Showing results 31 to 40 out of 65
Tech Race Barcelona
28 Sep - 11:00 AM
Barcelona, Spain
Golden Ticket to Junction 2019 and Slush 2019
Tech Race Europe and Tech Race Finland are series of mini-hackathons aiming to bring like-minded people together and lower the barrier of hackathons.
These events are aimed for everyone, from beginners to the most prominent techies. They are organized all around Europe with the objective to find out what is the best tech city with the most talented people.
In the hackathon the participants will be given a large pool of challenges to solve in teams of 1 to 3: the more difficult the challenge, the more points you collect. No matter your experience level, you will definitely be able to solve some of them but definitely not all. Tech Race has something for everyone!
The button above will take you to the registration typeform for the event!
The hackathon will be from 11:00 am in the morning until 18:00 pm afternoon, there will also be a small afterparty.
We will be realeasing the schedule of the event soon, for that follow us on our social media.
Intagram: @junctionxbarcelona
Facebook: JunctionX Barcelona
Of course the participants can access the event freely!
Here the link to the Junction's official TechRace web page:
Here the link to the Slush website:
Global Travel Hackathon - Barcelona Edition
27 Sep - 07:00 PM
Barcelona, Spain
At, we care. We love the world of travel, but we’re aware of its dark side. That’s why we’re inviting everyone to help us reshape the way we travel to make it smarter, sustainable and accessible for everyone.
Let’s celebrate World Tourism Day by attending and organizing travel hackathons all over the globe on 27 September. We want to bring together engineers, designers, and innovators: providing them with a creative and supportive environment and encouraging their ideas on how to hack travel.
We hope to trigger a global #HackTravel movement that would become a platform for constant improvement in the travel industry. Here are the main topics for this year:
Global Travel Hackathon Barcelona Edition
27 Sep - 06:00 PM
Barcelona, Spain
Global Travel Hackathon 2019
Hack travel and make it smarter, sustainable and accessible for everyone.
Get together with other engineers, designers, travel innovators and help us make travel smarter, responsible and accessible for everyone.
Celebrate World Tourism Day by joining one of the hackathons happening all over the world on 27 September and develop your business idea in 24 hours.
We will prepare the perfect environment for you. Food & drinks and a cool venue is on us. You can be sure that you will be coached by travel industry experts, entrepreneurs, and innovation experts. The rest is up to you!
More info about the whole #HackTravel movement at
The topics for this year:
Do you have an idea about how to make travel more responsible? How to deal with mass tourism? Join us to make travel sustainable and bearable for everyone.
How to make travel better for people with disabilities? How to find well-adapted hotel rooms or accessible restaurants? Or how to make travel smooth for travelers flying with their musical instruments, bikes or surfboards? Accessibility can be perceived from different perspectives, help us find the one which will change the world of travel.
How to find one's travel network? How to connect offline communities? Help us connect the unconnected.
The Global Prize
The winning project of each location will be invited to send a demo for a global round, in which top developers and managers choose the winner of the global prize. This round is 100% remote, more information will be provided soon.
Local Prizes
1st prize
€1,000 of travel vouchers for the winning team
Don't hesitate and register today!
Note: By completing the application form, you'll be added to the list of potential attendees. We'll let you know by 10 September if you were selected as a participant.
To be announced soon
What is a hackathon?
Hackathon is an unorthodox way to solve different kind problems. It is a competition that gathers programmers with different skill sets to work collaboratively, on a software project, which creatively solves various problems on a given topic.
Who’s behind the Global Travel Hackathon?The idea was born at, however, each of the hackathons has a different organiser. Please, consult the web page to see who’s the main organiser of the hackathon you are interested in.
What should I build?The general theme of the Global Travel Hackathon is sustainability, accessibility and community in the world of travel.
In order to participate, do I need to stay for the whole 24 hours?We don't force anyone but we higly recommend that to enjoy the time to the top.
Is there a hashtag? Yes, it’s #HackTravel.
Can I get support to travel to a hackathon?We do not provide travel support to attend a hackathon of your choice. You are free to organize a hackathon in your city by yourself – if you would like to, let us know here.
How big can my team be?From two to four people.
Is there an age limit?Yes, you need to be 18 or older.
Can I get a head start on my hack?To ensure a level playing field for all participants, all code and assets must be created during the hackathon. Failure to comply with this rule may result in the offending team's disqualification. Nevertheless, feel free to make plans, create wireframes, and brainstorm ahead of the event.
Can I use external APIs, services, and SDKs?You are encouraged to use any 3rd party services, APIs, open-source projects, libraries, and frameworks as long as they are publicly available on the web. We offer our public API's that you can find on our B2B platform Tequila, so you can use our resources to take the travel experience to a new level.
Who owns the intellectual property generated during the hackathon?What you create is yours. No one else, including, has the rights to use it outside of the competition.
What if I don't know how to code?You are still welcome! As long as you come willing to learn and ready to contribute ideas, you can contribute to a team. But your team must have at least one developer because you will be evaluated on the technical solution of a demo you deliver in those 24 hours.
What are the demos like?You'll have 180 seconds to pitch your idea and demo to a panel of judges. You'll be provided with AV support, a microphone, and a projector. The specific criteria of the evaluation process will be presented in August 2019. What we know for sure, is that one of the criteria would be the technical solution. Please, make sure that at least one of your team members can code.
Is there any age limit for attendees of the event? Yes, you have to be at least 18 years old on the day of the event.
KeepCoding te invita: Alexa Games Hackathon
21 Sep - 09:30 AM
Madrid, Spain
2da Convocatoria de Acelera España, de la mano de KeepCoding y Amazon Alexa.
#AceleraEspaña es un movimiento ambicioso que busca cambiar paradigmas y romper mitos, demostrando que la programación es para todo aquel que tenga curiosidad y capacidad de trabajo y que España puede convertirse en un país puntero en tecnología.
En esta segunda convocatoria nos centraremos en el mercado de los asistentes virtuales asistidos por voz, el cual se encuentra en pleno crecimiento. Es por eso que te ofrecemos una formación GRATUITA y la posibilidad de participar en un Hackathon, con muchos premios, gracias al patrocinio de Amazon Alexa.
El Alexa Games Hackathon está enfocado en desarrollar una Skill de Alexa en grupo o de manera individual.
¿Cómo puedes participar?
a) Registrarse a través de Eventbrite para formar parte del Hackathon de manera individual o grupos de hasta 4 participantes.
b) Inscríbete totalmente gratis al "Curso de desarrollo de skills en Alexa" y completalo. Es un entrenamiento con todo lo que debes saber para estar a punto ese día.
c) Durante el Hackathon, se deben seguir las pautas que especificarán los organizadores y llevar a cabo en 4 horas el proyecto que se presentará al jurado.
Online: Ver ANEXO I de las Bases y condiciones
¿Quiénes pueden participar?
Estudiantes universitarios mayores de 18 años, cuyos estudios se vinculan al desarrollo computacional.
Desarrolladores de las diferentes áreas del sector: Web, Mobile y Big Data & Machine Learning.
Opcional: Profesionales en la rama de marketing o diseño gráfico.
¿Qué se hará en el Hackathon?Nos centraremos en los juegos, en 3 categorías:
Daily casual games: valoramos que la gente tenga ganas de abrirlos todos los días para jugar menos de 5 minutos.
Choose your own adventure (adventure games): valoraremos que la gente cree juegos de tipo Rol donde tome decisiones en una aventura.
Puzzle solving/Scape the Room: juegos para el ingenio con retos.
¡Hay muchos premios a los grupos ganadores!
Unidades Amazon Echo para repartir entre los participantes.
Suscripciones Gratuitas Anuales para plataforma de Cursos de KeepCoding, para los integrantes del equipo ganador.
Para más información, revisa las bases y condiciones o escríbenos a
¡Te esperamos!
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Never Give Up... KeepCoding.
Preguntas frecuentes
¿Cuál es el entregable buscado? ¿La solución técnica, una presentación formal, ambos? Se busca una skill alexa desplegada mostrando un juego. No da tiempo para hacerla pública y que esté en producción ya que el proceso de certificación tarda unos días pero si, al desplegarla, el jurado puede ver como funciona la skill en ambiente de development
¿Se valora, la implementación técnica, el valor de negocio, ambos? Ambas cosas, la implementación y el engagement que puede tener el juego con los usuarios
¿Cuál es el entregable, valorado. Por ejemplo: “código de la solución técnica en github + producto desplegado y funcionando sobre AWS + presentación en formato PPT”? El entregable número uno es una demo en vivo, si el jurado puede probar el juego en vivo ya tenemos lo mínimo. Se otorgarán puntos adicionales a quién haga una presentación del la skill y también a quien publique el código fuente en github (pero el core es la demo en vivo de la skill)
Alexa Games Hackathon
21 Sep - 09:00 AM
Madrid, Spain
En esta segunda convocatoria de #AceleraEspañanos centraremos en el mercado de los asistentes virtuales asistidos por voz, el cual se encuentra enpleno crecimiento.Es por eso que te ofrecemos una formaciónGRATUITAy la posibilidad de participar en unHackathon,con muchos premios, gracias al patrocinio de Amazon Alexa.
El Alexa Games Hackathon estáenfocado en desarrollar una Skill de Alexa en grupo o de manera individual.
¿Cómo puedes participar?
1) Registrarse a través de Eventbrite para formar parte del Hackathon de manera individual o grupos de hasta 4 participantes.
2)Inscríbetetotalmente gratis al"Curso de desarrollo de skills en Alexa"y completalo.Es un entrenamiento con todo lo que debes saber para estar a punto ese día.
3) Durante el Hackathon, se deben seguir las pautas que especificarán los organizadores y llevar a cabo en 4 horas el proyecto que se presentará al jurado.
¿Qué se hará en el Hackathon?
Nos centraremos en los juegos, en 3 categorías:
Daily casual games: valoramos que la gente tenga ganas de abrirlos todos los días para jugar menos de 5 minutos.
Choose your own adventure (adventure games): valoraremos que la gente cree juegos de tipo Rol donde tomar decisiones en una aventura.
Puzzle solving/Scape the Room: juegos para el ingenio con retos.
¡Hay muchos premios a los grupos ganadores!
IATA Hackathon Madrid NDC OBT track- Developers/designers/creators ONLY (separate link for API providers)
21 Jun - 05:00 PM
Madrid, Spain
Registering to this event means you accepted the Terms and Conditions of the IATA AIR and Cargo Hackathon 2019 in Madrid, Spain available on
The minimum age for participation is 18 year old.
This hackathon promotes gender inclusion.
This registration is for Developers/designers/creators ONLY (separate link exists for API providers and Sponsors)
Please us at for any questions you may have. (
IATA Hackathon Madrid Cargo OneRecord track- Developers/designers/creators ONLY (separate link for API providers)
21 Jun - 05:00 PM
Madrid, Spain
Registering to this event means you accepted the Terms and Conditions of the IATA AIR and Cargo Hackathon 2019 in Madrid, Spain available on
The minimum age for participation is 18 year old.
This hackathon promotes gender inclusion.
This pre-registration is for Developers/designers/creators ONLY (separate link exists for API providers and Sponsors) We are going to assess all registrations and come back to you with an e-mail confirmation.
Please us at for any questions you may have.
Hackea, compite y gana
16 Jun - 11:00 AM
Madrid, Spain
900 euros
Programa tu inteligencia artificial y combate contra las demás para ganar el hackathon.
Demuestranos que mereces uno de nuestros cursos de JS valorado en 900 euros.
07 Jun - 12:00 PM
Madrid, Spain
¿Te interesa el ecosistema Fintech? ¿Tienes un proyecto que puede aportar valor en el mundo API? ¿Te gustaría crear servicios digitales?
Ethereum Madrid's HACKATHON 2019
24 May - 05:30 PM
Madrid, Spain
DApps are meant to solve serious problems, for everyone. Join us to bring the future a bit closer!