Showing results 41 to 50 out of 51
Hack The HR! 27 au 29 avril 2018 à Genève
27 Apr - 06:00 PM
Carouge, Switzerland
The Shared Brain et Axium s’associent pour vous faire vivre le premier Hackathon RH de Suisse Romande !Nous avons tous eu la frustration que les ressources humaines pourraient être GRANDEMENT améliorées et revisitées. Nous vous donnons le pouvoir de faire changer les choses et de proposer l’innovation qui viendra bousculer vos collègues et dépoussiérer les ressources humaines !Viens à cet événement avec ou sans projet, avec ton cerveau, ton énergie et ton sourire ! Tu feras la rencontre de d’autres participants issus du métier des RH mais pas que … ! Des entrepreneurs, des designers, des développeurs, des hackeurs, des étudiants, et toutes personnes intéressées pour faire bouger les lignes du monde de l’entreprise !• Tu rejoindras une équipe de 5 personnes pour Hacker les Ressources Humaines et trouver les solutions et idées les plus innovantes !• Tu auras 48 heures pour développer un prototype ou un concept que tu présenteras à notre jury• Tu rencontreras et tu apprendras auprès des autres participants, tous des hackers dans l’âme !• Nous te ferons passer un moment inoubliable avec plein d’activités fun, de workshop, de talk, de boissons et nourriture à volontés et plus encore…Avec ton groupe, tu choisiras de façon consensuelle votre projet qui réunira vos forces pendant 48 h ! Les groupes seront créés pendant le BrainHack et les projets trouvés pendant le brainstorming du début.Pendant tout le week end vous serez en compétition avec les autres équipes. Des coachs et des mentors viendront vous booster pendant le week end. Vous vous confronterez à votre écosystème élargi et vous pourrez apprendre de nouvelles méthodologies directement issues du design thinking grâce à des ateliers pendant l’événement.Ce n’est pas un événement comme les autres … ce sera un vrai SHOW ! Nous vous promettons une expérience enrichissante et inoubliable !Programme du week end :Vendredi soir : Constitution des équipes / Brain Hack / Games & PitchSamedi : Business & Pitch Workshops /Startup talks and testimonialsDimanche : Yoga & Zumba / Présentation de vos projets devant le juryRejoignez nous pour cet événement qui fera chauffer vos neurones ! Plus d'infos sur ou durant notre meetup Before Hackl the HR le Mardi 3 Avril à 18 h à Voisins 105
    18 Apr - 11:00 AM
    Zuerich, Switzerland
    In this hackathon, we are designing the future of Advanced Cell Classifier and CellProfiler Analyst. Our goal is to build easy-to-use machine learning tools for the biological community. Build on tensorflow.js and react, we are aiming to design a fast and beautiful web-based classifier. Your data never leaves the browser. Join us!
      Feldschlösschen Beer Hackathon
      14 Apr - 09:00 AM
      Zürich, Switzerland
      Change the future of beer! The Beer Hackathon will inspire developers to focus on performance and concepts, not just functionality. The challenges pertain to packaging, transportation, technology and more. The winner concept will get the opportunity to participate in the Swiss Startup Factory Accelerator batch, a three month program aiming to bring your idea to reality!
      Organisez votre propre hackathon
      09 Apr - 02:00 PM
      Genève, Switzerland
      [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]L’innovation ouverte est une méthode particulièrement bien adaptée aux PME, confrontées elles aussi à la nécessité d’innover sans cesse. Cet atelier, animé notamment par Thomas Maillart, président d’Open Geneva, en collaboration avec Scott Deely, Best for Geneva, a pour objectif d’aider les entreprises à préparer elles-mêmes leur propre événement de co-création. La participation à cet atelier est gratuite mais la réservation obligatoire: Attention : cet atelier est limité  et réservé aux entreprises membres de la CCIG ou participant à Best for Geneva.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
        L'innovation au service de la croissance des PME : Le hackathon pour les Nuls
        09 Apr - 09:00 AM
        Genève, Switzerland
        Cette table-ronde sera le coup d’envoi du festival Open Geneva, qui est cette année constitué de hackathons. Ses participants définiront ce que recouvre le terme hackathon, le concept d’innovation ouverte sur lequel Geneva Open est fondé mais aussi les résultats pratiques de cette méthode, adaptée aussi bien aux PME qu’aux plus grandes entreprises. Le conseiller national et conseiller administratif responsable du Département de l’environnement urbain et de la sécurité Guillaume Barazzone présentera sa vision du cadre politique nécessaire à l’encouragement et au développement de toutes les méthodes qui permettent l’innovation. Thomas Maillart, président d’Open Geneva, sera entouré d’entrepreneurs qui fourniront des exemples concrets de ce que l’organisation de hackathons a pu leur apporter. Parmi ceux-ci, Pascale de Senarclens, associée, Witty* Innovation Lab, parlera de moyens simples et pratiques de co-création pour les TPE/PME et racontera l’expérience de sa propre TPE. Ou en encore Pierre Mirlesse, Vice président Public Sector, Healthcare & Pharma Hewlett Packard Enterprise – EMEA et vice-président d’Open Geneva. La participation à cet événement est gratuite mais l’inscription obligatoire.:
          AfterWork - Before Hackathon RH
          03 Apr - 06:00 PM
          Carouge, Switzerland
          En préparation de notre événement du 27 - 29 Avril, nous convions les inscrits et personnes intéréssées à se recontrer autour d'un verre ! Venez rencontrer les équipes organisatrices, les sponsors, les coachs et vos futurs co-équipier dans l'espace qui nous accueillera pendant 1 week end de folie.  L'objectif est de vous présenter comment se déroulera le week end, de faire connaissance en amont et de se préparer au mieux à ce qui vous attend ! Si vous ne pouvez malheuresement pas vous joindre mais que vous êtes partants pour l'événement vous pouvez directement vous inscrire : 
            PTL Hackathon Stupid 2018
            01 Apr - 08:30 AM
            , Switzerland
            Ce hackathon stupide est un hackathon (un événement ou des codeurs, "makers", et "hackers" travaillent ensemble pour faire un project), dont le but est de créer le project le plus imbécile possible. L'événement se passera au Post Tenebras Lab, on peut le trouver ici:  Av. de la Praille 36 1227 Carouge Pour entrer il faut nous appeler au +41 (0)22 566 01 87 pour que l'on vous ouvre la porte. Cet événement est ouvert à tout le monde, même ceux qui ne sont pas des codeurs, alors si vous en avez envie, venez!
              1st Swiss-UN Day / 1. Schweiz-UNO Tagung / 1 ère Journée Suisse-ONU
              23 Mar - 09:00 AM
              Bern, Switzerland
              1st Swiss-UN Day / 1. Schweiz-UNO Tagung / 1ère Journée Suisse-ONU, 23.03.2018University of Bern, UniS 8:45-9:15          Registration and coffee 9:20-9:30         Welcome remarks by Sebastian Justiniano Bircher, Chairman, Gesellschaft Schweiz-UNO (FR-DE-ENG) 9:30-9:45Opening Speech by Prof. Joseph Deiss, former Federal Councillor, former President of the UN General Assembly, Honorary Chairman United Nations Association Switzerland (FR) 9:45-10:00The UN and Switzerland in a time of feminism and “hackathons”Emilia Pasquier, Director, Foraus (DE) 10:05-11:20Panel Reconciling environmental limits and economic growth. Is the UN fit for purpose? Switzerland in international environmental negotiations: a bridge-builder for a better world?Ambassador Franz Perrez, Federal Office for the Environment (DE) Economic effects of natural disasters: what we know and what this implies for policy Prof. Eric Strobl, Chair Environmental Economics, University of Bern (EN) Building institutional architectures that support integrative implementation of the 2030 Agenda Tatjana von Steiger, Deputy Assistant Director General, Global Cooperation, Swiss Development Cooperation (DE) Tackling environmental challenges in the UN and beyond: views of a young generation Océane Dayer, Project Manager Agriculture and Politics, WWF Switzerland/ Founder-President, Swiss Youth for Climate (DE) Moderator: Prof. Thomas Breu, Director, Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern (DE) 11:30-12:50Panel The UN and the support for economic development – below the radar of high politics The WIPO development agenda (FR) Georges Ghandour, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Cooperating with the ILO to support better working conditions along the value chain Monica Rubiolo, Swiss Secretariat for Economic Affairs (DE) Making the international investment regime work for sustainable development: UNCTAD's reform package Elisabeth Tuerk, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (DE) International Telecommunication Union: Developing countries and the digital divide Fernando Rivera, International Telecommunication Union (FR) Moderator: Prof. Damian Raess (FR) 12:50-14:00Lunch Break 14:00-15:20Panel: Towards reaching an internationally actionable plan on migration withAmb. Pietro Mona, Swiss Development Cooperation (DE) Disasters, climate change and the Global Compact on Migration Prof. Walter Kälin (DE) Beyond statism: regions and cities in global migration governance Prof. Sandra Lavenex, Global Studies Institute, University of Geneva (DE) Moderator: PD Dr. Marion Panizzon, Institute for Public Law (Institut für öffentliches Recht), University of Bern (DE) 15:30-16:50High-Level Roundtable: UN institutional reform and the place of Switzerland in the UN  Mr. Carlo Sommaruga, Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Swiss Parliament (FR) Amb. Thomas Gass, Director, South Cooperation, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (EN) Prof. Thomas Biersteker, Global Governance Center, Graduate Institute (EN) Mr. Salman Bal, Chief Political Affairs and Partnerships, Office of the Director-General, United Nations Office at Geneva Moderator: Prof. Manfred Elsig, Deputy Managing Director, World Trade Institute (EN) 16:50-18:00Drinks reception (apéro)  
                Integration In Progress Hackathon
                17 Mar - 08:30 AM
                Genève, Switzerland
                The aim is to tackle the current challenges related to the integration process of refugee women into the social and professional sphere. The event is expected to have different backgrounds as organizations, refugees, specialists, students, private/ public sector and civil society to bring a change in Geneva.
                  3-day Hyperledger Fabric Training—Zurich
                  16 Mar - 09:00 AM
                  Zurich, Switzerland
                  Hyperledger Fabric is the leading open source software platform for permissioned enterprise blockchains. Learn how to use the latest version (1.0) of Hyperledger Fabric codebase in a real blockchain network environment where you can play with smart contract deployments. Is your team planning to build blockchain applications for your industry use case or project? Do you want to become fully skilled for building commercial-grade blockchain applications on Hyperledger Fabric 1.0 and deploying private blockchain networks? Then this advanced course is what you need! NOTE: Cannot make the date? Please email us at to discuss alternate dates! Course duration: 3 days (8 hrs per day). Objectives: Learn concepts and use cases of permissioned blockchains. Learn architecture of Fabric 1.0, setup network, run smart contracts. Learn to write smart contracts and deploy them in a complete blockchain application. Benefits to you: Solid hands-on technical skills developing and deploying blockchain applications with Hyperledger Fabric. Interactive experience with expert trainers who have built working blockchain apps, an opportunity to ask questions and get real-life examples. Who should attend? Developers who have understanding of blockchains and want to know how to design and write their own blockchain applications on top of Hyperledger Fabric V1.0. If you experimented with smart contracts, or worked with Ethereum, other blockchains, and want to dive into Fabric 1.0 - this is the right course for you. Prerequisites: Working knowledge of Golang, Java, or Javascript Basic understanding of PKI and docker Development environment with JDK 1.8, Gradle or Go, and Docker Compose (docker is optional) ssh access to AWS EC2, IBM Bluemix or local Ubuntu Please bring your laptop with pre-installed JDK, Gradle or Go, and Docker Compose  Notes: - java version "1.8.0_131"- Gradle 3.5- Docker is optional- An instance of Ubuntu either locally on laptop or in the cloud (AWS, Bluemix).While we can provide an instance in the cloud, your own instance is preferred as you'll be able to keep it after the training.An instance in the cloud is preferred to local as we'll download quite a few docker images and cannot rely on the auditorium wifi's throughput.  Training Program Day 1 Introduction Introduction to blockchain technology Public and permissioned blockchains Use cases for permissioned blockchains Hyperledger project Fabric 1.0 Workshop Fabric 1.0 architecture Endorsers, orderers, clients, smart contracts Set up development network Anatomy of config files and crypto material Deploy and exercise example smart contracts Day 2 Fabric 1.0 Workshop You will study in detail the transactions workflow and spend a sizable amount of time on experiments with blockchain. The training helps developers acquire solid technical skills in building blockchain applications on Hyperledger Fabric v1.0. The students will learn how to develop working blockchain apps with Hyperledger Fabric SDK, how to deploy local blockchain networks, as well as understand the confidentiality basics in Hyperledger Fabric. Agenda: Write your own smart contract in Go Comparison of Smart contract developed in Go or Java (performance, ease of deployment, etc.) Custom Events Endorsement policies Overview of SDKs for Node and Java Day 3 Hackathon Students will leave with the ability to develop full-featured blockchain applications, write not only a smart contract in Go or Java, but also the client code and full interface of the application. Learn from an experienced trainer who has delivered working blockchain solutions. Agenda: Identify a use case for a blockchain application Design identities, entities, transactions Design network, consortium Use Node SDK to create application API Create secure web front end About the Trainer: Oleg Abdrashitov, Leader of Requirements Working Group at Hyperledger, Head of Blockchain Practice at Altoros Oleg's career spans 19 years in software development for the financial services companies. He has built systems supporting high frequency trading, middle office and online exchanges. Oleg has worked at top investment banks, hedge funds and has founded startups and consultancies. He is currently engaged by clients in finance and insurance to train engineers and architects on blockchain. Together with team Altoros, Oleg won the blockchain hackathon at Consensus 2016 with Decentralized Energy Utility Project, and delivered two working prototypes for the financial industry - Distributed Clearing Platform For Derivatives, and Bond Issuance and Trading. The most recent project Oleg has been working on is Commercial Bonds Platform with National Settlement Depository, see in the news: NSD runs commercial bonds platform based on Hyperledger Fabric 1.0 and smart contracts Making Boring Sexy: NSD Sees Booming Interest for Blockchain Bonds Oleg has delivered Hyperledger Fabric training classes in Boston, New York, San Francisco, Toronto, Zurich, as well as private training courses for corporate teams, and has been referred to as a highly competent instructor aspiring to bring students to the high level of understanding Fabric technology. FAQs: Not in Toronto? Altoros training program is expanding to the USA and Europe. We also deliver private courses to corporate teams worldwide. Please email suggestions at! Not a good fit? You need some knowledge of Golang, Java, or Javascript. Blockchain experience is nice to have, but not required. If you have questions about the program or doubts whether this course is a good fit for you, please get in touch and we'll connect you with the trainer! Need an invoice? Please send details at full name, number of tickets, your address or your company's address (if the invoice is paid by the company). Help us spread the word We'll love you forever if you share this event with your friends or colleagues who might be interested! About the Organizer: Altoros is a digital transformation consultancy that has built a reputation in blockchain space. We are an active member of Hyperledger project, contributing expertise of our engineers. We have built a number of blockchain application prototypes for insurance and financial services clients and conducted technical training on Hyperledger Fabric 0.6 for a large financial services corporation, as well as a number of blockchain workshops for executives in (Re)Insurance, Lending & Securitization field. Read blockchain news and insights on our blog Watch free recorded webinars on Hyperledger-related topics (choose tag HYPERLEDGER)