Showing results 61 to 65 out of 65
Healthkathon KSchool & The Cocktail
02 Mar - 08:45 AM
Madrid, Spain
El sector digital está de enhorabuena. KSchool y The Cocktail unen fuerzas para celebrar un nuevo Hackathon UX, esta vez con el ámbito sanitario como eje central. El próximo 2 de marzo las oficinas de The Cocktail se convertirán en el ring de una intensa jornada en la que 10 parejas competirán con el objetivo de proclamarse ganadores de esta competición. De la fusión de tecnología, desarrollo y salud nace este Healthkathon, una intensa competición en la que, durante 10 horas, se pondrán a prueba las técnicas, habilidades y conocimientos de los participantes. El premio del Healthkathon serán dos becas para cursar de forma gratuita el Máster de Usabilidad y Experiencia de Usuario de KSchool, una para cada uno de los miembros de la pareja ganadora.  Un jurado de excepción formado por profesionales del UX y responsables de The Cocktail y KSchool será el encargado de valorar los 10 proyectos y la defensa que de ellos hagan sus creadores.  Tres de las claves del proyecto ya se han filtrado: Debe ser un producto responsive con enfoque mobile first Los participantes deben argumentar su trabajo ante el jurado en un máximo de 5 minutos La solución tiene que aportar valor a la temática planteada El resto de los requisitos se desvelerán el día de la competición.  El plazo de inscripción estará abierto hasta el próximo 23 de febrero. Entre todos los inscritos, los responsables de KSchool y The Cocktail seleccionaran a las 10 parejas que participarán en este Healthkathon. El desayuno y la comida corre por nuestra cuenta. La creatividad, el ingenio y el desarrollo, corre por la vuestra. ¿Vas a perder la oportunidad de demostrar tu talento? ¡Únete al Healthkathon! La participación es obligatoriamente por parejas. No se admitirán candidaturas individuales. Los criterios de selección de los participantes responden a la adaptación del perfil a los requisitos de este Hackathon establecidos por KSchool y The Cocktail.  La inscripción al Hackathon de KSchool & The Cocktail conlleva la aceptación de las Bases Legales:
    T-Labs Blockchain Mobility Hackathon Barcelona #TLabsHACK
    23 Feb - 09:00 AM
    Barcelona, Spain
    Hello, fellow hackers! The Blockchain Society together with Telekom Innovation Laboratories (T- Labs) & T-Systems Spain presents a 32-hour Mobility & Blockchain Hackathon and Learnathon to learn and develop blockchain solutions. This is the third T-Labs Hack Session, with the first one taking place in Seattle and the second one in Berlin, this one is happening in Barcelona, Spain! What is the #T-LabsHACK you may ask? Well, with the increasing popularity of blockchain technologyin the industry today, there comes a desire to always be ahead of the curve; with this event, we willbring you up to speed on some of the hottest tech to hit the blockchain space, which you can thenuse directly in your Hackathon projects to win great prizes! The hackathon will focus on blockchain and mobility, and how DLT will transform how we view transportation   The hackathon Cash prizes may be paid in Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin or Ethereum), or another cash equivalent. (e.g. Amazon Gift Certificates). A Learnathon will also be included with a workshop that will introduce hashstaX. To get someimpressions about the work of the Blockchain team at T-Labs and learn more about haststaX checkout this video. The hackathon will be held at Valkiria, Carrer de Pujades, 126, 08005 Barcelona, Spain. The amount charged for the hackathon is to encourage attendees to show up on the day of theevent. This amount can be refunded on request once you are at the event. See more details on DevPost. There will be €6,000 in prizes! Teams: We suggest teams of no more than 4-5 individuals. You can organize teams prior to the event, andwe will be helping teams coordinate team formation on the day of. Rules: We know some rules are meant to be broken, but you should probably (definitely) stick by these 1. Fresh Code - We all start coding at the same time. It’s cool to work on designs beforehand, digitalmockups, open source frameworks, and anything else available to everyone, but keep things withinfair limits. 2. Code Review - Winning teams may be subject to a code-review at some point following the eventor immediately before winning. This is to ensure that all code used is in fact fresh. 3. Ownership and IP - You own your IP and whatever you create. Simple as that. 4. Team Size - No more than four people. 5. Submissions - You’ll receive an email with instructions on how to do just that. More informationwill be given at the event. 6. Demos - You’ll demo the functionality of your project and talk through your idea. You’ll receive anemail with instructions on how to do just that, more information will be given at the event. Judging:The Hackathon projects will be judged based on the following criteria: Technical Deployment - 25% Consumer Centric - 25% Usefulness - 25% Innovation - 25% Judges Include:John Calian is a Senior Vice President at Deutsche Telekom AG and Head of the Telekom InnovationLaboratories (T-Labs) in Berlin, a group of over 300 experts & scientists (+ entrepreneurs) from avariety of disciplines, from more than 25 nations all working together at T-Labs. Additionally, John co-founded and leads all product development for the T-Labs Blockchain Group, a team dedicated todecentralization research and development. In this dual role, John is responsible for developing andleading innovation topics, including blockchain strategies and initiatives, machine learning techniquesand customer experiences, for Deutsche Telekom and its partners. Prior to joining T-Labs, John heldnumerous technology leadership roles and was the founder and COO of multiple startup softwarefirms in the Seattle area. Mr. Calian holds an MBA in Technology Management from the University ofWashington. Dr. Alexandra Mikityuk is a 10 year veteran of the telecommunication industry, having held various positions at Deutsche Telekom in Berlin. Dr. Mikityuk received her Diploma in Telecommunication Engineering from the University of Applied Sciences HTW Berlin. In 2010, she concentrated her research and work on secure media distribution and processing topics. In 2013, she joined the Security in Telecommunication research group at TU Berlin, where she received her doctorate (PhD) in embedded security for remote processing. In 2017, Dr. Mikityuk turned her attention towards distributed ledger technology and is currently the Co-Founder and Head of Blockchain Technology for The Blockchain Group, a unit of Deutsche Telekom Innovation Labs (T-Labs). Brian Behlendorf is the Executive Director of Hyperledger Project. Brian was a primary developer of the Apache Web server, the most popular web server software on the Internet, and a founding member of the Apache Software Foundation. He has also served on the board of the Mozilla Foundation since 2003 and the Electronic Frontier Foundation since 2013. He was the founding CTO of CollabNet and CTO of the World Economic Forum. He also put the first ad banner online in 1994 and has been apologizing for it ever since. Alexander Renz has been involved in the Internet of Things (IoT) since its humble beginnings at the MIT Auto-ID Center, where Kevin Ashton coined the term in 1999. He is interested in exploring applications and new business models in IoT and the machine-to-machine economy. He is interested in applications across industries, even though his focus over the last few years has been on the future of mobility including human-centric connected and autonomous vehicles, shared and electric mobility as well as urban mobility and smart cities. Alex is an advisor to the IOTA foundation, a next generation blockchainless architecture based on a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) that promises infinite scalability and zero transaction fees. Michael Schaefer is a Distributed Ledger Architect in the Advance Development Department working in the Economy of Things Project at Robert Bosch. He has a master of science in business informatics and is a technic-enthusiast in new technologies. His current interests are blockchain technologies, concept and the mobility ecosystem of tomorrow. Diamantis Ververis is Distributed Ledger Architect for the advance development of the central Information sector at Robert Bosch GmbH. He is currently working on the Development of prototypical implementations in an interdisciplinary and cross-business-unit project focused on DLT. Event Schedule Saturday, February 23rd9:00 am: Registration & team formation, breakfast9:45 am: Opening remarks from T-Labs10:30 am: Opening remarks from the Blockchain Society10:45 am: Introduction to hashstaX Workshop11:30 am: Lunch12:45 pm: Workshop with Bosch1:45 pm: Presentation from Waves1:55 pm: Hackathon rules, team formation, challenge overview3:15 pm: Start of Hackathon7:00 pm: Dinner Hacking will continue overnight! (Attendees may choose to stay over and hack or go home to sleep) Sunday, February 24th9:00 am: Breakfast12:00 pm: Lunch with judges3:00 pm: Conclusion of Hackathon & submissions on DevPost3:15 pm: Presentations & judging4:30 pm: Winner selection & final remarks by T-Labs4:45 pm: Optional networking6:00 pm: Closure Come out and hack! We are looking forward to seeing you!   Community Partners: TIOTA   Hyperledger   Jolocom   IOTA   WAVES CARNET Barcelona   Moeco Minespider  
      16 Feb - 09:00 AM
      LUGO, Spain
      TÉS UNHA IDEA? A LUG HACK WEEK-END é un HACKATHON (evento creativo) no que poderás:- presentar unha idea- traballar en ideas que presenten outros e che gusten- crear un prototipo- axudar a crear un prototipo- dar unha solución a unha necesidade- colaborar- vivir un proceso creativo Só tés que apuntarte O obxectivo do proxecto AYCH ( AtlanticYouthCreativeHubs) é contribuír a estes desafíos sociais a través do emprendemento xuvenil; por esa razón, convócanse eventos como LUG HACK WEEK- END, onde nacen ideas para deseñar proxectos sociais sobre a coexistencia futura. Vida e Cidade son as accións fundamentais nas que se basea este evento que o convida a pensar, crear e compartir. Reserva a túa praza, enviarémosche un mail de confirmación.  Workshops (poderás elixir dous). ESPÍAS NA REDE SMARTHONE CITY GPS ACTIVO CINE IMPROMERSIVO MONTAXE DE CINE A TÚ MARCA DIXITAL 3D PRINTING PROGRAMA COMPLETO ( aquí ) Contactos: benvida@lugopenfactory ou no teléfono 982 023 078 - 982 804 149 ( L-V polas mañás). (ao rexistrar a túa participación dás o consentemento a que o teu mail sexa compartido co fin de poder crear unha rede de comunicación para o transporte así como o contacto post-evento). Preguntas frecuentes: Existen requisitos de idade mínima para entrar no evento?. O evento está programado para mozos de entre 16 e 30 anos, pero se tes máis podes vir igual. Que opcións de transporte/aparcadoiro teño parta ir e volver do evento?. Se vés de fóra, escríbenos un mail, seguramente che poñeremos en contacto con alguén que veña da túa cidade. No centro temos espazo para aparcar. Que podo levar ao evento?. Aconsellámosche traer o teu computador portátil. Ofrecédesme aloxamento?. Si, ofrecémosche aloxamento e manutención, e non che custará nada.
        Hackathon online: El Código Fuente
        14 Feb - 12:00 PM
        Madrid, Spain
        El Hackathon online que pondrá a prueba tus conocimientos sobre el código fuente.
          EdTech Hack: Innovando en educación
          18 Jan - 09:00 AM
          Madrid, Spain
          Hackathon para buscar la idea y/o el prototipo más innovador para ayudar a la mejora educativa en todos y cada uno de sus posibles ámbitos.