Showing results 201 to 210 out of 212
Hack Cambridge
30 Jan - 10:00 AM
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Hack Cambridge is the University of Cambridge’s very own hackathon for you to build on an awesome idea, learn from mentors of the world’s most influential companies, and enjoy unlimited food and drinks. There are no limits to the ideas or skills needed. All students above 18 who are currently a at any university or have left after the 30th of January 2015 can apply!
UnituHack Warwick
30 Jan - 09:00 AM
Warwick, United Kingdom
UnituHack is bringing together students & staff to co-create technological innovations and solutions for specific challenges found in universities. This is an opportunity for all types of university staff and students who may have an idea they would like to create and improve for their own academic experience.
Global Game Jam 2016 SAE Institute Liverpool
29 Jan - 05:00 PM
Liverpool, United Kingdom
The Global Game Jam (GGJ) is one of the world's largest hackathons on game development. Come and explore the global creative gaming atmosphere, while taking part in the process of development, including programming, iterative design, narrative exploration and artistic expression. Don't worry if you don't know how to program, creative idea makers are also very crucial on the process of game development. Also if you are an experienced game player you can take a stab at testing the design.
Global Game Jam 2016 SAE Institute Oxford - REGISTRATION
29 Jan - 05:00 PM
Oxford, United Kingdom
The Global Game Jam (GGJ) is one of the world's largest hackathons on game development. Come and explore the global creative gaming atmosphere, while taking part in the process of development, including programming, iterative design, narrative exploration and artistic expression. Don't worry if you don't know how to program, creative idea makers are also very crucial on the process of game development. Also if you are an experienced game player you can take a stab at testing the design.
Global Game Jam 2016 SAE Institute London
29 Jan - 05:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
The Global Game Jam (GGJ) is one of the world's largest hackathons on game development. Come and explore the global creative gaming atmosphere, while taking part in the process of development, including programming, iterative design, narrative exploration and artistic expression. Don't worry if you don't know how to program, creative idea makers are also very crucial on the process of game development. Also if you are an experienced game player you can take a stab at testing the design.
Data Hack
29 Jan - 09:00 AM
Hull, United Kingdom
Hull UK City of Culture Hackathon is inviting marketing agents and digital companies to come together and work on a hack involving data around an aspect of the City of Culture and exploring its key digital themes. Attending will be David Watson, Head of the City of Culture’s digital team, along with Microsoft officials who will be providing guidance, experience and training to those who get involved.
One Hour Hackathon
28 Jan - 06:30 PM
London, United Kingdom
The One Hour Hackathon is designed for all those who want to get a taste of what a real hackathon is like without having to give up a whole weekend or have any skills. If you're a designer, a marketeer or even a footballer, come and join this event, practice your skills and learn what it takes to win! Once the build has ended, teams will get a few short minutes to present their ideas before a winner is chosen!
Robotics & Autonomous Systems for the Long Term Care Revolution
25 Jan - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
The Long Term Care Revolution Challenge is to find innovative ideas that will disrupt the current long term care institutional model. Innovate UK and The Robotics & Autonomous System Special Interest Group are hosting this workshop to find innovation within the RAS Community. The goal is to create different systems and services addressing the lifestyle needs and wishes of dependent individuals, their carers, and families.
Art Challenge
22 Jan - 06:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
A 24-hour art and technology hackathon to disrupt the art industry with real challenges from key players in the art and technology space. Welcoming entrepreneurs, artists and hackers of all skills!
Connected Healthcare at the Digital Media Centre
21 Jan - 11:30 AM
Barnsley, United Kingdom
The Yorkshire and Humber digital healthcare event is open to all creative design and digital technology specialists and healthcare professionals. Explore topics such as virtual reality, telehealth, animation and robotics, and new market opportunities for creative and digital technology in the NHS and healthcare sector. Learn how apps, software and digital solutions are improving the patient experience in existing care and how to get involved in a programme of healthcare hackathon and access to finance events to support your product development.