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Hackathon Fall 2016
28 Oct - 07:00 PM
Karachi, Pakistan
Developers & hackers! Are you ready to rock and roll on mobile? Come and participate in the Fall Hackathon 2016, sponsored—in Karachi, Pakistan—by Scayle. The hackathon's theme is ‘Mobile solutions on cloud services’. You'll get the opportunity to showcase your creativity and mastery of coding, by creating an awesome cloud-based mobile app! If you are a super coder, then you can compete against the best for opportunities to work with and for cutting edge start-ups.
CREforge Hackathon
25 Aug - 05:30 PM
Lahore, Pakistan
test event.
    AngelHack Islamabad 2016
    21 May - 09:00 AM
    Islamabad, Pakistan
    AngelHack is coming to Pakistan with yet another hackathon to prove that anyone can code! No matter what age, race, gender, experience level, you are or have, you are perfectly able to create game changing applications and technologies that have never been imagined before. Creativity and willpower is the only thing that differentiates you. Mind and skill are what conquer all! Your challenge is simple. Build a technology that will have a positive impact on the world, people, or environment.
    Hack Karachi
    05 Mar - 11:00 AM
    Karachi, Pakistan
    This is a hackathon organized rganised by the British Council, HackManchester, Manchester Digital Laboratory (MadLab), T2F, and Code for Pakistan, for Karachiites to come together and think creatively to address issues in Karachi's society using design and technology. The event will be focused around researching, collaborating in a team to determine solutions for various problems, rather than prototyping products. Alongside your team, a product mentor will be available to help develop your ideas into solutions. At the end of the day, you’ll pitch your idea to a panel of judges.