Showing results 21 to 30 out of 32
AngelHack Barcelona 2016
21 May - 09:00 AM
Barcelona, Spain
Come sign up for AngelHack’s 9th Global Hackathon Series, where Anyone. Can. Code. More than 250 hackathons. More than 72 cities around the globe. And from all of these events, one thing is clear: Anyone. Can. Code. Age, race, gender, experience level, it doesn’t matter. Passion and dedication is what you need to create apps and technologies that have never been imagined before. Implementation and creativity are what differentiate you. Mind and skill are what conquer all.
THack Mallorca Travel & Hospitality Hackathon
06 May - 06:00 PM
Palma, Spain
This is a hackathon organized to hack for today's travelers. Here's your chance to invent new digital apps to ease their journey. Produced by Tnooz and co-presented by Hotelbeds, THack Mallorca will take place at the University of the Balearic Islands. The weekend offers access to APIs and other technology provided by leading travel technology companies to help you create the best hospitality solutions. Among the API and technology providers are Hotelbeds, with its hotel bedbank, TAB transfers/activities bank and Taxi Time APIs,'s first public launch of its API, Musement's activities API, Rome2Rio's multi-modal transport API and XapiX, which provides software enabling direct connection to e-commerce API endpoints. The hackathon will be organized as two contests. One track will be for students, the other track will be for professional developers both with the focus on disruptiing and innovating in the travel and hospitality industries, with emphasis on mobile applications that enhance traveler experiences. Developers will be offered discount accommodations by Hotelbeds on Mallorca or other destinations in Hotelbeds' private-label database of hotels and resorts.
Blueweekend - Hackathon del sector marino
05 May - 06:00 PM
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Blue Weekend is an event focused on solving challenges and the development of technological projects in the marine sector.
Meet for 2 days with 50 people with different profiles, concerns and problem-solving to address challenges in the marine sector, both in the port field, such as sports, fishing, science, etc. with the aim to solve challenges related to the sea. You and your team will have about 48 hours to create prototypes that solve the challenge chosen and present it to other colleagues and jury.
Hackathon: for a Better Driving Experience...
11 Mar - 05:00 PM
Barcelona, Spain
This a is a hackathon organized to innovate the way we use our cars today! We know that car keys can be avoided, and dashboard information can be projected onto windscreens, but new technologies can help improve or even change the interaction between the car user and the vehicle! There will be a powerful tool available on site, the smartphone; new forms of touchless interaction such as NFC, Bluetooth Low Energy, Visible Light Communication, image recognition or gesture recognition. To think and build on these new possibilities, SEAT and ALTRAN have sponsored this hackathon. This creative event includes tutorials on key technologies. A wide range of devices will be available for use, and a car will be provided to validate the solution that is developed. The idea is for participants to form multidisciplinary teams that can cover different areas of technology development in the automotive industry. Teams will be able to work over a weekend on the design and construction of their projects, and expert design, telecommunication, mechanical, electrical and computer engineers will be on hand to provide advice on any issues that may emerge. Projects will be evaluated by a jury in categories of best idea, best implementation, and best project voted by participants.
2nd ECIM APP Challenge Competition
05 Mar - 10:00 AM
Barcelona, Spain
The ECIM Hackathon is an App Challenge Competition aiming to foster the use of the ECIM platform, offering standardized access to different mobility related services through common APIs, into the developers’ and start-ups’ communities.
Hackathon Sanjurjo Badía
27 Feb - 09:00 AM
Vigo, Spain
The hackathon Sanjurjo Badia is a two day event focused on programming hardware for the maritime sectors. There will be several mentors with more than enough knowledge of electronics, Arduino, Udoo, etc. during the hackathon so if you do not know how to program hardware, then this is the best event to learn! There will also be several workshops alongside the hackathon such as for 3D printing, Udoo, initiation of Arduino, etc. There will be a plaza Udoo and a few sensors, motors distributed to all groups. The hardware is unfortunately limited, if you have an idea and want to be able to carry it out, you are encouraged to bring your hardware (Raspberry Pi, Arduino, sensors etc.).
HackForGood - Ciudad Real - 2016
25 Feb - 06:00 PM
Ciudad Real, Spain
HackForGood is a 2 day Hackathon to solve a social challenge and learn from your experience. Programmers, entrepreneurs, graphic designers, sociologists, psychologists, ... are all invited to form teams and develop a prototype or a proposal for an application that will serve the good.
HackForGood 2016 @ Universidad de Alicante
25 Feb - 06:00 PM
Alicante, Spain
HackForGood is a 2 day Hackathon to solve a social challenge and learn from your experience. Programmers, entrepreneurs, graphic designers, sociologists, psychologists, ... are all invited to form teams and develop a prototype or a proposal for an application that will serve the good.
HackForGood 2016
25 Feb - 06:00 PM
Cáceres, Spain
HackForGood is a 2 day Hackathon to solve a social challenge and learn from your experience. Programmers, entrepreneurs, graphic designers, sociologists, psychologists, ... are all invited to form teams and develop a prototype or a proposal for an application that will serve the good.
HackForGood 2016 - León
25 Feb - 06:00 PM
León, Spain
HackForGood is a 2 day Hackathon to solve a social challenge and learn from your experience. Programmers, entrepreneurs, graphic designers, sociologists, psychologists, ... are all invited to form teams and develop a prototype or a proposal for an application that will serve the good.