Showing results 11 to 20 out of 212
Local Hack Day - Hacksmiths (Goldsmiths)
03 Dec - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
University students in London! Kick off the 2017 hackathon year by participating in the Local Hack Day - Hacksmiths. Sponsor GitHub invites you to join like-minded student hackers for a 12-hour hack day on the Goldsmiths University campus. You'll work with some awesome technology and network with talented technologists!
env.infohackit evening presentations @Southampton
02 Dec - 08:00 PM
Southampton, United Kingdom
Interested in seeing real scientific ideas presented in new innovative ways? Want to see science teamwork at its best? Come to the env.infohackit evening presentations @Southampton. You'll see the project presentations made by teams of PhD environmental scientists, designers, developers and other creative types. They will present the results of their hackathon participation where they will compete to create the most exciting, informative and compelling infographics to communicate their research topics.
Planning System Hack
02 Dec - 06:30 PM
London, United Kingdom
Built environment professionals! Come and participate in Land Insight's Planning System Hack — a weekend of problem solving using planning applications. You'll get to experiment with the Land Insight API for planning applications and address chalenges such as:
»Environmental uses
»Social/ Civic Uses
»Best business case
»Sponsor challenges
Bi/Pansexual Health Hackathon 2016
29 Nov - 09:30 AM
Manchester, United Kingdom
Join us to help bring together Bi/Pansexual People with lived experience of clinical care and Healthcare Professionals to develop a shared understanding of existing health inequalities and a broader perspective of their diverse identities and social experiences across health services.
The day will provide an emmersive environment to help synchronise across all involved the experiences and health inequalities that exist and generate a collective conciousness of the challenges experienced by Bi/Pansexual people accessing health services. Through the use of creative technology, visual tools and inspirational voices delegates will be encouraged to help download their shared inclusive conciousness to empower a network of healthcare advocates championing Bi/Pansexual healthcare issues in their own local services.
Speakers & Event Partners Include:
Central Manchester University Hospotals NHS Foundation Trust
University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust
Stockport NHS Foundation Trust
Wigan Clinical Commissioning Group
Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups
LGBT Foundation
LGBT Cancer Support Alliance
University of Lincoln
What will you learn?
Specific Bi/Pansexual health inequalities
Understanding of a broader range of intersectional identities and social experiences
Hear real life stories and health journeys of Bi/Pansexual people
How to engage and communicate positively with Bi/Pansexual patients
How to communicate with other professional colleagues the specific barriers to care and disparity in experiences Bi/Pansexual patients can have.
What will we achieve?
A group of empowered healthcare voices to directly champion needs of Bi/Pansexual patients
Establish a relationship of trust and future engagement between healthcare organisations, professionals and the Bi/Pansexual Community
A visual product that shares the learning and experiences of both healthcare professionals and Bi/Pansexual people with healthcare staff across the UK.
An opportunity for specific networking bringing Bi/Pansexual people with specific experiences of care into contact with specialist clinicians allowing the development of future partnership work to occur.
Who Should Attend?
Consultants, Medical Staff, Nurses and Allied Health Professionals
Medical, Nursing and Healthcare students
Commissioners and Clinical Leads across NHS, Third and Private sector organisations
Community engagement and partnership specialists
Diversity & Inclusion Professionals
Bi/Pansexual People interested in improving health care services
There will be an extended lunch period breaking up the day to allow delegates to take advantage of the numerous outlets based on and around the Central Manchester Hospitals site for lunch and refreshements. (For lived experience speakers there will be a limited number of support grants available to take part in the event)
OWASP London Hackathon and CTF
28 Nov - 06:30 PM
London, United Kingdom
Software security professionals! Come and participate in the OWASP London Hackathon and Capture The Flag computer security competition. You'll be presented with a set of challenges and puzzles which test your creativity, technical coding skills, and problem-solving ability. Practice your hacking skills and compete against other participants and teams — solve challenges and puzzles, capture flags, score points and win prizes!
GDG Hackathon 2 : Female v Male Developers
26 Nov - 10:30 AM
Shoreditch, United Kingdom
Women and men hackers in the London area! Come and strut your techie skills at the GDG Hackathon 2. This event will feature female developers competing against their male counterparts. It's still a hackathon — demanding all of your technical creativity, innovation and coding skills. You'll participate in a team and the strongest team will present their project for a code battle!
HackKing's 3.0
26 Nov - 09:30 AM
London, United Kingdom
KCL Tech at King's College London invites all student techies (as well as recent graduates) to sign up for HackKing’s 3.0! Come and demonstrate your techie prowess! Collaborate in a team to build something awesome from scratch! Compete to win cool stuff...and maybe when the event is over, your team will be crowned King!
SpaceUp Manchester
26 Nov - 09:30 AM
Manchester, United Kingdom
SpaceUp Manchester is an ‘’unconference’’ totally dedicated to everything about Space. Unconferences have been held about technology, science, transit, and even cupcakes, but this is the first one focused on Space Exploration.
What makes SpaceUp Manchester different from other conferences is that it is you, the participants, who decide the topics, what gets talked about, themes, and the structure of the event, and most importantly, take an active part in talking and joining in the debates.
It’s like the best bits of a formal conference – the coffee break discussions, networking and excitement at new ideas – without someone shuffling you back into an auditorium to be lectured at!
SpaceUp Manchester is an event for space enthusiasts of every capacity, from young people to students, educators to scientists, creatives to citizens, technologists to entrepreneurs, and professionals within the space and research community.
All attendees are expected to give a demo, present a talk, participate in a panel, or join a roundtable. Don’t worry! The unconference format will bring together people to discuss space-related topics in an open, friendly forum.
Manchester will build upon other SpaceUp’s success, for the North West community. SpaceUp attendees love sharing, teaching and discussing the possibilities for space exploration. It provides a mechanism for people to share knowledge and enthusiasm, as well as develop new ideas for the future.
.Talks and Sessions
This is not a traditional conference. The session topics and activities are suggested by the attendees. In addition to talks and presentations, SpaceUp Manchester provides an opportunity for every attendee to be a participant in shaping and leading the event. Be prepared to get involved and meet people.
Come and find out about:
Space missions, citizen science projects, and opportunities for participation in space based initiatives in the region.
Education programmes and activities to engage people young in Space and Astronomy
Talks, hands-on experiments, demonstrations and live video link ups to speakers, scientists and industry representatives from around the world.
Initiatives using space based applications in a range of areas from technology, agriculture, fashion, travel,art,and design.
Careers information and representatives from local business, industry and government.
Posters, Exhibits and Networking
SpaceUp Manchester invites you to demonstrate and exhibit services, products and technologies that relate to space explorers.
Dynamic sessions are being planned that will offer a unique opportunity for posters, exhibits and hands-on technology demonstrations to be shared with attendees. This is a great opportunity to reach an influential audience.
You will be amazed at what comes out of SpaceUp. You might see problems solved, plans hatched, projects kicked off, businesses started, and amazing friendships born.
From Friday afternoon through to Saturday evening we will be holding an epic Space Hackathon. Prizes will be given for challenges, apps, hardware and all things Spacey! Come along and create the next big thing with us.
Who should come to SpaceUp Manchester?
Anyone with an interest in space! SpaceUp is open to people of all ages, with sessions dedicated to young people and education through to public participation in space exploration. SpaceUp is open and accessible to all regardless of your level of knowledge of Space.
What's Happening During SpaceUp
We have two jam packed days filled with exciting Space Stuff, including:
A VR Suite with an Immersive Planetarium
SpaceUp Hackathon - sponsored by .Space - have the chance to win sending your hack into Space along with winning some fantastic prizes!
Our networking social, because making connections is what SpaceUp is all about
Talks, workshops, demonstrations and roundtable discussions
And not forgetting food and refreshments, provided by our sponsors Artemis Space
To find out more, visit our website at or drop us a line at
MiSK Hackathon: World’s first live broadcast dual nation $20,000 Hackathon
25 Nov - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Coders, developers, designers, business people, medical or technology students! The MiSK Foundation invites you to sign-up and participate in the world’s first live broadcast dual nation “Medical Internet of Things” Hackathon. Collaborate in mixed, cross-cultural teams to conceive tech innovations that could help solve some of the world’s most pressing health problems.
Misk Foundation Medical Internet of Things Hackathon
25 Nov - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Coders, Developers, Designers, Business, Medical or Technology Students in London and Riyadh! Sign up and participate in the “Medical Internet of Things” Hackathon - the world’s first dual-nation live broadcast event, sponsored by the MiSK Foundation. If you're a techie aged 18-32, and are eager to collaborate with world-leading experts on ground-breaking tech health inventions, then the MiSK Foundation wants to hear from you!