to sign up top participate in Musiceduhack. Come and hack the music! Collaborate with like-minded individuals as you apply technology to new and innovative solutions in the field of creative music.