Showing results 11 to 20 out of 76
BioJS Workshop & Hackathon
03 Dec - 02:00 PM
Norwich, United Kingdom
Join us to learn how visualise your data in beautiful and interactive ways with just a few lines of Javascript!
On behalf of the BioJS community - we are pleased to announce our coming BioJS Workshop & Hackathon. We would like to invite you to take part to this event on the afteroon of the 3rd and the 4th of December 2015, at TGAC.
The event will be in the Darwin room, TGAC. For more information please contact me at : or call TGAC reception : +44 (0)1603 450861, I will be happy to give you further information.
Schedule 3/12/15
14:00 - 15:00: Technical introduction to BioJS
15:00 - 15:30: Self-introductions
15:30 - 16:00 : Coffee break
16:00 - 17:00: Advanced BioJS tutorial
17:00 : Pizza, Drinks
Schedule 4/12/15
10:00 - 16:00 : Hackathon - Interoperability of BioJS components
Participants are encouraged to form groups and collaborate. The Hackathon will focus on interoperability of BioJS components but each group or individual is free to work on their own projects. Our experts can help you with troubleshooting your code and will provide project ideas. All coding skill levels are welcome!
Please note the following:
You will need to bring your own laptop to do your coding.
Please arrange for your own food on the 4th of December (bring your own or buy from the Centrum across TGAC).
As the workshop schedule is tightly packed, we would ask you to prepare your workspace by following these instructions:
And by filling out our quick survey to help us tailor the workshop to your needs:
Your instructors and the people involved:
We hope to see you all there! Please share and bring your friends along!
Header background image courtesy of : Geraldshields11
IMCreate 2015 - The Showcase
02 Dec - 06:30 PM
London, United Kingdom
On this evening, IMCreate will showcase the top three solutions developed through the IMCreate 2015 hackathon weekend of 14 and 15 November 2015 and announce the final winner! The teams will pitch their prototype Intelligent Mobility solutions in front of the judges, and an audience of transport and technology leaders!
Techfugees Conference
02 Dec - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Techfugees is a tech community in response to the European refugee crisis. This conference aims to gather the key players involved, re-cap what has been achieved so far, and work further on the best technology and solutions for helping refugees today.
We aim to address major issues; the best, most effective apps and sites; how tech can be used to integrate refugees into society; and the Legal aspects that surround the issues.
This is a non-profit organisation. The ticket cost of £36 will serve for the venue, lunch and coffee/tea etc.
Speakers include:
Syrian Asylum
Colin Yeo - Barrister and Blogger behind Free Movement
Sabir Zazai - Director of Coventry Refugee & Migrant Center
Nando Sigona - Researcher on the refugee crisis at University of Oxford
Tim Finch - Coordinator of the National Refugees Welcome Board
As well as representatives from UNHCR, and Refugee Council.
Stemettes Hack Manchester - sponsored by Oracle
28 Nov - 10:00 AM
Salford, United Kingdom
Have you ever played a game? Have you ever watched an Animation
Would you like to make one?
Are you interested in technology?
Come to the Stemettes Hack in Manchester!
No previous coding experience necessary.
Done some coding before? Our experts will teach you how to create games using Alice and Java.
Win prizes!
Food and Laptops provided - just bring yourself!
Completely FREE, thanks to our wonderful sponsors Oracle and the generous provision of a venue from UTC@MediaCity UK.
Sign up below.
What is a hackathon?
Hackathons aren't about breaking into things! They're about bringing people together to create amazing things using computers. We think it's really sad that some people have never been to a hackathon or had proper fun with computer science, so we want to give you guys the opportunity to explore and play about in the creative, exciting world of technology.
At this hackathon we'll be building to a theme: “Christmas”- by then it'll be right around the corner!
Girls aged 5 all the way up to 22.
Parents/Guardians. If you're under 16, you'll need to have an adult with you. On the plus side, we'd love it if they helped out with making your game or app!
Women (and Men) with a STEM background and are interested in inspiring the next generation. (see below for more details)
When Saturday 28th November 10am-5:00pm Sunday 29th November 10am- 5:00pm
Where We'll be on site at UTC@MediaCity UK which is right by the Broadway light rail station and opposite the MediaCityUK development in the heart of Salford. Upon arrival, report to reception to be registered and directed to the Hack.
What you need to bring
Yourself and any great ideas you have.
If you have access to headphones, please bring them with you.
We will provide everything else.
Running order
10:00 - Guests arrive. Preback forms handed out.
10:30 - Welcome and ice breaker. Event introduction from Head Stemette Anne-Marie and Oracle
11:00 - Brief given, ‘teaches’, begin mini-projects
1:30 - Lunch
2:15 - Return to projects
3:30 - Afternoon tours
4:15 - Continue projects
5:00 - Wrap up and power down. End of the day.
10:00 - Ice breaker and daily brief session. Event introduction from Head Stemette Anne-Marie and Oracle
10:30 - Back to projects
1:00 - Break for lunch
1:45 - Resume projects
2:45 - Break
3:00 - Finish projects
3:15 - Presentations, demo day begins
4:15 - Prizes
5:00 - Feedback forms handed out. End of day
Are you interested in helping children learn to code and discover making?
We are looking for adults who have a STEM background to help the girls learn to code, use the Netbeans (Java) and Alice tools and show them the range of possible careers you can do after studying STEM subjects.
All you need to do is provide inspiration and help the girls with their projects when they get stuck.
We will provide food and reasonable transport costs to helpers.
Register as a Stemette Supporter.
Tools we will be using
Alice - a free, educational, introductory environment for creating Animations and Games.
Netbeans - a free development environment
Brought to you by
DigiCatYorks Health Data Dive
28 Nov - 10:00 AM
Bradford, United Kingdom
The University of Bradford is hosting an open data hackathon for developing prototype tools using the health related open data sets provided by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC), for measuring the level of isolation among communities and individuals in oder to calculate which groups could be at risk of becoming socially excluded. Prizes will be awarded for the best and most innovative prototypes of the day.
Hack x: Fresher's Challenge
28 Nov - 09:30 AM
London, United Kingdom
Hello everyone! Fresher's Challenge is here! Fresher's Challenge is a hackathon specially for first years (: Come try your hand at a hackathon in a friendly one day event exclusively for first year KCL Computer Science students. See what it's like at a hackathon and get a free lunch for your trouble while you create awesome stuff!
We'll also have pretty awesome prizes!
Room: K4U13/14
Theme: To be announced! Grab your tickets and See you there! -KCL Tech Society :D
Big Data Week Hackathon
28 Nov - 08:30 AM
London, United Kingdom
Business vs. Tech – the insights hackathon!
Edtech Hackathon: Mobile apps for the classroom
27 Nov - 05:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Do you want to have a big impact on edtech? If you are a teacher, developer or designer with a great idea for an app or just looking to help turn a great idea into reality, this is the weekend event of the year for you! A weekend hackathon at Google Campus, London, UK to create the next generation of mobile apps for use in the classroom, apps that can have a real impact on learning, plus the opportunity to meet and network with some of the key people in the London EdTech community.
The Hackathon is organised by Zzish. Our mission is to enable almost anyone to create education apps that can have a real impact on learning. We're levelling the playing field for app creators across the world, allowing them to create apps better, faster and cheaper than ever before.
Friday 27 Nov
• 5:30pm Arrival
• 6:00pm Presentation from Charles Wiles, CEO at Zzish
• 6:30pm 1 minute pitches from attendees
• 7:00pm Networking and team forming
• 10:00pm Finish
Sat 28 Nov
• 10:00am Breakfast
• 1:00pm Lunch
• 6:30pm Dinner
• 8:00 pm Finish
Sun 29 Nov
• 10:30am Breakfast
• 1:30pm Lunch
• 4:30pm 5 minute presentations
• 5:30pm Judging and awards
• 6pm Finish
Our mission at Zzish is to enable almost anyone to create education apps that can have a real impact on learning. We're levelling the playing field for app creators across the world, allowing them to create apps better, faster and cheaper than ever before.
- First prize is £5,000 of development effort from Zzish to turn the best application that plugs into the Zzish Learning Hub into a product ready app. Zzish will also promote the app to their network of 2,000 schools in 60 countries.
- Emerge Educaton - 2 hour mentoring session.
- Educational App Store - Mentoring and advice + free review on the Educational App Store (worth £300)
- EltJam - 2 hour training session on digital pedagogy and introduction to instructional design
- Neon Adventures - A meeting with Chris Huey, leading investor in UK EdTech ventures (such as Code Kingdoms and Zzish) to advise you on your business model and investor pitch.
- ARBOR Education - Mentoring and advice from Ravi Patel, product manager.
- Oxford University Press - Mentoring and advice
- Teach First - Judging and mentorship.
- Edfuse - Mentoring and advice.
Plus many more prizes to come!
Kirsten Campbell-Howes
Head of Education at Bussu @campbellhowes
Henry Warren
Innovation and product development expert at Pearson plc @henrywarren
Richard Taylor
Edtech expert and advisor at Zzish Ltd @dick_taylor
Charles Wiles
Co-founder and CEO of Zzish @charleswiles
Lucy Ashman
Head of Ideas, Teach First Innovation Unit
Justin Smith
Founder and CEO at Educational App Store
There are many ways for companies to partner with the Hackathon. To learn how you can provide support for the developer community, please contact charles AT
For more information, please check out our website
P. S. Price to participate is to cover the cost of six meals and drinks over the weekend.
LBS (Fin) Hackathon Pitch & Demo Day
27 Nov - 12:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
The London Business School hosts its 2nd annual Hackathon focused on financial technologies.
Sunday, November 29, 2015 from 3:00 PM to 6:30 PM (GMT) is the finale of this 3 day event where financial masterminds of LBS will be combined with the city’s top technical talent to create next-gen fintech solutions.
Patient Flow Hack
24 Nov - 04:00 PM
Hull, United Kingdom
PLEASE NOTE: This booking page is now closed to prepare event materials, however, bookings can still be made to attend the event by calling the event team on 01642 713211 or emailing your details to
Yorkshire & Humber AHSN: Patient Flow Hack
Location: The Octagon, Hull (click here for directions)
Date: 24th & 25th November 2015
What is a Hack?
A ‘Hack’ is based on the traditional concept of a ‘Hackathon’, whereby we bring people together and use their combined knowledge, wisdom and expertise to find new solutions to old problems over an intensive period of time.
What is the problem?
The Patient Flow Hack is designed to provide a tangible solution to assist the challenge of patient flow. Patient flow is a complex and difficult challenge for all organisations.
Colleagues from different departments in Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust (HEY), Hull CCG and across social care will explore together patient journeys. Real data and patient journeys will be used to develop a shared understanding of patient flow throughout the hospital, which means that we can collaboratively identify where we should focus our efforts to make improvements.
The following question will be addressed:
How can we optimise the patient journey through the hospital ensuring more effective patient flow and discharge?
As a result of this event a series of projects will be developed with the following aims:
Agree how we can work across the system to overcome bottlenecks
Address methods to help us work towards more timely and effective discharge
What to expect
Local data from the last year will be used to model real patient journeys through the hospital from admission to discharge. The event will start with a physical simulation using this data to develop a shared understanding of the challenges and bottlenecks relating to patient flow. Real patient journeys will be used and will model a typical good day and a typical bad day within the HEY hospital.
This is the first time a hack has been used in the NHS in this way. As well as testing a novel methodology, you will hear from national and international experts. Bringing together colleagues, academics, senior managers and front line staff to understand challenges across the system in relation to patient flow. This event will create a sense of energy and excitement to tackle a really difficult challenge. Please come along, share your experience and expertise and help us to hack the problem.
The Yorkshire & Humber AHSN and the Improvement Academy will support the projects that are identified as a result of hack.
How Can I Participate?
The Patient Flow Hack is a physical event with the opportunity to participate virtually, allowing a wide range of people from different geographical locations to take part. The Patient Flow Hack will run across a 24 hour period, to enable international participants from across the globe.
We appreciate that some diaries may not allow particpants to attend both days, such as clinical commitments, however to ensure you get the most value out of the event, we do strongly recommend that every effort is made to attend both days. The event will be hosted virtually via a dedicated 'Google Plus Platform' - click here to visit the site.
This is a joint project with Hull & East Yorkshire Hospital NHS Trust (HEY), Hull CCG, East Riding CCG, NHS Improving Quality (IQ), the Yorkshire & Humber Academic Health Sciences Network (AHSN) and the AHSN Improvement Academy.