Showing results 21 to 29 out of 29
AI week workshop Building machine learning models
14 May - 05:00 PM
Norrmalm, Sweden
We start out AI week with learning how to build machine learning models from the experts in the field.
In this workshop Mikael Huss and Carl Thomé from Peltarion will show you how to build models that can help you converge for any problem.
AI week is a collaboration to celebrate the promise of AI. For one week, academy and industry, experts and enthusiasts, coders and dreamers come together to shape the future of AI.
We host talks, workshops and Stockholms best AI hackathon.
Here is a list to all the events during AI week.
Stockholm.AI Summit #8
24 Apr - 06:00 PM
Stockholm, Sweden
Starting a company in AI & Health
Check-in: 5:30 - 6:00 pm
This edition of the Stockholm AI Summit will be devoted to startups in AI and health. We will have have speakers with fresh and relevant experience in this area, and of course - as usual - time for mingling and networking!
Hannes Bretschneider (CA), cofounder Deep Genomics
Hannes was one of the cofounders of pioneering Canadian deep learning/genomics company Deep Genomics. He is now focusing on finishing his PhD at the University of Toronto, where he does research on machine learning in biology.
Max Gordon, DeepMed
Max is an orthopedic surgeon, post-doctoral researcher and CEO of the recently founded company DeepMed, which applies deep learning to medical diagnostics. He will talk about starting up the company and discuss less well understood regulatory and other aspects of medical AI companies.
Erik Fredlund, DoubleStrand
Erik has worked in cancer research and bioinformatics as an assistant professor and group leader at Karolinska Institutet, but recently started the data science and bioinformatics consultancy DoubleStrand, which works on many different projects including one on deep learning in immunology.
Moderator: Kajsa Norin, Fyndiq
About Stockholm AI:
Stockholm AI is a non profit organisation serving as an open forum to bring industry professionals and researchers in the Stockholm area together to discuss recent and and future developments. We arrange meetups, hackathons, study groups and other events that cover a wide range of topics from the field of AI, with the aim of making Stockholm a natural centre in the world of machine learning.For more information, visit our website
50 SEK of your ticket goes to the Stockholm.AI non-profit organization (Org number: 802506-7110) making you a member. By being a member you get discounts for future meetups. Of course you can opt out.
Global Azure Bootcamp 2018 - Linköping
21 Apr - 09:00 AM
Linköping, Sweden
Welcome to Global Azure Bootcamp 2018 in Linköping!
Around the world user groups and communities want to learn about Azure and Cloud Computing! On April 21, 2018, all communities will come together once again in the sixth great Global Azure Bootcamp event!
Global Azure Bootcamp 2018 in Linköping will contain both an IT Pro and Dev track with sessions delivered by world-class expertise (6 Microsoft MVP's already confirmed!) throughout the day.
We will also host an Azure IoT hackathon sponsored by Gaia for a limited number of participants during the day. The IoT hackaton is sold out!
Preliminary Agenda
Breakfast and Registration
IoT Hackathon Start
IT-Pro: Azure SQL Database – the cloud awakens - Alexander Arvidsson
Dev: AI - The easy way - Jessica Engström, Windows Development MVP
IT-Pro: How to keep your cloud secure with the latest Azure Features - Igor Andriushchenko
Dev: Building serverless microservices using Azure Functions - Simon Aronsson
Lunch sponsored by Subway
IT-Pro: How to move your schedule tasks to the cloud – an introduction to Azure Automation and OMS - Andreas Selevik
Dev: Script, Code and Azure - Jimmy Engström, Windows Development MVP
IT-Pro: Intune unplugged - How to do unexpected things - Simon Binder
Dev: SQL Server hates you(?) - what the DBAs never told the developers - Alexander Arvidsson
IT-Pro: Protecting cloud identities using Azure AD and EM+S - Stefan Schörling, Enterprise Mobility MVP, Maor "DemoMaster" Bracha, Office 365 MVP
IoT Hackathon wrap-up
Dev/IT-Pro - Ask the Experts
Dev/IT-Pro - Ask the Experts
Cloud beer!
If you are interested in sponsoring Global Azure Bootcamp 2018 in Linköping, please contact
Code Jam Hub at Uppsala University
07 Apr - 12:00 PM
Uppsala, Sweden
Code Jam hackathon by Google – join our hub!
The Uppsala University ACM-W student chapter will be hosting a hub for the Qualification Round of Code Jam, a world-wide programming competition that involves solving a number of algorithmic puzzles. The Qualification Round runs over 27 hours (6th April 0:00 – 8th April 3:00 CET) to allow people from different times zones to participate. Within this time span, our hub will take place on 7th April 12:00-15:30 at the Informationsteknologiskt centrum (ITC), room 4308. Of course it is also possible to work on the exercises outside of the hub if participants feel that they require more time.
Everyone is welcome to take part in the hub and we particularly encourage women and anyone with little or no hackathon experience to join. We aim to provide a friendly environment to make it an interesting and fun learning experience for all and will serve free pizza. Exercises from previous Code Jam contest can be found here. The winner of the World Finals in Toronto, Canada will earn the title of Code Jam Champion and $15,000.
If you would like to participate in our hub, please register here on Eventbrite. Places are limited and will be distributed on a first-come-first-serve basis. In case you have registered but can’t come, please decline your place so that someone from the waiting list can take it. You will need to bring your own computer to the hub.
In case you have any questions, please contact us on facebook or send an email to:
We hope to see you there!
CivicTechGbg Hackathon #1
10 Mar - 10:00 AM
Göteborg, Sweden
Välkommen till Göteborgs nya mötesplats för civic tech-communitiet! Det första hackathonet blir en heldag med spännande projekt, mat, fika och skönt häng.
Stockholm.AI Summit #7
22 Feb - 05:00 PM
Stockholm, Sweden
Applied AI & keeping up with global competition in the area of AI
Check-in: 5 - 5:20 pmClosing Bell for the Nasdaq Exchange and first speaker starts: 5:30 pm
Danica Kragic Jensfeldt, Professor at the School of Computer Science and Communication at the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH.
Title of Talk: Challenges for Sweden in the area of AI
Bio: MSc in Mechanical Engineering from the Technical University of Rijeka, Croatia in 1995 and PhD in Computer Science from KTH in 2001. Visiting researcher at Columbia University, Johns Hopkins University and INRIA Rennes. Director of the Centre for Autonomous Systems. Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences and Young Academy of Sweden. She chaired IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Computer and Robot Vision and served as an IEEE RAS AdCom member. Her research is in the area of robotics, computer vision and machine learning.
Lars Maaløe, Co-founder and CTO at Corti
Title of Talk: “End-to-end medical augmentation from audio”
Bio: Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer at Corti with a background within machine learning research. Lars has mainly focussed his research within unsupervised and semi-supervised learning on images, text and audio.
Mike O’Rourke, Global Head of Machine Intelligence & Data Services at Nasdaq.
Title of talk: "The impact of Machine Intelligence on capital markets"
Bio: Mike O’Rourke has spent 18 years of his two-decade long career in technology at Nasdaq. Now, as Global Head of Machine Intelligence and Data Services, he leads Nasdaq’s machine intelligence development—Nasdaq’s Innovation Lab—that combines proprietary data with advanced analytics and machine learning to improve firms’ trading behaviors and performance. His mission is to create new products, across the company, built through experimentation and iteration.
Wrap-up Panel Discussion: The area of AI in Sweden and the Nordics. How can we keep up with competition and compete globally? (challenges/possibilities/what should be done).
Moderator: Anders Huss, CTO Sana Labs
About Stockholm AI:
Stockholm AI is a non profit organisation serving as an open forum to bring industry professionals and researchers in the Stockholm area together to discuss recent and and future developments. We arrange meetups, hackathons, study groups and other events that cover a wide range of topics from the field of AI, with the aim of making Stockholm a natural centre in the world of machine learning.For more information, visit our website
50 SEK of your ticket goes to the Stockholm.AI non-profit organization (Org number: 802506-7110) making you a member. By being a member you get discounts for future meetups. Of course you can opt out.
Hack2Help Design Sprint Hackathon
02 Feb - 05:30 PM
Stockholm, Sweden
Swedish designers, developers, UX designers, and other techies! Are you interested in how digital solutions can help higher education for students in East Africa? If so, you're invited to participate in the Hack2Help Design Sprint Hackathon. In this one and a half day event, you'll be challenged to design and prototype a solution to a pressing problem, such as how to get more people engaged in supporting students in their education, how to encourage current customer loyalty to the program, and how to increase the number of higher education sponsorships to thousands! Collaborate and compete to create the winning solution, which will be implemented in real life by educational scholarship crowd funder Help to Help.
Global Game Jam Karlshamn '18
26 Jan - 05:00 PM
Karlshamn, Sweden
Gaming enthusiasts in Sweden! You're invited to come and participate in the Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlshamn location of Global Game Jam — the world's largest game jam event, where you can collaborate with like-minded individuals to create awesome new games! You're invited to explore new technology tools and testing your skills by designing, creating and testing your own new game — all in less than 48 hours.
15 Jan - 05:00 PM
Norrmalm, Sweden
Are you curious about the startup-scene and the opportunity to help and get to know some of the hottest startups in Sweden? Then SUP46 is the place to be!
SUP46 is the leading startup hub in the Nordics for fast-growing tech companies. A a competitive advantage is offered through our ecosystem of investors, partners and advisors companies. We have over 50 startup members who have raised a total of $48M during the past year. We’re looking for service-minded and attentive people who would like to gain experience in event preparation. You connect with interesting people in the startup community while being part of cool events such as seminars, hackathons and afterworks for a minimum period of 3 months. In the startup-world it’s all about your drive. If you have it – come find out what we’re all about. We are really looking forward to meeting you and getting to know you.!// SUP46 event team