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Nordic VR Hackathon
28 Oct - 06:00 PM
Sandnes, Norway
The Nordic VR Hackathon focuses on bringing together some of the most skilled and intelligent hackers from around Europe to create in the name of virtual reality. If virtual reality is something you are interested in and you feel you have what it takes to compete, then join this community driven event to develop cutting edge hardware and software technologies for full immersion.
CryptoFinance Summit
17 Oct - 06:00 PM
Fornebu, Norway
Today we are upon the dawn of a new financial revolution. Since the launch of the first cryptocurrency Bitcoin 8 years ago, there has been a tremendous development in the underlying Blockchain-technology, and now there are over 700 cryptocurrencies.Ned Scott (U.S), CEO of Steemit Inc, the 5th largest CryptoCurrency, and the leading Blockchain-based Social Media platform is presenting the future of CryptoCurrencies and how new innovative solutions is transforming the world of Finance & Media. BitSpace is hosting a live demonstration showing the inside workings of CryptoFinance. A panel consisting of the leading Nordic banks, financial regulatory consultants, CryptoCurrency authors & investors will look into the challenges and opportunities, and how existing business models and industries are being transformed.Program18.00: Welcome by Manuel Lains, CEO, BitSpace18.05: Future CryptoCurrencies & Social Media, Ned Scott, CEO Steemit. 18.50: Live demonstration: “Inside workings of CryptoFinance”19.10: Fireside Chat: Ned Scott, CEO Steemit & Martin Hauge, CryptoCurrency Investor19.30: Networking Break20.00: Panel with Nordea, FCG, Creandum, Steemit moderated by BitSpace20.45: CryptoFinance Hackathon showcases21.00: Afterparty at the FinTech Factory
Techfugees Hackathon Oslo
14 Oct - 05:00 PM
Oslo, Norway
Are you moved by the plight of refugees in Europe? Come and participate at the Techfugees Conference & Hackathon. If you're a refugee, an asylum seeker, engineer, designer, or social entrepreneur, you'll collaborate to build prototypes of sustainable tech solutions for refugees’ needs. The 3 winning teams will be invited to pitch their solution to a select panel of CTOs, Investors and Government representatives at Oslo Innovation Week.
Hackathon Sørlandet - Web Hacking
19 Feb - 05:00 PM
Grimstad, Norway
An evening web hacking with Chris Dale and co-pilot Torstein Mauseth. If you think you are not experienced enough, relax. You will get all the help you need! The evening begins with approximately 60 minutes of lecture. Here you will go through a short presentation on how to solve tasks and concepts that are important to understand. The meaning behind the Hackathon is to gather like-minded people, to create awareness and expand knowledge.