Showing results 31 to 39 out of 39
“Black Stories” in Portfolio Management
24 Mar - 10:00 AM
Zürich, Switzerland
For students with interest of how a big firm is changing and reacting to change
Eurêka ! Tout projet commence par une idée
23 Mar - 08:30 AM
Genève, Switzerland
Un atelier approfondi pour triturer votre idée avant de la partager : afin de lui donner la meilleure chance de devenir un vrai projet !
21 Mar - 08:00 AM
Genève, Switzerland
Women In Digital Switzerland and BØWIE - the first Swiss incubator for gender projects are hosting a one-day hackathon during Open Geneva, the biggest festival of innovation in Geneva. We are inviting you to join us on March 21st to explore ideas and develop projects that will close the gender gap in the tech industry and boost its diversity!
Program Overview:
8:00-8:30: Welcome
8:30-9:30: Group Brainstorm to identify the root causes of the current gender gap
9:30-10:00: Presenting initial solution ideas during a Pitch Festival
10:30-11:00: Selecting the favorite projects and creating project workgroups
11:00-17:30: Developing the projects within groups
17:30-18h30: Pitching the developed project
What to expect after the event?
The possibility to participate in a free idea acceleration package including participation in BØWIE - the first Swiss incubator for gender projects,
6 months coaching program,
Matching with a mentor from the Women in Digital network.
Practical information:
When: March 21st; 9.00-18.00
Where: Geneva – Auditorium Campus Biotech
The main language of the event: English
Participation cost: Free
Participation criteria: All talents are welcome: enthusiasts about equality and inclusion, coders, developers, UX/UI designers, etc.
Sustainable change can only be made when we bring diverse voices together around this issue, which is why we are hoping that you will join us in this important initiative.
Questions? Please contact:
Annie Chemla,
Karen Bhavnani,
We look forward to seeing you!
Karen and Annie
The organizers are:
Women in Digital
Our mission is to build a community of women working in digital across Switzerland, organize events that give members the opportunity to network, share knowledge and inspire, as well as to facilitate access to women working in digital to speaker opportunities and leadership positions in companies.
Discover our activities:
BØWIE - the first Swiss incubator for gender & LGBTIQ+ projects
BØWIE was founded to support all passionate innovators working on solutions for a more inclusive society. During a 6-month process, we provide them with individual coaching, trainings, national community events (in Geneva, Bern, Lausanne and Zürich) and a connection with other inspiring people who are already taking action.
BØWIE is an initiative of the Swiss organization Be You Network, a national organization that creates innovative actions to facilitate information and motivate the engagement of all on gender and LGBTIQ+ topics.
Find out more about BØWIE 2020:
Make Zurich 2020: Civic tech hackathon
20 Mar - 05:00 PM
Zürich, Switzerland
Designers, makers, coders, and techies in Switzerland! If you're interested in Civic Tech, then the Open Network Infrastructure Association and the City of Zürich invite you to take part in the Make Zürich 2020: Civic tech hackathon. You'll be challenged to explore new solutions that will improve life in Zürich -- such as the LoRaWAN network that has already been deployed in the city.
Prior to participating in Make Zürich 2020, you can find useful advice on the tips page!
Data Driven Business im E-Commerce
18 Mar - 06:00 PM
Bern, Switzerland
Automatisierbare Analysen und Entscheidungen im E-Commerce.
Swiss Diversity Hackathon: Shaping Diversity Innovations
18 Mar - 09:00 AM
Bern, Switzerland
--- FR ---
Le Swiss Diversity Hackathon a pour but de faire émerger des solutions innovantes afin de rendre la Suisse plus inclusive de ses diversités.
L'événement rassemble une communauté diverse de représentant·e·s de la société civile, de travailleurs·euses sociaux, d'étudiant·e·s, de décideurs·euses politiques, d'entrepreneur·e·s, d'universitaires, de professionnel·le·s de la santé, de collaborateurs·trices du secteur privé, d'artistes et de journalistes des quatre coins du pays.
Ces "Diversity Shapers" ont toutes et tous en commun le potentiel de formuler des innovations pertinentes pour leur domaine et de créer un changement réel et durable pour la Suisse.
Retrouvez le programme et toutes les informations concernant l'événement sur
--- DE ---
Ziel des Swiss Gender Hackathon ist es, teamorientierte und innovative Lösungen zu finden, die die Schweiz in puncto Diversität inklusiver machen.
Der Event bringt eine vielfältige Gemeinschaft aus Vertreter_innen der Zivilgesellschaft, Sozialarbeiter_innen, Studierenden, politischen Entscheidungsträger_innen, Unternehmer_innen, Akademiker_innen, Gesundheitsfachpersonen, Mitarbeitenden des Privatsektors, Künstler_innen sowie Medienschaffenden aus der gesamten Schweiz zusammen.
Alle diese "Diversity Shapers" haben das Potenzial, Innovationen zu entwickeln, die für ihren Bereich relevant sind, und echte und dauerhafte Veränderungen für die Schweiz zu bewirken.
Weitere Informationen zur Veranstaltung:
--- EN ---
The Swiss Diversity Hackathon aims to bring out collaborative and innovative solutions that make Switzerland more inclusive of its diversity.
The event brings together a diverse community of civil society representatives, social workers, students, policy makers, entrepreneurs, academics, health professionals, private sector collaborators, artists and journalists from across the country.
These "Diversity Shapers" all share the potential to formulate innovations relevant to their field and to create real and lasting change for Switzerland.
The programme and all information can be find at:
Energy Hackdays 2020
06 Mar - 09:00 AM
Brugg, Switzerland
The fourth edition of the Energy Hackdays is open for registration!
Thanks toan ever-growing interest from the Energy sector at large, participating to the Energy Hackdays 2020 will for sure make a difference!
Where: Hightech Zentrum Aargau, Badenerstrasse 13, 5200 Brugg
When: 6 – 7 March 2020
The13 solutionsdeveloped last year and the creation of an Energy Group by the partners 2019, prove that open Hackdays can make a valuable contribution to collaboration, energy efficiency and to our understanding of energy. Let’s build on these results and use energy datato create a sustainable energy future. We will explore, among other, Intelligent Networks, Sector Coupling, Decentralization, Transparency, Energy Efficiency, Electro-Mobility, energy supply security, Consumer Awareness and Empowerment...
As always, the Energy Hackdays welcomeall kinds of skills and perspectives: students, data analysts, designers, programmers, experts, creative brainsand many more!
GLAMhack 5th Anniversary
29 Feb - 10:00 AM
Bern, Switzerland
We are celebrating the 5th Anniversary of the Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon at the National Library in Bern!!