Sowing results 5 out of 5
BIMscript® Online accreditation 2015
14 Dec - 09:00 AM
Stockholm, Sweden
BIMscript® Hackathon organized by BIMobject® will give you access to use BIMscript together with their core developers yo teach you how to master BIMscript & LENA for Rhino. A vast new world of opportunities for content developers and internal mechanical CAD departments to develop their own content for most BIM platforms using a single script. Already after an hour you will be able to see your first intelligent BIM objects come to life out of mechanical CAD data. Take advantage of the opportunity to get accredited to use BIMscript & LENA in real projects; with your own clients and your own projects. You will get a free hidden Project Cloud where you can build your own limited access catalogue.
ULUG hackathon/meetup/träff/maker 15.12
12 Dec - 09:00 AM
Uppsala, Sweden
Lördagen den 12:e december är det dags för ännu en heldag med ULUG mini-hackathon!
Hacka på ditt projekt, hårdvara som mjukvara. Installera en exotisk Linuxvariant, eller bjud med någon som aldrig provat fri mjukvara - Valet är ditt! Detta är ett tillfälle att diskutera teknik och lösningar med den stora samlade kunskapsbasen som finns i ULUG, och ett tillfälle att utbyta erfarenheter med andra medlemmar.
Oavsett om du vill sitta och hacka i gott sällskap, eller jobba i något gemensamt projekt är du varmt välkommen till ULUG mini-hackathon. Vill du bara dricka kaffe och prata med folk utan att ha något direkt projekt går det lika bra!
Vi kör även ett temaspår: Programmera Pong i valfritt språk och miljö. Opengl, ncurses, Go, Python,C, o.s.v. använd vad du vill. Eftersom vi behöver tid att dema innan dagen är slut rekommenderas att du påbörjar ditt projekt innan hacket. Massvis med lösningar finns på nätet, men det är ju ingen match om man inte skapar sin egen version.
Du sätter själv ambitionsnivån på vad du vill göra med denna dag.
Vi börjar kl 09.00 och håller på fram till kl 20.30.
ULUG mini-hackathon arrangeras i samarbete med Studiefrämjandet. Antalet platser är begränsat.
OWASP Göteborg: Security Tapas
20 Oct - 05:30 PM
Göteborg, Sweden
While preparing for OWASP Gothenburg Day we realised we need something that is quite the opposite of a giant all-day event with international speakers. We need a small and cosy down-to-earth session with local speakers. Like a hackathon but with some kind of agenda. Small demonstrations, primers on a subject or technology, a lightning talk or even a small hands on workshop. To make room for a lot of people we keep them short, aiming for 15-20 minutes for presentations with some additional room for workshops.
OWASP will open up the floor, while you, our community, sets the agenda and take place on stage.
Thanks to our sponsor ÅF we'll have a cool venue on the 16th floor and something to eat and drink.
Pls, send us a short title, your suggested time slot size in minutes and whether this is a workshop or not (defined by the fact that participants will require to bring some kind of equipment and will be expected to perform some kind of activity) to OR let us know through the ticket registration form.
You are of course very welcome to attend even if you don't have something to present.
Current line-up (continuously updated)
Going dark
Mattias Jidhage
Mac Hack Backup Attack
Jonas Magazinius
Livepatching the linux kernel
Mikael Falkvidd
An introduction to QubesOS
Fredrik Strömberg
Hands on with wifi security
Anders Rosdahl
OWASP Security Shepherd
Viktor Hedberg
Introduction to Android app security review
Mikael Wecksten
TrustZone, TEE and mobile security
Peter Gullberg
The agenda is still to be defined in detail. Multiple tracks is a possibility.
17:30 Food 18:00 Introduction, OWASP updates and a word from tonights sponsor ÅF 18:10 Let's get going! 22:00 Time to wrap up?
HACKUP_ #1 IBM Bluemix
04 Oct - 10:00 AM
Uppsala, Sweden
HACKUP_ is coming, for it's very first event, to Uppsala on Sunday 4th October.
The day will consist of a hackathon, focused around utilising the full power of the supercompter Watson by IBM. More details on the agenda will be announced here soon.
Anyone registering to enter a team should fill out also ASAP.
Tickets are free, and the event location will be Hyllan in Uppsala. There will be great people, IBM on hand to help out, and winners will be not only lined up to gain some prizes and mentions in the press, but they will also be announced at Uppstart on 15th October.
There will be food (sandwhiches vegetarian and non-vegetarian) on the day for those entering teams, and those not entering teams are welcome to come along and watch also.
Sign up a ticket here to secure your slot, more information is found at
Internet of everything - Afternoon Hack on IOT
01 Oct - 12:00 PM
Stockholm, Sweden
The event is almost sold out! If you have a promocode that´s not longer valid, please email and we will put you on the waiting list.
We are calling for everyone keen on getting their hands on the actual stuff that creates IOT magic. During one afternoon, you will gain plenty of new insights and tons of inspiration to take your business further with IOT.
As an extra treat, you will have the possibility to learn more about the brand new Telia M2M box, which comes with sensors aplenty for you to play with.
Want to learn and think about how your business and your clients can benefit from IOT? Want to play with the building blocks that bring IOT to life? You are welcome to join the fun!
This afternoon’s hackathon is led by some of the greatest contributors to the Stockholm IOT community, Anders Mellbratt and Sune Kaae.