Sowing results 5 out of 5
Eyes on Earth Copernicus Roadshow Bucharest Romania
24 Mar - 09:00 AM
București, Romania
The 'Eyes on Earth' Roadshow lets you explore how satellite information supports scientific understanding, policy making and business operations. Climate & weather, mobility & transport planning, renewables, air quality, fresh water availability and distribution, smart farming, financial risk management and critical infrastructure measurement are all domains where satellite data can add value.
This Roadshow will inspire you about the many applications of space data, let you explore hands on how space data can be applied in your daily life or work environment; and provide you with the tools to act. No or limited knowledge of satellites, satellite data or remote sensing is needed; the Roadshow is FREE TO JOIN and suitable for non-experts.
Informative plenary sessions:
Opening speakers that inform and inspire the audience.
Presentations about Copernicus services and data access by expert organizations such as the European Space Agency.
Interactive break-out sessions:Free of charge for participants.
Interactive training sessions led by experts on Copernicus services and applications for masterclasses. For a group of people, we can offer a session tailored to your organization or domain area of interest.
Technical lectures about the Copernicus services, radar applications and how to find and access the data.
No or limited knowledge of satellites, satellite data or remote sensing is needed; the sessions are suitable for a non-expert audience.
Participants can suggest topics that are of interest (from a research or operational service perspective). Topics suggested to date are: the river Danube and the Black Sea (navigation, marine planning and safety, environment), forestry, agriculture, flooding, earth quakes and inner city pollution.
Work with (international) experts in the field.
Learn about the skills needed for a career in remote sensing but also what opportunities there are for jobs or entrepreneurship.
Expo with information about organisations, products and services such as the Copernicus Data and Information Access Services (DIAS), the Copernicus hackathon, incubator and accelerator.
For people with a limited amount of time, the programme is modular such that parts can be attended individually (for example only the plenary presentations or technical lectures).
#GirlsInAI2020 Romania Hackathon - Timișoara, Romania
07 Mar - 09:00 AM
Timișoara, Romania
Girls and young people from underrepresented communities (LGBTQIA) in Romania—ages 12-18! Are you excited by the promise of artificial intelligence (AI)? Then celebrate International Women's Day by participating in the #GirlsInAI2020 Romania Hackathon.
Come to learn about AI and develop a diverse set of skills including project management, design & coding. You'll also be challenged to design, prototype, and pitch an AI-based product that addresses a real-world problem.
Access practical advice on hackathon participation on the expert tips page!
Agileroo's First Iasi Hackathon for Kids
07 Mar - 09:00 AM
Iași, Romania
On March 7th, Agileroo, in partnership with Facultatea de Automatica si Calculatoare from Universiteatea Tehnica "Gheorghe Asachi" din Iasi, is organizing the first Hackathon for kids grades V- VIII.
All agileroo community - kids, teens and mentors - will be present.
The hackathon contestants are kids grades 5-8, from all schools in Iasi. They will a prototype whcih can be web application, mobile application or just a word document which will describe their ideas about the School of the Future.
We are also looking for teens volunteers - come and join us if you want to help Why volunteer?! Because you will learn many new things about technology, you will be able to meet the agileroo vibrant community and make tons of new friends!
9:00 – Registration
10:00 – What is a hackathon: teams, hacks, pitches
11:00 – Presenting the theme "School of the future" and forming teams
12:00 – Start hacking!
14:00 – Lunch
16:00 – Hacking continues
17:00 – Pitches
18:00 – And the winners are.....
Global Legal Hackathon Romania 2020
06 Mar - 06:30 PM
Bucharest, Romania
Lawyers, developers / IT professionals, entrepreneurs, legal professionals, legal service providers, students in Romania! Hristescu & Associates invites you to take part in the Global Legal Hackathon Romania 2020 -- part of the largest Legal Hackathon in the world!
You'll get to join a team and develop a prototype app or service solution that will help increase equity, diversity, and inclusion in the legal industry.
Come collaborate and compete in #GLH2020 | Romania! Your team could be chosen to represent Romania in the virtual semi-finals and compete to go forward to the grand final in May. Last year, Legal Shapers – the winner of the GLH Romania event -- was one of the grand prize winners in the New York City finals
Restaurant of Tomorrow - Coding Challenge
31 Jan - 06:00 PM
Voluntari, Romania
Romanian software developers and designers! You're invited to participate in a coding challenge where you'll design and prototype a digital solution for the restaurant of tomorrow. You'll be challenged to:
Build a customizable Self Ordering Kiosk Menu Designer,
Create an image recognition algorithm to detect “features” or “signatures”, and
Build a people queue analytics solution based on real-time CCTV camera images.
Be prepared for the Restaurant of Tomorrow - Coding Challenge with the best hackathon advice from the tips page!