Showing results 11 to 20 out of 51
Working session - réseaux sociaux
09 Nov - 08:30 AM
Lausanne, Switzerland
Sur le modèle des hackathon, la Working Session vous permet d’abattre des tâches que vous avez tendance à repousser, entourée et soutenue par les autres Mampreneurs présentes et une experte. Pour cette première nous avons choisi le thème des publications sur les réseaux sociaux. Venez abattre des kilomètres de boulot ensemble avec nous. Efficacité assuré et temps gagné.
Avec Laurence Zaied experte dans la matière
NEO Blockchain Hackathon - Zurich
03 Nov - 08:30 AM
Zurich, Switzerland
We designed this competition as a way for the community to get together and try to tackle the development side of NEO's complex ecosystem. Participants will be divided into several small teams. All teams will have 32 hours to innovate, design and develop their projects related to the theme. We wish for as many of you to try your hand at this event, we're welcoming people from all areas in the NEO community. If you're a seasoned developer, UI/UX designer, or even an avid NEO investor, please join us in this friendly competition for a chance to win some NEO or GAS!
* Free NEO T-shirts and catering are provided.
Bounty Program!
To encourage more people especially students to actively join this Hackathon, below are extended coding subjects:
NEP (NEO Enhancement Proposals)
NEO 3.0
NEO smart contract ecosystem
Community development of NEO in Switzerland
Any participants will be awarded at least 10 GAS, and no ceiling for the award!
Hackathon Location and Date
Location:Zürich, Switzerland
Date: 2018.11.3 - 2018.11.4
Hackathon Awards
First Prize - 500 NEO (1 team)
Second Prize - 450 GAS (1 team)
Third Prize - 300 GAS (3 teams)
Mystery Prize (It depends on the submitted work)
Hackathon Deadline
6:00 PM, Nov 4th (Local Time)
November 3rd (Saturday)
08:30 Sign up
09:00 Opening ceremony, announce hackathon theme and rules
09:30 Free Team Up
10:00 Start hacking!
12:30 Lunch
November 4th (Sunday)
18:00 Project Submit Due
18:30 Presentations
21:00 Awards Announcement
For detailed rules, you can check: Hackathon Specifications
For more information, you can also join our discord channel:
* The organisers or/ and professionals commisioned by the organisers will be taking photographs, recording video or making audio recordings during the hackathon which might be shared to the public. Should you wish not be photographed or recorded, please inform the organisers.
Kasimir Blaser
Senior Consultant at Swisscom Blockchain AG
He has many years of experience as developer and architect. In the blockchain space he is focusing on public blockchain technologies, smart contract development and testing, Self-Sovereign Identities, auditing protocols and operation of full nodes.
Arno Pernthaler
Leading the Swisscom Blockchain Academy / Senior Consultant for Enterprise Blockchain Advisory
Prior to joining SCB, he was a Digital Strategy consultant at Monitor Deloitte and blockchain consultant at the Deloitte EMEA Blockchain Center of Excellence in Dublin. Arno has written multiple publications on blockchain and holds a Master's degree in Strategy and Entrepreneurship.
Erik Zhang
Founder & Core Developer, NEO
Author of dBFT consensus mechanism, expert on blockchain technology and computer security and a certified information system auditor (CISA)
Fabian Whale
Co-founder of NEX exchange built on the NEO blockchain
As an early contributor to NEO and co-founder of City of Zion, NEO’s largest international developers’ community, Fabian is a highly valued member in the NEO community. He holds a PhD from ETH Zurich and Master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence from Maastricht University.
Guido Rudolphi
Renowned cyber security and cryptography expert
Guido is Chief Information Security Officer for SEBA Crypto AG which is seeking to obtain a Banking and Securities Dealer licence from the Swiss regulator FINMA. He is a Bitcoin pioneer and was running the biggest mining farm in Switzerland.
Dr. Fabian Schär
Professor for Distributed Ledger Technologies (Blockchain) and Fintech at the University of Basel
His research focus is on interdisciplinary analyses of Smart Contracts, asset tokenization and Blockchain applications. He has a PhD in Cryptoassets and Blockchain Technology and co-authored several publications including the bestselling book "Bitcoin, Blockchain and Cryptoassets" and several scientific articles.
Dr. Thomas Bocek
Professor at the Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil
Previously he was the head of P2P and distributed systems at the Communication Systems Group at the University of Zurich. His research focuses on communication systems and networks, especially focusing on peer-to-peer, distributed systems, including Bitcoins and blockchains. He has authored or co-authored more than 100 publications.
Peter Lin
Director of R&D NEO Global Development (NGD)
One of the early NEO developers.
NEO Global Development (NGD)
NEO Global Development (NGD) is an organization that was founded by the NEO Foundation (NF) in March of 2018. Its purpose is to focus on the execution of NF strategies surrounding technological R&D, marketing, and community development. As NEO is a non-profit, international, open-source blockchain project seeking interaction and collaboration with the global community, NGD will liaise with organizations and members of the community on behalf of NF. NGD is dedicated to realizing NEO’s vision - the implementation of the NEO Smart Economy, a new economic model empowered by technical innovation and the convergence of community forces.
Swisscom Blockchain AG
Swisscom Blockchain AG is founded by Swisscom and led by technology experts in the blockchain area with a "Big 4" background. It is supported by Swisscom's infrastructure and development know-how and offers blockchain solutions, advisory services and professional training.
YB-Hackathon powered by isolutions
26 Oct - 05:52 PM
Bern, Switzerland
Solve companies real challenges within 24 hours by using AI, IoT, Azure Tech Stack and the APIs of the participating companies in an amazing atmosphere at the Stade de Suisse! An eSports Corner and a Maker Space with 3D-Printers, Laser Cutters etc. are part of the program, too. A lot of fun is waiting for you!
Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon 2018
26 Oct - 09:00 AM
Zürich, Switzerland
The open cultural data hackathon brings people with different backgrounds together for three days at the Swiss National Museum in Zurich (Landesmuseum Zürich), where they are invited to interact around specific topics, share experiences, and develop concepts and software prototypes.
Typical participants include software programmers, researchers, data providers, designers, artists, and other people interested in open cultural data.
On Sunday, the projects will be presented to the public and a jury will select the best ones for different categories.
Further information about the programme and the open datasets made available for the hackathon can be found at the hackathon website:
The Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon 2018 is part of the campaign #Kulturerbe2018.
Brainhack Zurich
25 Oct - 09:00 AM
Zurich, Switzerland
Brainhack workshops offer an open platform for brainimaging scientists of all levels of experience to meet and discuss new ideas and hackathons.www.brainhackzurich.chWe welcome neurologists, psychiatrists, neuroscientists, computerscientists, engineers and artists.Thursday at ETH-CAB building, room F.21, Raemistrasse 6, 8092Friday at the University Hospital of Zurich, Raemistrasse 100, 8091 ZürichThe Zurich Brainhack will focus on introductory hands-on tutorials on tools for (neuroimaging) data analysis to promote reproducible science. The free event also aims to connect the Swiss neuroscience community by providing a space for open discussion.During the two days event we will host a hackathon. The hackathon will give you an opportunity to collaborate on projects. You can suggest projects and look for collaborators, or join an existing project. Throughout the hackathon, there will be talks and tutorials, that you can attend if they interest you - alternatively, you can also continue working on the projects. http://www.brainhackzurich.chThe admission is free but online registration until October 4th isrequired: AWARDS: We sponsor a limited number of active participants not from Zurich up to 100CHF. After registration please send an email to explaining from where you are coming and your situation.Remember to Tweet and post using #brainhackzurich
Swiss Digital Day 2018 Zurich Hackathon
25 Oct - 09:00 AM
Zürich, Switzerland
With the increasing number of available data sets, Data Science has influenced a broad range of fields including economics, science and society. Organisations use Data Science methods for decision-making, data-driven journalism is becoming popular in mass media, and new empirical scientific disciplines have emerged thanks to the application of Data Science methods. In order to be able to find meaning in these large amounts of data, artificial intelligence is needed to search, filter and mine the data. But humans are still a key resource to audit and enhance the algorithmic output of machines.
Crowdsourcing is a technique to involve humans in the loop, that has proven to be successful in academia and industry.
The goal of the hackathon "Crowdsourcing Data Analysis" is to encourage participants to implement data analysis on open data that we will provide, and to implement tools that facilitate new workflows of crowdsourced data analysis.
Please find here more informationen on the Hackathon.
Requirements: Coding skills, some data knowledge or graphic skills are very welcome. Please bring your own laptop.
The event will take place in Englisch/German.
Participation to this event is limited to 50. If you have registered and you will not be able to take part, please cancel your participation. This will allow others to take part.
Consensys Academy: Ethereum Smart Contract Development – powered by ti&m
24 Oct - 08:30 AM
Zürich, Switzerland
This course will allow participants to master core skills for smart contracts development. After completion, participants will understand the technology and the fundamentals of smart contracts programming enabling them to apply it and develop key use cases on Ethereum.
Participants will be able to:
Understand Blockchain for the decentralization of internet and a new paradigm for solution-enabling.
Setup the developer environment for smart contracts, both in testnet and production.
Understand Ethereum as the platform for developing top and key blockchain-based applications.
Develop smart contracts for solving real-life problems through key use cases of Blockchain.
Goal & Target
This course is open to anyone with no previous or minimum experience in Ethereum interested in becoming a top blockchain developer. Participants will learn and develop fundamental skills for using and understanding the technology. They will be able to design, code, deploy and call smart contracts.
We strongly recommend a minimum of 6-months experience as a developer, preferably of web applications.
Advised but not required proficiency in the following topics:
Object-Oriented Programming
C++, Python or JavaScript
Git, Terminal & VM Tool
Profile of Trainer
Carlos is a Nicaraguan engineer. In addition to his Bachelor degree in computer science, Carlos holds a master's degree in Information Technology, master's degree in Science, Technology and Society, master's degree in Innovation Economic and PhD candidate in Innovation Economics.
Before joining Consensys Academy, Carlos co-founded a startup dedicated to web application dev back in 2001. It was acquired by an IT company from Panama. Then he moved to Spain where he was working as a tech consultant and data intelligence manager. He launched a second startup - a semantic-based marketplace for technology solutions - in 2010. It was acquired by one of its shareholders.
Since then, he lead the Academy Program of Opinno, a innovation and tech consultant firm and Spanish editors of MIT Technology Review and Harvard Business Review. He has been working for the banking, health and energy sector with top players and tier-1 companies. He's been involved in the blockchain space since late 2014. He was awarded 2nd place in a national-level blockchain hackathon organised by UST Global in Spain and he has co-authored 2 blockchain books with top experts from top players like Santander, BBVA and Telefonica to name a few. He is also Ethereum trainer for Blockchain España, the main blockchain community in Spain.
#HackYourSport (Hackathon)
05 Oct - 07:00 PM
Genève, Switzerland
Site de l'evenement:
C'est l’événement de la rentrée !
Stimulez votre Personal Branding dans un environnement challengeant. rencontrez des athlètes olympiques et des entrepreneurs locaux dans le cadre d'un week-end sous le signe du Design Thinking, de l'Innovation et du Sport.
Pendant 48h, les équipes vont développer leur réseau, leur capacité à travailler en groupe pluridisciplinaire et pitcher leur projet devant un jury de professionnels (
Dans les problématiques proposées, on a de l'evenementiel, du médical, du esport, de la stratégie et de la création de produit.
De quoi satisfaire tout le monde !
Alors en route pour le tremplin de carrière !
C'est pour qui ?
Ouvert à toutes personnes (étudiants, professionnels, chômeurs, réorientation...) qui souhaite vivre un moment intense qui valorisera son "personal branding" et développera son réseau professionnel.
C'est quand ?
Du 5 au 7 Octobre
C'est ou ?
En plein centre de Genève :
13 Quai de l'île
Envie d'en apprendre davantage sur le principe du hackathon ? (
Pour toutes autres questions :
vanessa tribet
Free #HackYourSport (Hackathon)
05 Oct - 07:00 PM
Genève, Switzerland
Bénéficiez de 5 places offertes pour cet evenement qui s'annonce déjà riche en rencontres et fort en developement professionnel !
C'est l’événement de la rentrée !
Stimulez votre Personal Branding dans un environnement challengeant. rencontrez des athlètes olympiques et des entrepreneurs locaux dans le cadre d'un week-end sous le signe du Design Thinking, de l'Innovation et du Sport.
Pendant 48h, les équipes vont développer leur réseau, leur capacité à travailler en groupe pluridisciplinaire et pitcher leur projet devant un jury de professionnels (
Dans les problématiques proposées, on a de l'evenementiel, du médical, du esport, de la stratégie et de la création de produit.
De quoi satisfaire tout le monde !
Alors en route pour le tremplin de carrière !
C'est pour qui ?
Ouvert à toutes personnes (étudiants, professionnels, chômeurs, réorientation...) qui souhaite vivre un moment intense qui valorisera son "personal branding" et développera son réseau professionnel.
C'est quand ?
Du 5 au 7 Octobre
C'est ou ?
En plein centre de Genève :
13 Quai de l'île
Envie d'en apprendre davantage sur le principe du hackathon ? (
Pour toutes autres questions :
vanessa tribet
HackerGames! - Business Meets Tech Hackathon at IdeaLab! Zurich
03 Oct - 07:00 PM
Zürich, Switzerland
Cash prizes worth € 5.000
Student hackers in Switzerland! You're invited to apply to participate in HackerGames! - Business Meets Tech Hackathon at IdeaLab! in Vallendar, Germany. You'll get to design and build an innovative mobility project and present your prototype to a panel of top investors at Europe’s premier student-led startup conference. Compete to win cash prizes worth € 5.000 and showcase your skills for career opportunities with Amazon, FreightHub & Co, and others.