Showing results 11 to 20 out of 20
Let’s go to #Hack4Climate
12 Sep - 06:30 PM
Zürich, Switzerland
Most people agree that the ‘blockchain/DLT’ (Digital Ledger Technology) is one of the emerging technologies with the highest potential of worldwide system change. At the same time, most people agree that Climate Change is the defining challenge of our time. Now the question: what happens if you tackle this urgent problem with such a promising technology?
Impact Hub Zürich is co-organizing #Hack4Climate, a 4-day Blockchain hackathon held in parallel to the COP climate conference this November in Bonn. To reach out to the blockchain community around the world, we are organising preparatory events around the world. “Let’s go to Hack4Climate Zurich” is the first of these workshops.
The goal of this workshop is to introduce blockchain enthusiasts to the climate change topic and develop first ideas of applications. This will give the attendees a real edge when applying to be part of the main Hack4Climate in November in Bonn. It will also help you to network with the local blockchain community and allow you to offer your skills for a worthy cause.
To learn more about Hack4Climate, have a look at the factsheet and the participants’ FAQ.
The program
18:30 Doors open
19:00 Start of event
19:10 Introduction to climate change and the Paris Agreement and a demonstration how blockchain is relevant
19:20 Introduction to each of the 5 Hack4Climate challenge areas and corresponding use case examples
19:45 Ideation workshop on each challenge areas (participants will choose from parallel sessions)
21:00 Apéro riche
You will be probably surprised how many of the climate change challenges can be supported using the blockchain technology - we surely were.
We’re looking forward to having some great Zürich teams apply for Bonn – a vital part of Hack4Climate’s success!
Set up Policy Challenges to Accelerate the Implementation of SDG 5
31 Aug - 06:30 PM
Genève, Switzerland
It is our great pleasure to invite you to the kick-off event of the Think Tank Hub’s newest initiative, the SDG Accelerator #PolicyHack. As an important stakeholder in the Geneva ecosystem of actors dedicated to achieving the 2030 Agenda, we hope you will be able to join us and help us setting up policy challenges aiming at accelerating gender equality and women’s empowerment by sharing your ideas and perspectives.
Why the SDG-Accelerator #PolicyHack?
While the world has achieved progress towards gender equality and women’s empowerment under the Millennium Development Goals (including equal access to primary education between girls and boys), women and girls continue to suffer discrimination and violence in every part of the world.
In this regard, as part of the SDG Accelerator #PolicyHack initiative, a hackathon will take place on November 16 to 18, 2017. This hackathon is a two and a half day event aiming at creating a temporary creative and collaborative space space for the development of new ideas for more effective, efficient, and transparent global, national and local policies. Policy experts and professionals, innovators, technologists, designers, scholars, students will meet and discuss challenges around gender inequalities and experience an effective and efficient process that enables them to come up with concrete and innovative solutions to addresses those issues. The project results from a partnership between the Think Tank Hub Geneva, Switzerland's Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) and the Impact Hub Geneva, and aims to accelerate the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
We need you!
Because a good hackathon depends on the quality and the relevance of its challenges, we need your help to set them up! Let us disrupt current policies together and develop new ideas to address gender inequality challenges!
Swiss Security Tools Hackathon
07 Aug - 01:00 PM
Zürich, Switzerland
Come and join SWITCH-CERT in the middle of the summer for a week of creativity, innovation, and coding. The Swiss Security Tools Hackathon is an event to work and colaborate on Internet security tools and techniques and data exchange.
This hackathon is a week long event where people come together to work on colaborative Internet security. There is no attendance fee and no price to win. The goal is to make the life of Internet security professionalls a little easier and the Internet a safer place for its users.
The hackathon is open to everyone from the security community who develops or implements open source security tools. We will have a few tutorials as well, but the main goal is to improve and connect open source tools used by the CERT and security community.
The developers of these tools already have agreed to join:
APWG EcrimeX (remote)
The Secure Domain Foundation (remote)
If you are a developer of a open source security tool and want to join us and give a totorial on how to use your tools, please contat us at
SIDN Labs will give a introduction to entrada on Monday. For those who don't have their own instance of Entrada available, we will provide a entrada instance on the SWITCHengines cloud for the hackathon. If you can bring a pcap file of your DNS traffic!
Mo 7.8: 13:00-18:00 Welcome & Workshops
13:00 - 14:00 Welcome Coffee
14:00 - 15:00 Introduction
15:00 - 16:00 Entrada Introduction by SIDN
16:00 - 17:00 SDF Luminous Introduction by Secure Domain Foundation (remote)
17:00 - 18:00 NodeMCU Workshop by Antoine Neuenschwander (SWITCH)
Tue 8.8: 9:00-17:00 Hackathon
Tue 8.8: 19:00 Social Event
Wed 9.8. 9:00-17:00 Hackathon
Thu 10.8. 9:00-17:00 Hackathon
Fri 11.8. 9:00 - 13:00 Hackathon & Closing Remarks
09:00 - 11:00 Hackathon
11:00 - 12:00 Project Presentations
12:00 - 13:00 Voting for the best project & closing remarks
Open Geneva Hackathons | After Hack
23 Jun - 05:00 PM
Genève, Switzerland
Open Geneva Hackathons After Hack sera l'occasion de revenir sur les événements de mai dernier, de faire un point sur certains projets qui y ont été lancés, de parler de la prochaine édition et d'annoncer divers événements.
Programme :
17h00 : Rapport d'activité Open Geneva Hackathons 2017
17h15 : Accélération des projets développés
17h40 : Open Geneva 2018
17h50 : Evénements futurs
18h00 : Apéro
#truGeneva #Aftertru 2017
20 Jun - 08:30 AM
Carouge, Switzerland
Evenement réservé uniquement aux professionnels des Ressource Humaines
#truGeneva est un événement participatif. Nous sommes convaincus que l’intelligence collective est la clé du succès.
Aucune solution toute faite, juste de l’humain, du partage et de l’échange.
L’événement met l’accent sur la simplicité, la créativité et la convivialité. Il donne la parole à tous et n’impose pas de speakers.
Pas de corporate bullsh*%t, pas de blabla inutile, l’organisation est réduite à sa plus simple expression pour se concentrer sur l’essentiel : la richesse du débat.
#Aftertru, c'est un mini-Hackathon RH, des Startups RHs innovantes qui viendront montrer leur solution et des partages d'expérience RH, des sociétés romandes viendront, sans langues de bois, parler de leurs stratégies.
Les "#TruTicket + Atelier Hackathon" sont limités à 30 places. Avant de vous inscrire, assurez vous bien de pouvoir participer toute l'après midi à cet atelier. Pour plus d'informations sur l'atelier:
Toutes les informations de cette journée sont sur
Hackathon IoT-Week
06 Jun - 08:30 AM
Geneva, Switzerland
IoT for Sustainable Development
Do you have a novel idea for improving yours and others life in a sustainable manner? Does your idea involves IoT technologies?This call is for you! Participate in the Hackathon event during the IoT Week 2017. Propose your idea and develop your applications and services. This year, selected projects will focus on IoT solutions for tackling one or several of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the UN.
Registration for Hackathon is FREEYou must submit a “Project Proposal” not longer than 2 pages, that must indicate :
– Who you are: (teams up to 4 persons, study level, country, university, something else you want to tell us…)– Problem description and SDG targeted– Proposed IoT solution (service, clients, application, sensors, objects, data sources, etc)– Expected impact (business, societal, environmental, etc)– Required infrastructure (hardware, software, service access, etc.)
Proposals must be sent to . Extended Deadline May 24.
Proposals will be evaluated by the Hackathon organization committee, you will receive a notification of acceptance not latest than 2 weeks later. We will select the most promising submitted ideas to be part of the Hackathon event. We guarantee confidentiality of your idea until the event.
More informations about this event can be found here : (rules and schedule)
14 May - 04:00 PM
Genève, Switzerland
* Version francaise en bas
For the third year in a row, the Open Geneva Hackathons will unite researchers, developers and the general public on themes of social and technological importance for International Geneva, Entrepreneurial Geneva, and all the city’s inhabitants. The event is part of the digital strategy of the University of Geneva and benefits from the support of a large number of partners.
This unique festival aims at helping people identify problems and find solutions together over a short period of time. The objective is also help knowledge generation and circulation among institutions and citizen, in order to provide a sustainable future for ideas, and proposed solutions.
The Open Geneva Hackathons end with a public get-together. Results are shared and presented (orally or posters) on Sunday 14 May 2017 ( presentation starts at 16h00, doors open at 15h00) at Campus Biotech. Join us!
Pour la troisième année de suite, les Open Geneva Hackatons réuniront chercheurs, développeurs et grand public autour de thèmes technologiques et sociaux d’intérêt pour la Genève internationale, la Genève entrepreneuriale, la Cité et tous ses acteurs. L’événement s’inscrit dans la stratégie numérique de l’Université de Genève et bénéficie du soutien d’un grand nombre de partenaires.Ce festival unique d’innovations sociales et techniques a pour objectif d’agréger pendant un court moment, les problèmes et leurs solutions, de faire circuler efficacement le savoir généré par les citoyens et les institutions, et de donner un futur aux idées et aux solutions proposées, pour une résolution durable de problèmes.Le festival s'achève par une séance de restitution publique le dimanche 14 mai ( la presentation finale commance a 16h00, les portes ouvres a 15h00) au Campus Biotech. Venez nombreux !
BrainHack Geneva 2017 - Let's Hack The Mobility!
08 Apr - 09:00 AM
Genève, Switzerland
Entrepreneurs, designers, developers, hackers, creative people in and around Geneva! The Shared Brain invites you to signup to participate in BrainHack Geneva 2017 - Let's Hack The Mobility! You'll get to collaborate in a team of up to five like-minded individuals to design and develop a mobility solution. You'll have 36-hours to prototype and present your idea.
UN Influx Hackathon Final Presentations
12 Mar - 04:00 PM
Genève, Switzerland
Are you interested in the use of technology for the global good? You're invited to attend the final presentations for the Geneva branch in a global hackathon related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Participants in the Connect2Effect Global Hackathon have been challenged to become Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) entrepreneurs and work to help to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all by 2030. The winning team will have the chance to demo at the UN headquarters in NYC.
Make Zurich 2017: Hackathon
27 Jan - 05:00 PM
Zürich, Switzerland
Hackers and makers in and around Zurich! The Things Network & Stadt Zürich invite you to participate in the Make Zurich 2017: Hackathon. You'll be work with like-minded individuals and Zurich city administrators to explore ways of solving the problems of the city. You'll be challenged to create solutions to one of the following areas:
»Groundwater meter
»Nightlife noise
»Bicycle commuter
»Bicycle tracking
»Environmental Exploration
»City gardens
»Open Topic