Showing results 1 to 10 out of 20
Retail in the Era of Digitalization
29 Nov - 02:00 PM
Genève, Switzerland
If you're interested in RetailTech, then BusinessIn invites you to participate in their Retail Trade in the Age of Digitalization event. You'll get to enjoy an agenda packed with information on technical innovations in the retail space, followed by practical workshops where you'll be able to showcase your creativity and skills. Note that the event will be held in French.
Hacking 4 Humanity : empowering refugees with technology
24 Nov - 06:00 PM
Geneva, Switzerland
Developers, designers, engineers, and entrepreneurs -- both women and men! Are you interested in innovations that can help address the global refugee crisis? Girls in Tech - Switzerland invite you to participate in Hacking 4 Humanity: Empowering Refugees with Technology. You'll be challenged to conceive and prototype solutions that can help refugees and bring good to the world!.
European IT Hackathon by Procter & Gamble
24 Nov - 05:00 PM
Petit-Lancy, Switzerland
Swiss techie students or freelancers! If you have a passion for IT and new technologies, then you're invited to participate in the first edition of the European Procter & Gamble IT Hackathon! Showcase your skills and compete to pitch your voice recognition project idea to P&G leaders for a chance to take your idea forward.
Climate FinTech Hack
17 Nov - 09:00 AM
Schlieren, Switzerland
Swiss programmers, designer, hackers, developers, and students! If you're interested in the field of Climate FinTech, then you're invited to participate in the Climate FinTech Hack. You'll be challenged to come up with an innovative financial services solution that supports sustainable development.
Big Data: Techpreneurs for Good **Hackathon**
10 Nov - 06:00 PM
Genève, Switzerland
WANT TO USE BIG DATA TO ACHIEVE THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS? Big Data: Techpreneurs for Good brings together un(der)used Big Data sets of Humanitarian and International Development Organizations (I.O.s) and private organizations with the skills, creativity, and business potential of successful technology-based startups and potential founders of startups. After the great success of the Big Data: Techpreneurs 4 Good launch event on the 7th of June with 7 exceptional speakers and 120+ interested participants, we are now onboarding data providers, challenge proposals and obtaining additional financial and in-kind support for this initiative.   In this hackathon & support program, you will: - Learn of each other’s strengths, weaknesses, challenges and aspirations with regards to Big Data - Ideate new business models that leverage Big Data in an economically viable way - and, if further developed, could potentially impact hundreds of thousands lives in a positive manner worldwide.   For whom is Big Data: Techpreneurs for Good for? Data scientists, coders and innovators (on their own, at IOs, startups or at private businesses) who get a kick of manipulating data sets to uncover trends, facts and nuances that can be used to make the world a better place.   Why is this hackathon different? 1) It will be devoted to humanitarian, social and public interest topics. Interdisciplinary teams of selected participants will work together. 2) Post-support: if the team is interested to continue working on the project, potential work space, support and funding may be available     Agenda: Friday, Nov 10:18h00 - 18h30 check-in18h30 - 19h30 kick-off: welcome, inspirational talk, hackathon structure & meet the teams19h30 - 20h00 apéro  Sat, Nov 11:08h00 - 08h45 breakfast08h45 - 09h00 welcome back09h00 - 12h00 hacking time *12h00 - 13h30 lunch13h30 - 15h30 hacking time *15h30 - 16h00 coffee break16h00 - 17h00 mid-review17h00 - 19h00 hacking time *19h00 - 20h00 dinner20h00 - 23h00 hacking time until closing** Sun, Nov 12:08h00 - 08h45 breakfast08h45 - 09h00 welcome back09h00 - 12h00 hacking time *12h00 - 13h30 lunch13h30 - 16h00 final hacking time!16h00 - 16h30 coffee break16h30 - 18h00 presentation of projects18h00 - 18h15 wrap up18h15 - 19h00 apéro    * several business help desks are available throughout the weekend, to be booked for periods of 30min. Topics include: hacking big data for non-techies, business modeling, sales, marketing, coding, etc ** Possibility to sleep at the Hub, if you choose to do so please bring sleeping bag & everything else you might need Open datasets that you can use: - Kaggle: use the search box to find open datasets on everything from government, health, and science to popular games and dating trends  - Humanitarian Data Exchange: large datasets of humanitarian-related indicators - CERN's Open Datasets: access datasets from the ATLAS Experiment at CERN, based on 100 trillion proton collisions. - CIA World Factbook: information on history, population, economy, government, infrastructure and military of 267 countries. - European Union Open Data Portal: interesting place to explore government-related data, with some visualisation tools built-in  - offers open government data from US, EU, Canada, CKAN, and more - UNICEF: statistics on the situation of women and children worldwide - World Health Organization: data on world hunger, health, and disease statistics - Facebook's graph API: query the huge amount of information that users share with the world - Google's Public Data Explorer: data from world development indicators, OECD, and human development indicators - Amazon Web Services public datasets: Huge resource of public data, including the 1000 Genome Project, an attempt to build the most comprehensive database of human genetic information and NASA ’s database of satellite imagery of Earth   You can also find several other databases on Github. You can find more information on Big Data: Techpreneurs for Good at Impact Hub's website.   This hackathon is co-organized by The Port @ CERN:
    Climathon Zurich
    27 Oct - 03:00 PM
    Zürich, Switzerland
    Become a climate hacker and be part of the 24-hour #Climathon in Zurich on October 27! Solve the climate challenges put forward by the City of Zurich and Energie 360° in the area of food, e-mobility, energy and climate change adaptation. Join the #Climathon Zurich as a developer, entrepreneur, technical expert or student with an existing idea, or simply to work on a new solution with an inspiring team. Experts and mentors will support your team in finding the best solutions to the challenges during the 24 hours. A vibrant atmosphere, energising food and drinks, inspirational workshops and talks, like-minded people, a chill-out and sleep area, as well as many other surprises await you. Sign up for one of the two tracks: TRACK 1: NEW IDEA For developers, students, technical experts or entrepreneurs with or without a precise idea, who want to create new solutions on the day of the Climathon. The best solutions will get the chance to enter the Climate-KIC Greenhouse to get accelerated. TRACK 2: EXISTING START-UP For start-up teams who already developed a product or service that can be adapted to one of the challenges. The best solutions will get the chance to be further developed with the support of the City of Zurich and Energie 360°. Track 1 and Track 2 teams can win start-up training vouchers, get the possibility to present the idea to city officials and will receive various goodies.   CHALLENGES The City of Zurich and Energie 360° are calling for your innovative ideas and solutions to four climate change challenges: 1. Food How can residents of Zurich be motivated and empowered to contribute to an "edible city" by cultivating and harvesting crops, fruits and flowers and/or using wild edible plants from the urban area? The solutions should focus on: Motivating people to do gardening activities that are beneficial for all residents e.g. lease or share a family garden, take part in a community garden, look after wild plants, look after a neighbour’s garden and support elderly people Motivating people to eat and use wild plants 2. Energy How to make energy data more understandable for the user? When we hear energy data, the first thing we think of is technical information - numbers,  units and graphs which no one really understands. How can energy data be used to motivate homeowners and renters to be aware of energy consumption and to save energy in their daily life routine? How can we include energy data into our daily routine in a meaningful way? The solution should focus on: Giving homeowners and renters access to all available energy data of their home in an understandable format Transferring technical information into a user-friendly language that allows users to play with energy data Motivating homeowners and renters to save energy in their daily life Helping homeowners to better understand what climate-friendly heating systems are 3. Climate change adaptation How can residents contribute to climate-friendly city planning? Due to climate change and increasing density of buildings, urban spaces are getting hotter and more crowded. To be able to maintain a high quality of life in the city of Zurich these urban spaces need to stay attractive for the local population, city planning measures should reflect the needs of the inhabitants and be climate resilient.   How can the needs of the local inhabitants and commuters in a district be collected and transferred to the city administration so this information can be used for climate-friendly city planning? Solutions should focus on: Including information to be able to make overheated urban spaces more pleasant (e.g. where to put shading) Integrating available city data and offers about  urban spaces Upgrading the urban spaces to favour pedestrians, cyclists and general recreational uses Finding an attractive way to collect information from the inhabitants (e.g. participation- platforms, etc.) Including a feature for inhabitants to interact with each other and also with city experts 4. E-Mobility How to fit charging into the user’s daily routine, so that the driver does not see e-charging as a constraint? To access e-mobility charging-infrastructure today, users of electric transport only have the option to search for charging infrastructure via websites/ mobile apps, which then display the charging stations on a map. How can we change this way of thinking and make e-mobility charging-infrastructure more attractive and convenient for e-mobility users? Solutions should focus on: What services/entertainment can be offered during the charging time Real-time offerings that are available when the driver needs it. Ideas about interaction or integration into the car on board system SCHEDULE Friday 2:30 pm    Check-in 3:00 pm    Opening and Challenges explained 4:00 pm    Start of Hackathon 7:00 pm    Dinner 9:00 pm    Workshops (e.g. Business Modelling, Coding & App Development) Saturday 0:00 am    Midnight Yoga and Snack 8:00 am    Breakfast 12:00 pm  Lunch 4:00 pm    End of Hackathon 4:15 pm    Jury Presentations 5:30 pm    Festival of Ideas 6:45 pm    Appraisal Ceremony (with prizes for all) FAQs   Who can participate? Start-ups, students, app developers, technical experts and citizens who want to contribute to the sustainable development of Zurich. How do we work on the day?  You can come along with a pre-existing idea and work with a team to develop this during the 24 hours, or can develop an idea with a team which is built on the day. I cannot program, can I still join the event? Yes you can, we encourage people with various backgrounds to join the event. Innovative solutions to the local climate change problems can take different forms and do not need to include an application. What are the follow-up options? The best teams will get the chance to enter the Climate-KIC Greenhouse, receive start-up training vouchers and/or be able to further develop the idea with the support of the City of Zurich (city meeting) or Energie 360° (investor coaching and assessment) . Everyone will be able to participate in a business development workshop a week after the Climathon. How can I contact the organiser with any questions? Please send an email to What shall I do if I cannot or do not want to participate anymore? Please cancel your ticket or send an email to We will keep track of the no shows. Can I come as a guest? Yes you can, please let us know and write an email to
      THE Port 2017 Hackathon - Final Presentations CERN
      08 Oct - 06:00 PM
      Meyrin, Switzerland
      Interdisciplinary teams have been participating in 60-hour THE Port 2017 Hackathon. You are invited to attend the final presentation of participating teams to the judging panel. The teams have been tasked with developing humanitarian technology solutions to challenges including Age Assessment for Migrant Children, Renewable Energy App for Rural Electrification, Waste Management in Refugee Camps, Wearable for Parkinson Development Monitoring, and Cheap Sonic Wobble-Board for Lower-limb Amputees.
      Swiss Legal Tech Conference 2017
      02 Oct - 09:00 AM
      Zürich, Switzerland
      Die Swiss Legal Tech 2017 ist ein dreitägiges Event, das Juristen mit Entwicklern und Designern digitaler Produkte zusammenbringt, um gemeinsam die Rechtsindustrie der Zukunft zu formen. Das Event beginnt am 2. Oktober mit einem 48-stündigen Hackathon; Anwälte und Software Entwickler identifizieren gemeinsam Probleme und suchen nach Lösungen. Begleitet werden sie dabei von ‚Legal Engineers‘, Juristen mit technischem Verständnis. Ideen werden gemeinsam erarbeitet und in einzelnen Teams zu funktionierenden Prototypen umgesetzt. Am 3. Oktober gibt es parallel zum Hackathon ganztägige Workshops, in denen einzelne Probleme näher beleuchtet werden. In ‚Hands-On‘ Workshops werden digitale Lösungsansätze und Business-Modelle vorgestellt. Am 4. Oktober gibt es abschließend die eintägige Konferenz. Bekannte Sprecher aus dem In-und Ausland werden in Kurzvorträgen darlegen, wie die digitale Revolution aus ihrer Sicht das Recht und die Rechtswirklichkeit heute und in der Zukunft verändern werden. Die Gewinner des Hackathons werden ihre Idee und Prototypen den Konferenzteilnehmern vorstellen.
        BrainHack Lausanne 2017 - Let's Hack The Tourism!
        29 Sep - 04:00 PM
        Lausanne, Switzerland
        A Hackathon...?? No ; A BrainHack! For this 2nd edition, let's hack together the Tourism in Lausanne! Come to this event without any project, just your brain, your energy and your smile! You will meet others participants, entrepreneurs, designers, developers, hackers, a bunch of creative people! - By team of 5 people, you will hack the TOURISM to find innovative ideas or solutions - You will have 48 hours to develop a prototype or a concept of your product/service - You will meet others participants, all native hackers! - Unlimited food, drinks, crazy and funny activities, workshops, talks, and more To make this event even crazier...we announce you that IBM will give us their Watson technology for the BrainHack!  By groups of 5 people, you will have to choose an idea and work on it during 48h! The groups will be created during the BrainHack and the ideas found during a brainstorming at the beginning!--> t's not an's a real SHOW! Product Tank  Business & Pitch Workshops Fuck Up Night in the Tourism Yoga & Zumba IBM Talk  And more! (MORE!)Join us for this insane event and warm up your brain!
          Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon 2017
          15 Sep - 10:00 AM
          Écublens, Switzerland
          The open cultural data hackathon brings people with different backgrounds together for two days at the University of Lausanne (Genopode building), where they are invited to interact around specific topics, share experiences, and develop concepts and software prototypes. Typical participants include software programmers, researchers, data providers, designers, artists, and other people interested in open cultural data. There will also be a side programme with a variety of introductory sessions and workshops. Note that the side programme starts already on the afternoon of Thursday, 14 September 2017. Further information about the programme and the open datasets made available for the hackathon can be found at the hackathon website: