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DesCon 2017
30 Sep - 10:00 AM
Beograd, Serbia
DesCon 2017 is the third annual “Internet of Things/Shit” hackathon. The 2017 theme is how technology is used to create, gather and analyse ecological data in our offline and online environments and build tools and devices to monitor and alert us when dramatic changes take place. Workshops will use available open data, from regional hydro-meteorological institutions and office of national statistics finding causes and correlations through time.Additionally it will feature security, cryptography, block-chain and wearable art. It is a collaborative multidisciplinary event – aimed at developers and creatives in South East Europe but featuring internationally recognized leaders and speakersIt is free to attend and the seats will be allocated on the first experts. Registration is free on a first come first served registration basis.
    HackerNest Nis January Tech Social
    31 Jan - 07:00 PM
    Nis, Serbia
    HackerNest Tech Socials are a fun, relaxed way to connect with your local tech community. Atmosphere: chill, friendly, unpretentious, agenda-free (no sales pitch), and brimming with Ultra Smart People.   This month we're talking about - how to launch a startup! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram, like us on Facebook, hi-5 us in person! The typical Tech Social agenda:  - folks arrive, grab drinks, socialize - quick announcements, thank sponsors - back to chatting - head home, exhilarated from great conversations!  SPONSOR: Sponsors make this growing movement possible, so we treasure and build deep, long-term relationships with the companies that endorse us. We're always looking for new friends! Please email VENUE: Tilda We're on the lookout for easy to access offices with space that can fit our audience (standing-room only). Please email if you’d like to host a Tech Social. **** Prilika da se da se kroz druženje upoznate sa novostima iz Niš tech zajednice! Model okupljanja je preuzet od HackerNest-a i karakterističan je po tome što nije previše formalan tj. svodi se na upoznavanje, druženje i razmenu iskustava u radu. Postoji i vrlo kratak formalni deo kojim se započinje određena tema ili deli informacija o nekom bitnom događaju. Program 19:00 Okupljanje i upoznavanje 19:25 Uvod: ukratko o HackerNest-u (ko su organizatori, cilj okupljanja, gde se mogu dobiti dodatne informacije u vezi HN) 19:30 - 20:00 - Launching a startup, Mila Vukojevic 20:15 - 23:59 - Druženje, Truba bar Važno pravilo za druženje i tehničke razgovore No feigning surprise tj. "nema iščuđavanja" (uzeto odavde). Dakle, nema iščuđavanje ni po pitanju tehničkih stvari ("Ne mogu da verujem da ne znaš šta je stek" i slično) niti po pitanju netehničkih stvari ("Nisi čuo za RMS-a?"). Ideja je da IT ljudi od ovih sastanaka imaju korist tako što će da nauče nešto novo i da se osećaju prijatno pa samim tim ne treba da imaju nelagodnost kad treba da priznaju da za nešto nisu čuli ili da nisu sigurni šta je. About Us: HackerNest is an international nonprofit uniting local tech communities through unpretentious Tech Socials and hackathons. We cram lots of smart, accomplished people into a room and get them talking to one another. Our relaxed, down-to-earth events attract a diverse and highly technical membership. Strict 'no-scuzzbag' policy.