Sowing results 6 out of 6
Dev Hacks
21 Nov - 09:00 AM
Bucharest, Romania
This Hackathon wants invite all developers who are strong at software or hardware to come and transform the local reality on Health & Fitness, Education or Smart City. You will be divided in teams of 3-5 members but you can also sign up individually and we will assign you to a team based on the skills that you possess.
SECURITHON - sunt asteptati: designeri, developeri (si frontend), testeri
14 Nov - 09:00 AM
București, Romania
Pasionat de Programare ? Alatura-te primului Hackathon pe teme de securitate din Romania! Avira premiaza cele mai bune aplicatii de securitate in cadrul unui maraton de programare de 24 de ore, pe 14-15 noiembrie la Connect Hub, in Bucuresti.    Ce vei dezvolta? Aplicatii care asigura navigarea in siguranta pe Internet astfel: •Protejeaza identitatea si confidentialitatea utilizatorului •Protejeaza utilizatorul impotriva instalarii aplicatiilor nedorite (download installere, download pachete software care instaleaza si alte aplicatii pe langa aplicatia dorita) •Protejeaza impotriva siteurilor de phishing / emailurilor de phishing  •Asigura navigarea in siguranta a copiilor pe internet •Protejeaza impotriva aplicatiilor Facebook de tipul malware (care posteaza in numele tau, fara acordul tau, etc) •Protejeaza informatiile din telefon (poze, mesaje, parole, etc) •Monitorizeaza traficul de internet inregistrat pe telefonul mobil •Asigura Secure Mobile banking •Asigura criptarea comunicatiilor pe device-urile mobile   Este acceptata orice aplicatie desktop, mobile, extensie de browser, aplicatie web, dezvoltata in orice limbaj de programare (C, C++, .Net, C#, Java, PHP, Javascript, Python), care ajuta la rezolvarea sau identificarea uneia din problemele de mai sus si nu numai. Orice alta solutie care ajuta utilizatorul de internet sa se simta in siguranta in momentul in care navigheaza, se joaca online, face tranzactii online, foloseste chatul online este de asemenea valida.   Despre eveniment Evenimentul are o structura aparte: timp de 24 de ore, participantii vor sta in fata calculatoarelor, singuri sau in echipe de pana la 4 membri, pentru a dezvolta cele mai interesante aplicatii de securitate. Acestia vor avea la dispozitie cafea, fructe si pizza precum si spatii de relaxare, atmosfera fiind cat se poate de destinsa.   Inregistrarea la eveniment este obligatorie si se face prin intermediul Eventbrite pana pe data de 12 noiembrie 2015. Participarea este gratuita si se face pe baza unei preselectii.   Despre premii Premiile sunt oferite de Avira: 2000 Euro pentru aplicatia castigatoare a locului intai 700 Euro pentru aplicatia clasata pe locul doi bean bags pentru fiecare membru al echipei de pe locul trei.   Criterii de jurizare  Eliminator: Aplicatia trebuie sa functioneze si sa i se poata face un demo la cerere. Originalitate – cat de inovatoare e ideea ta? A mai dezvoltat-o cineva? Utilizabilitate – cat de utila e aplicatia pe care ai dezvoltat-o? Cati oameni ar putea-o folosi? Scalabilitate – cat de scalabila la un numar mare de utilizatori e aplicatia ta? Impact – ce schimba aplicatia ta in modul in care utilizatorii percep securitatea pe internet? Popularitate – cate voturi ale celorlalte echipe are aplicatia ta?   Castigatoare va fi solutia care va intruni un numar maxim de puncte pentru toate criteriile de mai sus insumate. Program eveniment  14 noiembrie, 10:00 - 10:30 - Incepere eveniment si networking Pe data de 14 noiembrie, toti cei admisi la competitie sunt asteptati la Connect Hub, Bulevardul Dacia 99, la etajul 3. 14 noiembrie, 10:30 - 11:00 – Intro si prezentare Organizatorii vor explica participantilor conceptul evenimentului, vor prezenta membrii juriului si mentorii si vor raspunde la intrebarile participantilor.
 14 noiembrie, 11:00 – 12:00 – Sesiunile de mentoring Pentru o ora, bordul de jurati si mentori o sa ajute participantii sa isi defineasca ideile si sa isi formeze echipele. 14 noiembrie, 12:00 – Start Hacking Concurentii vor incepe maratonul de dezvoltare care va dura 24 de ore. 14 noiembrie, 18:00 – Prima sesiune de feedback Pe parcursul Securithon-ului, vor fi doua sesiuni de feedback, prima in ziua intai la orele 18:00 iar cea de-a doua in ziua a doua, la ora 9 dimineata. Pe parcursul acestor sesiuni, o selectie din membrii juriului si mentorii vor petrece pana la 10 minute cu fiecare echipa pentru a le oferi feedback legat de ceea ce au dezvoltat si pentru a le raspunde la intrebari. 15 noiembrie, 12:00 – Stop hacking Pe 15 noiembrie, duminica, dupa 24 de ore de dezvoltare, maratonul de programare se inchide, echipele vor finaliza dezvoltarea si vor pregati codul pentru a-l urca pe Github 15 noiembrie, 12:00-12:30 – Github time Toate echipele isi vor urca codul pe Github, pe un repository creat de organizatori. 12:30-13:00 – Open Demos Timp de 30 de minute, echipele au timp sa mearga la alte echipe, sa vorbeasca cu dezvoltatorii, sa vada demo-uri si sa voteze aplicatiile altor echipe, aplicand sticky notes in zona birourilor echipei pe care o voteaza. 13:00 – Start pitch-uri La orele 13:00 vor incepe pitch-urile, fiecare echipa va avea pana la 3 minute pentru a vorbi despre aplicatie juriului si celorlalti participanti, si 2 minute pentru intrebari. La finalul pitch-urilor, bordul de jurati si mentori va decide care sunt aplicatiile castigatoare.   Inscrie-te acum, locurile sunt limitate!    Cu sprijinul LSAC - Liga studentilor la Automatica si Calculatoare
    HackTM 2015
    06 Nov - 06:30 PM
    Timisoara, Romania
    HackTM is the Timisoara super-sized software & hardware development hackathon aiming to mobilize as many as possible of the local (and visiting) people and organizations active in IT, automotive and generally tech industries. It’s a de-focused hackathon, creating opportunities of creative thinking and action for all those interested in the following tracks: city projects automotive eHealth game development open (free for all, any code that runs) junior league coding   We’ll build the context and atmosphere for about 50 hours of hacking, discontinued or non-stop, with mentoring support,  in a wide open-floor, well positioned and well-fitted venue. Our target is grandious: we aim to bring together about 500 tech passionates. Secondary school, high school and university students, freelancers, employees, hackers and geeks with interest in coding are more than welcome, within a ready-to-start team or individually, with or without their own hacking idea! Organizers will support the lonely participants to form teams prior to or during initial phase of the event. HackTM is organized by a wide group of tech community representatives, reunited by Timisoara Startup Hub and Banat IT.   *The ticket includes participation, food & beverage, branded T-shirt & swag, the chance to win awesome prizes and lots of fun!
      Hackathon in Cluj-Napoca!
      06 Nov - 01:00 PM
      Cluj-Napoca, Romania
      EIT Digital Budapest Associate Partner Group is searching for the best ideas! Join the innovation contest of EIT Digital BPAG and Hackathon-in-a-box at Cluj-Napoca! THE BEST TEAMS WILL BE AWARDED TICKETS TO HOWTOWEB or PIONEERS FESTIVAL 2016! Is yours the next startup success story? Would you step into the miracle world of start-ups? Do you have a good idea? Dare to dream big and go for it! Would you like to realize it but have no partners? Let’s work it out together! Are you an innovator, programmer, designer, marketing specialist or just a daydreamer? Anyway, this is your place! Come to our Hackaton co-organized by Hackathon-in-a-box Creative Idea Factory and EIT Digital Budapest Associate Partner Group and supported by the Babes-Bolyai University and EIT Digital ARISE Europe program in Cluj-Napoca! Date: 6-7 November 2015 Venue: Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Library room Address: Ploiesti street, no. 23, Cluj-Napoca Program: 6 November 2015 (Friday):             12:00                                      arrival and registration 12:30-18:00                           co-creation work followed by a team-building activity 7 November 2015 (Saturday):             10:00                                      work continues together with well-known mentors and investors 16:30                                      projects showcase for the jury Apply now! The official language of the competition is English. EIT Digital Budapest organises four Hackatons in ARISE Europe countries of Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia! The goal of these events is to encourage students to bring their entrepreneur mind-set and make them work in teams, but also to introduce programs of the EIT Digital Master School. We expect early-stage and established start-ups alike! Search for partners, develop your idea! Our themes: Cyber-Physical Systems,  Future Cloud,   Future Networking Solutions,  Health & Wellbeing, Privacy, Security & Trust  Smart Energy Systems, Smart Spaces, Urban Life and Mobility You need to bring only your idea and yourself for these two days! We prepare you to work on your idea in teams, you can taste the start-upper world and to understand the basics of business mentality. During the co-operative work – with the help of experienced mentors – you can add great business potential to your idea, and the final challenge will be to present it in front of a jury of specialists and investors. Take a trial before having a real elevator pitch at a venture capital event! Any idea is welcome! You can come up with anything at the contest from inventions, product and service ideas to mobile apps or games. Apply as early as possible, but latest till 5 November 2015. Come, bring your team as well, and let’s work together with the best Hungarian start-up faces on your ideas! Let’s meet at the Hackathon! More info: Event contact persons: Tamás Turcsán: Bálint Fügi
        Hackaton in Brasov!
        19 Oct - 12:00 AM
        Brasov, Romania
        Hackathon-in-a-box is searching for the best ideas! Join the innovation contest of EIT Digital Budapest Associate Partner Group at Brasov! Is yours the next startup success story? Would you step into the miracle world of start-ups? Do you have a good idea? Dare to dream big and go for it! Would you like to realize it but have no partners? Let’s work it out together! Are you an innovator, programmer, designer, marketing specialist or just a daydreamer? Anyway, this is your place! Come to our Hackaton co-organized by Hackathon-in-a-box Creative Idea Factory and EIT Digital Budapest Associate Partner Group and supported by ALT Brasov and EIT Digital's ARISE Europe program in Brasov! Date: 19-20 October 2015 Venue: Hub Onezero (co-location center of the ALTBrasov cluster) Address: Lunga Str., no. 100 Brasov RO500035 Program: 19 October 2015 (Monday):             12:00                                      arrival and registration 12:30-18:00                            co-creation work followed by a team-building activity 20 October 2015 (Tuesday):             10:00                                      work continues together with well-known mentors and investors 16:30                                      projects showcase for the jury   Apply now! The official language of the competition is English. EIT Digital Budapest organises four Hackatons in ARISE Europe countries of Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia! The goal of these events is to encourage students to bring their entrepreneur mind-set and make them work in teams, but also to introduce programs of the EIT Digital Master School. We expect early-stage and established start-ups alike! Search for partners, develop your idea! Our themes: Cyber-Physical Systems,  Future Cloud,   Future Networking Solutions,  Health & Wellbeing,  Privacy, Security & Trust  Smart Energy Systems, Smart Spaces, Urban Life and Mobility You need to bring only your idea and yourself for these two days! We prepare you to work on your idea in teams, you can taste the start-upper world and to understand the basics of business mentality. During the co-operative work – with the help of experienced mentors – you can add great business potential to your idea, and the final challenge will be to present it in front of a jury of specialists and investors. Take a trial before having a real elevator pitch at a venture capital event! Any idea is welcome! You can come up with anything at the contest from inventions, product and service ideas to mobile apps or games. Apply as early as possible, but latest till 18 October 2015. Come, bring your team as well, and let’s work together with the best Hungarian start-up faces on your ideas!   Let’s meet at the Hackathon! More info:  – more information about EIT Digital – more information about EIT Digital Budapest Associate Partner Group – more information and upcoming events of EIT Digital ARISE Europe programme   Event contact persons: Tamás Turcsán: Bálint Fügi Andra Chitu:
          MeteorJS 2015 WorldWide Hackathon
          10 Oct - 11:00 AM
          București, Romania
          In perioada 10-11 octombrie va avea loc la TechHub Meteor Hackaton 2015 Bucharest. Meteor Hackaton 2015 este un hackaton global, ce are loc in acceasi zi in toata lumea (anul trecut peste 4000 de developeri din 134 de orase au participat la Worldwide Meteor Day). Este o sansa rara de a colabora cu alti utilizatori Meteor si de a construi aplicatii deosebite utilizand Meteor.  Premii Premii vor fi acordate pentru urmatoarele categorii (premiile se acorda la nivel global): Cea mai buna aplicatie  Cele mai bune cinci aplicatii  Cea mai buna aplicatie colaborativa  Cea mai buna aplicatie Meteor & Internet of Things  Cel mai bun joc  Cea mai buna aplicatie cu mai putin de 100 de linii de Javascript (maxim. 80 de caractere pe linie)  Reguli Aplicatiie trebuie dezvoltate utilizand Meteor  Toate aplicatiile trebuie finalizate intr-o perioada de 24 de ore in weekendul 10-11 Octombrie  Echipele pot fi formate din 1- 4 persoane  Poti dezvolta inainte de inceperea hackatonului doar daca acel cod rezultat este pus la dispozitia tuturor sub forma unui package inainte de inceperea hackatonului.  Participantii au toate drepturile asupra codului propriu, insa echipa MDG isi rezerva dreptul de a utiliza aplicatia in materiale promotionale  Pentru a putea fi luate in calcul la premiere, aplicatiile trebuie sa contina:   un repository github cu codul aplicatiei  un video demonstrativ care sa nu depaseasca 1:30s  O lista cu package-urile utilizate in crearea aplicatiei.  Aplicatiile vor fi jurizate in scurt timp dupa weekendul 10-11 Octombrie Inscrierea utilizand formularul  Va asteptam cu drag, in cadrul TechHub Bucharest pentru a construi aplicatii frumoase si interesante. Sa veniti cu laptop la purtator :)