Showing results 1 to 10 out of 14
MISP Hackathon - Swiss Edition
07 Dec - 09:00 AM
Zürich, Switzerland
Interested in battling malware? The Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg (CIRCL) invites you to sign up and participate in the MISP Hackathon - Swiss Edition. You'll get to network and collaborate with like-minded security professionals. You'll work with MISP (Malware Information Sharing Platform) — a threat sharing platform to stress test that platform's ability to provide a systematic response to computer security threats and incidents. You'll work with MISP's API, taxonomy, website and more to help improve countermeasures used against targeted attacks and to set-up preventive actions.
MobileHack Geneva
19 Nov - 08:00 AM
Carouge, Switzerland
Interested in mobile ecommerce? Come and sign up for MobileHackGeneva! Collaborate and compete with some of the best entrepreneurs in Geneva to create innovative solutions that will help change the future of mobile e-commerce. You'll have the opportunity to create your e-commerce solution from scratch and then kick-start your company, taking advantage of 6 months of free office space and mentoring.
FoodHack Geneva Guest Entrance
29 Oct - 09:00 AM
Carouge, Switzerland
Developers, designers, businesspeople! Are you interested in tackling Switzerland's food waste? Come and participate in the FoodHack Geneva. Join like-minded individuals to collaborate in on the creation of solutions to help reduce the amount of wasted food and food-related emissions. You'll be part of a team that is expected to conceive, build, and present a great solution to tackle food waste. Potential solutions might include:
»Mobile Apps,
»On-Demand Services,
»Online Gaming,
»Concept Stores, or
»Innovative Packaging.
Climathon Zurich 2016
28 Oct - 03:30 PM
Zürich, Switzerland
The Climathon
Climathon is a global 24-hour Hackathon, which will take place simultaneously in more than 50 cities around the world on 28 October 2016.
The word "hack" is used to describe how multiple technologies can be used together in a new and innovative way, which is what we'll be doing during the Climathon Zurich.
Here's an invitation to shape the future of your city! Are you a developer, techie, entrepreneur, student or any other creative spirit? Then come together for 24 hours and create new solutions for local climate change problems with other like-minded people. Experts and mentors will support your team in your solution-finding process, and we have a small hardware makerZspace available for you to tinker. And, the cherry on top, after the Climathon your team can apply to pitch for access to the Climate-KIC Accelerator programme where you can win up to EUR 85'000.
We will provide a great atmosphere and a professional environment to let you prototype as effectively as possible. There will be 24h food & drinks, yoga, inspirational talks, tech support and some sleeping facilities (as if you need it...;)).
The City of Zurich will provide specific challenges related to local energy, food and climate change adaptation problems. These challenges will be published one after another on our website Climathon Zurich. Keep checking for more information.
The 24 hour hack will run from Friday, October 28 to Saturday, October 29 at Impact Hub Zurich, Sihlquai 131, Zurich.
During Friday evening we will offer several workshops about coding, design, hardware and business models.
3.30 pm - check-in @ Photobastei (next door to Colab Impact Hub Zurich)
4:00 pm - Opening Remarks & Challenges explained5:00 pm - Hackathon Begins7:30 pm - Dinner
Saturday8:00 am - Breakfast12:00 pm - Lunch5:00 pm - Hackathon Ends; Hands Down!5:15 pm - Presentations & Demos7:00 pm - Appraisal Ceremony (with prizes for all)
About the Climate-KIC Climathon
You'll be joining many others around the world in cities like Toronto and Shanghai, let's make Zurich stand out!Climate-KIC’s Climathon brings together the challenges of the world’s cities with the people who have the passion and ability to solve them. Participants gather for 24 hours to engage in a climate-related problem solving workshop. City citizens around the world take direct climate action in their own cities by coming up with innovative solutions to local climate change problems.
Last year’s Climathon saw 19 cities around the world take part in the first-ever Climathon challenge in June 2015, check out this story by the Guardian. The Climathon engaged more than 2.6 million people worldwide to take climate action. Visit for an overview of partner organisations and the climate change challenges per city, more cities from around the world will add their challenges in the months ahead. Follow the Climathon on social media via the #Climathon hashtag, and the Climate-KIC channels at and
What can/can't I bring to the event?
Bring your own hardware, gadgets and software to develop and share with others.
Should I come as a team or can I come alone?
You can come as a team or alone. At the beginning of the Hackathon we will do a teambuilding session.
I cannot program, can I still join the event?
Yes you can, we encourage people with various backgrounds to join the event. Innovative solutions to the local climate change problems can take different forms and do not need to include an application.
Do I need to have an idea? Can I apply with an idea?
You can apply with an idea, and you don't need to have one :). Everything will work.
THE Port 2016 Hackathon - Final Presentations CERN
16 Oct - 06:00 PM
Meyrin, Switzerland
Eight disciplinary teams will be presenting their new humanitarian technologies for the benefit of society they created during the THE Port 2016 Hackathon. Groups will be answering difficult questions posed by the ICRC, the UN, Handicap International, and various other organizations. For those interested in the new solutions produced for everything from counterfeit drugs to the inefficiencies of current forensic photos.
Blockchain STORM Geneva
30 Sep - 09:00 AM
Genève, Switzerland
Visit the banking Mecca of Switzerland to learn more about blockchain and discuss ways that this versatile technology can be applied in new areas. Some knowledge is recommended but many topics will be discussed including blockchain in banking, capital markets, regulation, and much more!
Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon 2016
01 Jul - 09:00 AM
Basel, Switzerland
Interested in open cultural data? Sign up to attend and participate at the Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon 2016. This hackathon brings together people with different backgrounds--programmers, researchers, data providers, designers, artists, and others--who are interested in open cultural data. Participants are invited to interact around specific topics, share experiences, and develop concepts and software prototypes.
Hackathon : les archives du Temps
17 Jun - 09:00 AM
Lausanne, Switzerland
Le Temps is organizing a hackathon on for historians, developers, designers, journalists, scientists, and anyone who is interested in exploring the two hundred years of history seen through the daily press of Le Temps. At this event, the numbers of all newspapers prior to the creation of Time will be accessible, that is to say: La Gazette de Lausanne (1798-1998), The Journal de Genève (1826-1998), and Le Nouveau Quotidien (1991-1998).
No prior training is required. Participants will be invited to form groups. The type of project you make is free, You can for example make the home page of the website more engaging to users by presenting a selection of content, inviting exploration of archives through games, to work on innovative interfaces to program the bots able to share content on social media, or to create a work of historical analysis to map the places in the articles, etc. The projects that will reach an advanced level of achievement can be integrated with the permission of their authors, on the current site of the archives: This website is freely accessible, and not commercially exploited. You will have access to archiving of data, flipboards, the required means, and internet.
Hackathon Smartvillages 2016 - Accès, mobilité & services pour les villages
14 May - 08:00 AM
Les Diablerets, Switzerland
This is a hackathon on creating "Smart Cities" organized by Ecovillage. At this event you will develop new applications and tools for villages. The main theme of this edition is "Access, Mobility & services for the villages". So come participate in this event and be part of the design of the connected world of tomorrow!
Hackathon Ecovillages 2016
14 May - 12:00 AM
Les Diablerets, Switzerland
The Ecovillages Hackathon is all about "Smart Cities" and "Smart Villages". To accompany the 5th edition of its annual forum, which will deal with the digital revolution, Ecovillage is organizing this hackathon in order to develop new ICT applications and tools. The central theme of the hackathon is "Access, Mobility & services for the villages'. Setting up a creative space for coworking, networking and brainstorming. Come participate in the design of the connected world of tomorrow!