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MISP Developer Training & Hackathon about the Threat Intelligence Platform
12 Jan - 10:00 AM
Zürich, Switzerland
In a continuous effort since 2016, CIRCL frequently gives training sessions about MISP (Malware Information Sharing Platform & Threat Sharing) and hackathon. The purpose is to reach out to security analysts using MISP as a threat intelligence platform along with users using it as an information sharing platform. This is an opportunity for the users to meet the developers and exchange about potential improvements or use-cases using MISP as a threat-intelligence platform. This hackathon and developer training session is kindly hosted by MISP training will demonstrate how the platform functions; explain how to share, comment and contribute data, and describe the future developments. This part of the training focuses on the extension aspects of MISP including API, ZMQ or even contributing in the core software. The audience intended for this training are the analysts with some software engineering experience who are willing to expand MISP to suit their integration or extension requirements. Or contributors to the MISP project which want to take an active role in the MISP developer community.