Showing results 11 to 20 out of 53
04 Nov - 07:00 PM
València, Spain
European fintech and IoT enthusiasts! You're invited to participate in the IOT + BLOCKCHAIN CAMP 2018 in Valencia, Spain. In this 5-day event, you will be challenged to work on prototypes that use Blockchain and IoT technology in order to solve problems and create opportunities for your industry.
Catalonia Drone Camp 2018
22 Oct - 10:14 AM
Sant Pere de Torelló, Spain
The Catalonia DroneCamp 2018 is meant for those who are thinking of releasing new projects related to the Drone Field. The initiative, funded by a European Social Fund through the Generalitat of Catalonia, calls 20 entrepreneurs who want to train in technology, professional drone applications, entrepreneurship and business management.
IoT Workshop and Hackathon with
20 Oct - 11:00 AM
Barcelona, Spain
Are you curious about how IoT development works? Have you been thinking about building an IoT project? Or maybe you're already an experienced hardware hacker looking to take your skills to the next level?
Join for a workshop + hackathon and learn how to build IoT projects using powerful development tools from the web and cloud. We'll use Docker and to write, build & deploy software for Raspberry Pis to control LEDs, take input, read from sensors, and more. We'll share some sample projects to get you started, but what you build is completely up to you!
For this workshop you will be using a Raspberry Pi 3 with a Sense HAT. As an attendee you need to bring a laptop you can develop on, but you'll receive all the IoT hardware required, both to use in the workshop and to keep for yourself afterwards, so you can continue with your projects later.
Will there be food provided?
Yes, we will provide lunch, and plenty of snacks, drinks, and coffee.
Do I need to bring a laptop at the hackathon?
Yes, please bring your own laptop to the hackathon! And don't forget a charger.
Can I bring my own hardware to use at the hackathon?
Definitely! It helps, though, if you check what sort of devices are currently supported on And remember that we'll have hardware kits available for all attendees to use and keep.
How can I prepare myself for the hackathon?
If you're completely new to and/or the Internet of Things, don't worry! We'll go step-by-step through everything you need to get started. However, if you want to make the most of your time and the expertise we'll have on hand, there are a few things you can do beforehand to hit the ground running:
Know the basics of working in a Linux terminal (on Windows 10? Go here first)
Install Git and learn a few basics. We'll use Git to deploy code to your devices
Install Etcher. Etcher will be used to flash your SD card with resinOS
Generate a public SSH key. This is needed to securely git push to
Create a account
Create an application for the Raspberry Pi 3 device type, and download the latest resinOS image. We recommend you download both a .dev and a .prod image to use at the hackathon.
With this list completed, you'll have all the tools you need to dive into the workshops. And you if want to be super prepared, take some time to learn about the technologies you'll be working with:
Beginner's Guide to the Raspberry Pi
Sense HAT projects
How does work?
Are there examples of projects I'll be able to work on?
We've got a handful of projects that have everything you need to deploy to your device without modification. These are great for getting familiar with, and they can serve as a base for your project:
A base application for Sense HAT projects
A simple web server for controlling the Sense HAT with Amazon's Alexa
Snake on the Sense HAT—uses the joystick and built with Node.js
Tunnel game on the Sense HAT—uses the orientation sensors and built with Python
A Sense HAT binary clock
There's also a couple of libraries to make developing with the Sense HAT easier:
Python library
NodeJS library
What's the schedule for the day?
It'll be flexible, but you can expect something like:
10:30am: doors open
11-11:30am: welcome and intro to
11:30am-12:30pm: getting started with
12:30 - 1pm: developing on
1-1:30pm: lunch
1:30-2pm: quick intro to hardware, sense HATS, and sample projects
2-7pm: hardware hacking!
7pm: project show and tell
Code of Conduct
We want to create a friendly and welcoming environment for all hackathon participants. We expect participants to be respectful and thoughtful in their behavior towards one another.
We will not tolerate any harassment based on age, gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, mental or physical disability, appearance, religion, level of knowledge and experience, or any other attribute. We reserve the right to dismiss any attendees who exhibit unwelcome, disruptive, or hostile behavior.
NASA Space Apps Challenge 2018
19 Oct - 07:00 PM
Madrid, Spain
Technologists, scientists, designers, artists, educators, entrepreneurs, developers, and students in Spain! NASA has commissioned the NASA International Space Apps Challenge (ISAC) to get people around the world to collaborate on its mission directives. If you're interested in space travel, then you are invited to sign up for the Madrid edition. You'll be part of a 48-hour global collaborative hackathon focused on space exploration.
Hackathon UX KSchool & BYHOURS
19 Oct - 04:30 PM
Barcelona, Spain
KSchool & BYHOURS celebran su primer Hackathon en Barcelona centrado en el mundo de la Usabilidad y la Experiencia de Usuario
Los amantes de la tecnología y el UX tienen una cita ineludible el próximo día 19 de octubre.
KSchool y la startup española BYHOURS se unen para celebrar su primer Hackathon en Barcelona.
20 participantes competirán de forma individual durante dos días para demostrar todas sus habilidades y poder alzarse con el premio final.
Bajo la temática "UX en el mundo APP" se engloba un completo evento cuyas 2 primeras pistas ya han sido filtradas. El resto serán desveladas el día del concurso.
- Debe ser una nueva idea o funcionalidad de la app
- Los participantes deben entregar una keynote de dicha idea
El ganador del Hackathon obtendrá una plaza totalmente gratuita en la próxima edición del Máster de UX de KSchool, que comenzará el próximo 16 de noviembre en Barcelona.
El Hackathon se desarrollará en el siguiente horario:
Viernes 19 de octubre:
16:30. Llegada a PIER01 y registro en la entrada
17:00 Presentación de los participantes
17:15 Presentación del caso BYHOURS y el reto a solucionar
18:00 Comienza la Hackathon
20:00 Final de la primera jornada
Sábado 20 de octubre:
9:30 Llegada a PIER01
10:00 Inicio segunda jornada
12:00 Presentaciones de las propuestas
13:00 Deliberación
13:30 Anuncio del ganador
Tanto si te gusta el mundo del diseño, la usabilidad, la experiencia de usuario y el desarrollo digital, no puedes perder la oportunidad de participar en este Hackathon.
Pon a prueba tu potencial y disfruta de unas jornadas donde conocerás a profesionales y compañeros con los que compartir el mismo interés.
¡Hazte con tu entrada!
La participación en este Hackathon conlleva la aceptación de las bases legales que puedes encontrar en el siguiente enlace:
HackaTown: IoT Interoperability Hackathon
17 Oct - 02:50 PM
L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain
SymbIoTe and BIG IoT, part of the IoT European Platforms Initiative (IoT-EPI), have partnered to provide this opportunity for IoT enthusiasts and creative application developers to use several interoperable IoT platforms and technologies so as to implement and improve smart services and applications. The hackathon consists of three (3) challenges, two from symbIoTe and one from BIG IoT for a total of 15000 euros in prizes
Hackathon: create a LPWA IoT prototype using the new Wize technology
17 Oct - 09:00 AM
L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain
Want to try the new trendy IoT protocol?
What is it
We organise a one-day hackathon at the IoT Solutions World Congress on the 17th of October, in the Congress area ROOM 5.3 (CC5). The hackathon is meant for people to imagine and create applications using the new Wize technology. During this hackathon people will:
be able to “play” with AllWize devices, namely with the AllWize K1,
create a functional prototype and design a business model,
present at the end of the day their project in a pitch competition.
How to do it
Participants will gather in groups, preferably with different and complementary profiles (technical, communication, business, software, hardware). They will have to create a solution to a problem using our device, the AllWize K1, and sensors that we will provide. This prototype should be functional from both a technical and business point of view. Participants of the winning group of the competition will win a prize.
Who can participate
Anyone that wants to try our new technology can participate! You can be a maker, a developer, a hardware engineer, a business person, a communicator, literally anyone that is curious about Wize :)
What you get
Entrance to the exhibition site
Leonardo Arduino (for paid tickets)
AllWize K1 (for paid tickets)
Some goodies
Our goal is not to make money out of this event nevertheless we need to cover the price for the exhibition and the boards :)
9:00 - 10:00 // Presentation of AllWize and the rules of the hackathon
10:00-10:30 // Coffee break and team up!
10:00 - 13:00 // Each team creates an application made possible with AllWize
13:00 - 14:00 // Lunch break provided by us!
14:00 - 17:00 // Finishing of applications
17:00 - 18:00 // Prepare your pitch!
18:00 - 18:30 // Pitch competition
18:30 - 19:00 // Prize giving & networking
A little more about AllWize (and Wize)
AllWize creates hardware IoT solutions using the new Wize protocol. This protocol is a standard since 2017 but has been successfully used for more than a decade by companies such as Suez and GRDF - meaning that the network infrastructure is sound and already deployed. This new IoT protocol has shown amazing results such as an extremely low battery consumption (up to 20 years in metering) and a very deep radio penetration. These abilities enable new IoT applications that were not possible before! At AllWize we aim at making it possible for companies and makers to use the new Wize protocol for their IoT applications with a simple device.
This event is organised in collaboration with AllWize, the Wize Alliance and is part of Suez Innovation Week.
For more information, please check our website:
SAP Customer Experience LIVE: Hackathon
09 Oct - 08:30 PM
Barcelona, Spain
Official event page for students
About the Hackathon - Connect with Purpose
To foster entrepreneurial spirit, SAP offers students the opportunity to participate in free hackathons and other coding competitions. The goal is to introduce students to cutting-edge SAP® technologies as well as to enhance their IT skills and innovative thinking. During our hackathons, students will get hands-on experience using SAP´s latest technologies as well as support from on-site SAP domain experts and mentors. Within a limited time frame, they will collaborate and co-innovate with fellow students in small teams to develop solutions to real business cases.
SAP Customer Experience Live is SAP´s largest CRM conference worldwide. This year SAP is inviting partners, customers, young professionals, and students for a 24-hour hackathon before the conference, focusing on business ideas in the areas of commerce, marketing, sales, and service.
Join us in developing disruptive cloud business solutions based on SAP Cloud Platform following the microservice approach featured in the newest additions to the SAP Customer Experience product portfolio, such as a solution for sales performance management.
The hackathon goes from 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, October 9, until 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, October 10. That’s 24 hours of coding, running overnight. After that, teams will present their solutions to a panel of judges including business, technology, and industry leaders, who will recognize the best results.
To apply, please register (*) using this page and also send your CV to (**) with a short statement (maximum of 5 sentences) explaining why you should be invited to participate. We will let you know whether your application for the hackathon has been accepted after the registration close. If you are selected to participate, we will send a separate e-mail with further information and details.
(*) If you register in teams (4 to 6 participants), send us an email with the name of each participant that pertains to the team. In all cases it is mandatory for each participant to register individually.
(**) Subject of the email: SAP Customer Experience Live Hackathon: Student (& your Name and Surname)
There is no fee for students to participate in the hackathon and meals are inclusive. You need to cover your travel expenses (flight, ground transportation, hotel, etc.), if applicable.
If you have any questions regarding the hackathon, contact us at
Note: Customers and partners to register via the official event site.
We look forward to seeing you at Valkiria Hub Space, Carrer de Pujades 126, 08005 Barcelona!
The registration period closes on Friday, September 14, 2018.
Hacking 4 Wood - 1er Hackathon forestal
29 Sep - 09:00 AM
Madrid, Spain
Se competirá en modo "Smackdown" entre dos equipos en búsqueda de las mejores soluciones tecnológicas para el sector ferestal.
Habrá a vuestra disposición plataformas de visualización y tratamiento de datos, APIs de datos y mentores dispuestos a ayudaros para resolver el mayor número de retos posibles.
Al final del día habrá un pitch de 5 minutos donde presentar la idea y el estado para cerrar la competición.
1er premio: 900 €
2º premio: 350 €
24 Sep - 01:06 PM
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
CESGAHACK 3 will once again bring together 6 teams from around the world to meet for 5 days, aiming to accelerate their applications.
The goal of this hackathon is to accelerate the execution of applications. If your development team has little or no experience of parallel programming, then CESGAHACK3 is for you.
During the week the event is structured to ensure that the majority of the time is spent working on your own code, with the assistance of expert mentors.