Showing results 1 to 10 out of 30
PITCH SHOWCASE: Feed the World 2030: Power of Plants Hackathon
03 Dec - 04:30 PM
Christchurch, New Zealand
What is the future of what we eat and grow? Join us at the Feed the World Pitch Showcase & discover the food technology revolution.
Come and experience the innovative solutions developed after just 48 hours of intense focus and effort. The Hackathon teams will share their journeys and vision for the future with you and a live panel of judges. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from passionsate changemakers and network with industry leaders.
About the Hackathon:
Multiple teams, made up of participants from different disciplines will be united in Christchurch on 2 & 3 December to shape the future of what we eat and what we grow. Ideas will be hatched and developed, and the solutions pitched. The teams have been presented with the challenge below:
Food presents some of the most dauntingly complex problems around. No good solution can be designed without a careful understanding of the users and interconnected environmental, farming, processing and supply systems.
From pea and insect proteins to synthetic milks and alternative “meats,” the food technology revolution is well underway. Is New Zealand ready to take part in this food movement? How can we sustainably feed our planet’s rapidly-growing population (8.5 billion by 2030)? How can we innovate to create New Zealand’s future agricultural and food industries? Are plant-based protein solutions part of the answer?
You will need need to register to attend the Pitch Showcase, your Eventbrite registration is your ticket in.
This Eventbrite registration is for the Pitch Showcase event only. To participate in the full weekend (2-3 Dec 2017), you will need to register seperately for the Feed the World 2030: Power of Plants Hackathon.
Getting There
Please park in the Orchard Carpark off Springs Road (gate 3). There will be signage guiding you to the exact location. Take a look at the map re where to park.
If you are travelling by foot, please also come to the Orchard Carpark off Springs Road and follow the signage to the exact location.
Please email if you have any questions.
02 Dec - 04:30 PM
Wellington, New Zealand
What is the future of how we connect Aotearoa's youth to Latin American languages and cultures? Join us at the EduHack Pitch Showcase & discover the possibilities!
Come and experience the innovative solutions developed after just 12 hours of intense focus and effort. The Hackathon teams will share their journeys and vision for the future with you and a live panel of judges. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from passionsate changemakers and network with industry leaders.
About the Hackathon:
Multiple teams, made up of participants from different disciplines will be united at Victoria Universtiy 1 & 2 December to shape the future of Latin American language and culture learning across New Zealand. Ideas will be hatched and developed, and the solutions pitched.
The teams will be presented with the challenge below:
The newly formed Latin America CAPE * and Creative HQ have come together to bring you the first-ever Latin American EduHack. Over the hackathon we will explore language and culture learning in our schools and innovate ways to enhance this. Latin America will be an exciting part of New Zealand’s future. Together, we can make this happen. Discover the impact we can make when multiple groups from all areas of our education arena unite.
How can we share the rich cultures of Latin America here in Aotearoa? How can we encourage our young learners to take Spanish for NCEA? How can schools better celebrate, enable and sustain language learning? How can we leverage emerging technologies to introduce unfamiliar regions in world-leading ways? How do we show our youth that learning other languages can translate to rewarding career paths and the brightest futures?
*Latin America Centre of Asia-Pacific Excellence
You will need need to register to attend the Pitch Showcase, your Eventbrite registration is your ticket in.
This Eventbrite registration is for the Pitch Showcase event only. To participate in the full 12 hours, you will need to register seperately for the EduHack: Latin America Hackathon.
Getting There
Parking is very limited around the university. Please make sure you give yourself enough time to park and arrive at the The Hub (3 Kelburn Parade). Wilson Parking has a 24/7 access lot at 216 The Terrace, this is 1km for the Showcase venue. There will be signage to guide you.
If you are travelling by foot, come to 3 Kelburn Parade and follow the signage to the exact location.
Please email if you have any questions.
FOOD EVOLUTION Screening - South Island Premiere!
01 Dec - 06:30 PM
Christchurch, New Zealand
To kick off the Feed the World 2030: Power of Plants Hackathon, we are bringing you the South Island Premiere of FOOD EVOLUTION!
With all the conflict and confusion around food, how do we make the best decisions about how we feed ourselves?
Amidst a brutally polarizing debate marked by passion, suspicion and confusion, FOOD EVOLUTION, from Academy Award®-nominated director Scott Hamilton Kennedy (The Garden, Fame High, OT: Our Town), explores the controversy surrounding GMOs and food. Traveling from Hawaiian papaya groves to banana farms in Uganda to the cornfields of Iowa, the film, narrated by esteemed science communicator Neil deGrasse Tyson, wrestles with the emotions and the science driving one of the most heated arguments of our time. In the GMO debate, both pro- and anti- camps claim science is on their side. Who’s right?
Check out the FOOD EVOLUTION trailer
You will need need to register to attend the screening, your Eventbrite registration is your ticket in.
This Eventbrite registration is for the movie screening only. To participate in the full weekend (2-3 Dec 2017), you will need to register seperately for the Feed the World 2030: Power of Plants Hackathon.
Screening Details
Doors open at 6.30pm, with the screening starting at 7.00pm sharp.
There will be an opportunity buy drinks and snacks onsite.
The screening is 90 minutes long.
Getting There
Please park in the Orchard Carpark off Springs Road (gate 3). There will be signage guiding you to the exact location of the screening. Take a look at the map re where to park.
If you are travelling by foot, please also come to the Orchard Carpark off Springs Road and follow the signage to the exact location.
Please email if you have any questions.
Gaming the Digital Curriculum
29 Nov - 06:00 PM
Wellington, New Zealand
Gaming the Digital Curriculum
Start - with “Future Realities VR | AR | IoT Hackathon” @Projectr
Add - two great ideas:
Jim Taylor - “Pop-up Museum” for HoloLens
Marianne Malmstrom - “Sandbox platform for students to create content”
Team up - with three enthusiastic university students
Win - “Future Realities VR | AR | IoT Hackathon”
Develop - prototype @Theta Innovation Lab
Collaborate - with students, aka MiniDevs, @Newlands Intermediate School
Design - game concepts using student-driven ideation
Contribute - 3D scans, courtesy & Theta Innovation Lab
Create - extraordinary model for developers & students to game the digital curriculum
Share - @Projectr, where it all got started
Come meet the developers, teachers and students who are reimagining how we can work together, as a community, to design learning opportunities based on real-world challenges.
Read more:
Future realities hackathon – AR/VR and IoT Hackathon
Innovation lab working with Newlands Intermediate on HoloLens exhibition tech
Developing for HoloLens: Tips, tricks, and technical challenges
Mixed reality for education, exhibition and industry: HoloLens use cases
impactNPO Auckland Charity Hackathon Weekend - November 2017
10 Nov - 06:00 PM
Auckland, New Zealand
Welcome to impactNPO!
We are pleased to announce our 15th event in Auckland at GridAKL, 101 Pakenham Street West, Auckland.
To be part of this amazing weekend, all you need to do is get a ticket from Eventbrite.
The weekend starting on Friday 10th November from 6 pm to 8 pm with networking, charity introductions, and team formation. You will be volunteering your weekend (Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th November from 9 am to 5 pm) where we all will be giving back to the community by providing IT solutions to charities. We will be providing the food and drinks this weekend to keep you well fed and energised!
A big thank you to our amazing partner GridAKL who are sponsoring the venue and Github who are sponsoring the food.
The details of the 4 amazing charities that will be joining us on the Hackathon weekend will be announced soon.
What do I need to bring?
An open mind, a smile and your own computer/laptop. Don’t forget your phone, chargers or any other gadgets that you rely on.
What's in it for me?
First and foremost we aim to help local non-profits. NPOs often have quite a lot of IT challenges. Through this, you may find that you meet new people from different companies or industries, find contacts if you're looking for work, or get to step outside of your comfort zone and learn something new through a weekend project. Or just have a fun weekend working in a team to deliver something that is really useful to the community! Furthermore, all volunteers that have successfully participated and contributed in a team for the entire hackathon will receive a Certificate of Participation for their efforts. Sweet stuff!
What can we expect as results for the NPOs?
This depends on you, your team and the needs of your chosen NPO! We have run many successful weekends, and have helped numerous NPOs with websites, IT infrastructure, design, branding, content as well as general advice. For a list of some of our accomplishments, and the NPOs that we have helped during the past weekends, have a look on our website:
What about catering options?
To help us plan ahead and order food, we would love to know about your dietary requirement so please specify during registration whether you would require normal, vegetarian, or gluten-free option when you register.
How can I contact the organiser with any questions?
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at or drop us a message on Facebook ( or Meetup (
What if I have a change of plans?
Please remember to let us know at least 3 days before the event if you're no longer able to come for the full weekend, as this will allow us to free up the reservation for people on the waiting list.
Look forward to seeing you all there :)
From the impactNPO organising team
10 Nov - 04:00 PM
Nelson, New Zealand
HackNelson is for entrepreneurs, creatives, business people and software developers. It is about solving problems within established primary industry businesses using creativity and technology. is a competition and a learning environment at the same time – you will definitely learn things and you also have the chance of winning prizes.
It's a collaborative team event bringing a large, diverse group of the Nelson region's smartest people together. Local businesses will pitch problems on October 5th for the assembled “brains trust” to solve over the course of an intense, fun-filled 48 hours in November.
HackNelson is a digital innovation weekend focused on unleashing more value from our region's primary industries.
Teams of 5-10 people will work to define a business concept, produce a prototype and promote their solution to a judging panel; all over the course of just 2.5 days. First and second placing teams will be recognised with honour, glory and CASH PRIZES! There will also be individual prizes.
After working all weekend teams will present their concepts and prototypes. Teams are not required to produce a fully implemented solution. Experienced mentors will coach and support each team throughout the weekend by sharing their knowledge.
The real prize will be the connections and mutual opportunity created between smart producers and smart technologists in Nelson/Tasman.
HackNelson is a fantastic opportunity to get yourself in front of stellar businesses in the Nelson Tasman region. Through the event weekend you can showcase your talent to all involved, which could un-lock doors and opportunities for you in the future. In addition you will probably learn more in 2 days at HackNelson than you have in the last 2 months. This event comes with training courses beforehand, mentoring throughout and the chance to learn from others in your team.
What is HackNelson?
This is a big chance for our region’s established primary industry businesses to solve problems and turbo-charge their operations with fresh input from the region’s most motivated technologists, creatives and business people.
The aim is to identify fresh ideas for our regional producers and create prototype solutions to prove the new concepts. Over a weekend, participants will work intensely in teams of 5-10 individuals on solving specific business problems presented by established regional producers.
What is a Hackathon?
A Hackathon is an event bringing people of various backgrounds together around a particular theme to solve business problems. The event usually takes place over a condensed period and at the end, results from the teams involved are then presented to judges so that prizes can be awarded.
A competitive but supportive environment involving people with a variety of skillsets leads to surprisingly innovative and powerful software solutions produced in a very short time. This is a model that is well proven in New Zealand and around the world.
Event Objectives
To connect the widely spread pool of software and digital technology talent in Nelson. To demonstrate the business relevance of new technology to major primary industry players in the region. To provide practical learning and personal development for our regional talent pool. To start building new solutions that can be used by regional producers to save time, money, carbon or lives.
Participant Info
HackNelson is a “roll-up-the-sleeves” innovation event. A chance to spend 48 hours with dozens of smart, passionate people, working in teams to solve practical business problems affecting the Nelson/Tasman region. 10 local businesses will present one problem or opportunity each. Teams of creatives, developers and business people will form and pick which problems they want to work on. Over the course of a weekend the teams will design and prototype a solution (usually software based), hone their understanding of a business opportunity and then present a winning pitch.
This is the inaugural event of its type in Nelson but is modelled off a very successful Datacom event that has run in Auckland for the last six years. The theme for HackNelson 2017 is adding value to our established primary industries. It will be a competitive but supportive environment with senior mentors available throughout to coach participants.
We want you to be in the zone as much as possible during the weekend, so all meals are included! (That's Dinner on the Friday, 3 squares on the Saturday, and Brekkie & Lunch on the Sunday).
Two outcomes of HackNelson will be big increases in our local knowledge around business improvement and technology innovation, as well as new connections and relationships between designers, developers and established businesses.
1st Prize
$2,000 Cheque
2nd Prize
$1,000 Cheque
Best Designer
$200 Prezi Card
Best presenter
Intel NUC PC (RRP $460)
Best coder
Fortinet Gift Pack PLUS Microsoft Azure Credits ($300 Total Value)
What the heck is a hackathon, anyway? A breakfast seminar with Creative HQ
26 Oct - 08:00 AM
Lincoln, New Zealand
Are you considering whether to participate in the Feed the World 2030: Power of Plants Hackathon in Christchurch on the weekend of 2-3 December? Need more information before you decide? Lincoln Hub invites you to attend a breakfast seminar, where you'll learn all you need to know about hackathons. Meet other potential participants and teammates.
impactNPO Auckland Charity Hackathon Weekend - September 2017
01 Sep - 06:00 PM
Auckland, New Zealand
Welcome to impactNPO!
We are pleased to announce our 13th event in Auckland at GridAKL, 101 Pakenham Street West, Auckland.
To be part of this amazing weekend, all you need to do is get a ticket from Eventbrite.
The weekend starting on Friday 1st September from 6 pm to 8 pm with networking, charity introductions, and team formation. You will be volunteering your weekend (Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd September from 9 am to 5 pm) where we all will be giving back to the community by providing IT solutions to charities. We will be providing the food and drinks this weekend to keep you well fed and energised!
A big thank you to our GridAKL who are sponsoring the venue and Suncorp New Zealand who are sponsoring the food.
The 4 amazing charities that will be joining us on the Hackathon weekend are:
- She#, She# 's vision is to see gender stereotyping in the technology sector broken down, and to see girls and young women making educated, unbiased decisions about their future career paths. They wish to see industry and academia thrive with balanced gender distribution reflective of societal demographics.
She# is seeking help from the ImpactNPO community to further develop and utilise digital means to better engage with their target community. They would like to improve their website and create an online store to purchase She# merchandise. They also wish to create a newsletter template, redesign branding, and setting up a proprietary email system.
- Social Enterprise Auckland is a collaborative group of social enterprises and their supporters from the sector, business community and both local and central government. SEA aspire to build momentum and connect social enterprises together, illuminate their stories, and amplify investment opportunities.
The team of Social Enterprise Auckland is excited to work alongside our amazing volunteers to build an online platform that will function as the home of social enterprise in New Zealand.
- Betterment exist to unite entrepreneurial people and help them grow conscious businesses that respect the follwing creteria: Environmentally Restorative, Socially Responsible, Cruelty Free and Honestly Good. Betterment's vision is to see the world full of conscious compassionate people, impacting life for good.
The social start-up is seeking help from our fantastic volunteers to create a new engaging website.
- The New Zealand Medical Student Association looks to represent, unite and empower New Zealand medical students to reach their overall goal of improving health of New Zealanders.
Due to their limited resources, they are currently struggling to maintain the online solutions and platforms that allow them to reach their community. NZMSA would love the support of the impactNPO community to learn how to use IT solutions to achieve their goals, especially in preparation of their 2018 Conference.
What do I need to bring?
An open mind, a smile and your own computer/laptop. Don’t forget your phone, chargers or any other gadgets that you rely on.
What's in it for me?
First and foremost we aim to help local non-profits. NPOs often have quite a lot of IT challenges. Through this, you may find that you meet new people from different companies or industries, find contacts if you're looking for work, or get to step outside of your comfort zone and learn something new through a weekend project. Or just have a fun weekend working in a team to deliver something that is really useful to the community! Furthermore, all volunteers that have successfully participated and contributed in a team for the entire hackathon will receive a Certificate of Participation for their efforts. Sweet stuff!
What can we expect as results for the NPOs?
This depends on you, your team and the needs of your chosen NPO! We have run many successful weekends, and have helped numerous NPOs with websites, IT infrastructure, design, branding, content as well as general advice. For a list of some of our accomplishments, and the NPOs that we have helped during the past weekends, have a look on our website:
What about catering options?
To help us plan ahead and order food, we would love to know about your dietary requirement so please specify during registration whether you would require normal, vegetarian, or gluten-free option when you register.
How can I contact the organiser with any questions?
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at nicole[at] or drop us a message on Facebook ( or Meetup (
What if I have a change of plans?
Please remember to let us know at least 3 days before the event if you're no longer able to come for the full weekend, as this will allow us to free up the reservation for people on the waiting list.
Look forward to seeing you all there :)
From the impactNPO organising team
impactNPO Wellington Charity Hackathon Weekend - August 2017
11 Aug - 06:00 PM
Wellington, New Zealand
Welcome to impactNPO!
We are pleased to announce our very first Wellington impactNPO event. To be part of this amazing weekend, all you need to do is get a ticket.
The weekend starting on Friday 11th August from 6 pm to 8 pm with networking, charity introductions, and team formation. You will be volunteering your weekend (Saturday 12th August and Sunday 13th August from 9 am to 5 pm) where we all will be giving back to the community by providing IT solutions to charities. We will be providing the food and drinks this weekend to keep you well fed and energised!
A big thank you to our lovely sponsors, emhTrade who are sponsoring the food for the weekend and BizDojo via the Collider Programme, who are sponsoring the venue.
The Charities that will be attending the event are:
Boomerang Bags Wellington, a grassroots, community driven movement tackling plastic pollution at its source. Volunteers from all walks of life get together to make re-useable ‘boomerang bags’ using recycled materials, as a means to provide a sustainable alternative to plastic bags
Fundraising Institute of New Zealand (FINZ), is looking to advance fundraising through industry standards, education and advocacy. Their vision is for New Zealanders to have confidence in the Charity sector and for the Charity sector to realise its mission to help their communities.
Dev2 is a New Zealand group of IT professionals supporting education in the Philippines. Their mission to provide underprivileged youth in the Philippines with programming skills to bring them out of the cycle of poverty.
Pomegranate Kitchen is a Non for Profit in the Community Development, Refugee and Migrant space. Their vision is to provide an improved social and financial outcomes for people from a refugee background.
What do I need to bring?
An open mind, a smile and your own computer/laptop. Don’t forget your phone, chargers or any other gadgets that you rely on.
What's in it for me?
First and foremost we aim to help local non-profits. NPOs often have quite a lot of IT challenges. Through this, you may find that you meet new people from different companies or industries, find contacts if you're looking for work, or get to step outside of your comfort zone and learn something new through a weekend project. Or just have a fun weekend working in a team to deliver something that is really useful to the community! Sweet stuff!
What can we expect as results for the NPOs?
This depends on you, your team and the needs of your chosen NPO! Over the many successful weekends we have run in Auckland, we have helped numerous NPOs with websites, IT infrastructure, design, branding, content as well as general advice. For a list of some of our accomplishments, and the NPOs that we have helped during the past weekends, have a look on our website:
What about catering options?
To help us plan ahead and order food, we would love to know about your dietary requirement so please specify during registration whether you would require normal, vegetarian, or gluten-free option when you register.
How can I contact the organiser with any questions?
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at or drop us a message on Facebook ( or Meetup (
What if I have a change of plans?
Please remember to let us know at least 3 days before the event if you're no longer able to come for the full weekend, as this will allow us to free up the reservation for people on the waiting list.
Look forward to seeing you all there :)
From the impactNPO organising team
GovHack NZ - Whangarei
28 Jul - 06:00 PM
Whangarei, New Zealand
On 28-30 July 2017, GovHack NZ will bring together coders, artists, storytellers, observers, communicators, tertiary students and more, from the private, public, NGO and academic sectors.
While the group of people is diverse, we’re united in a single purpose – coming together in a weekend-long hackathon and working with government data to innovate and create.
- The Orchard - 35 Walton Street, Whangarei.
Times: - Friday 6pm - 10:30pm - Saturday 9am - 10:30pm - Sunday 9am - 6pm.
For more details, and to read our code of conduct, please visit