Showing results 211 to 212 out of 212
People Make Glasgow Smart
20 Jan - 10:00 AM
Glasgow, United Kingdom
A city is nothing without its people. The people of Glasgow are at the heart of Glasgow’s transformation to a Smart and Future City. Through the Future City Glasgow programme, Glasgow has demonstrated how we can use technology for a smarter, safer and more sustainable city. The implementation of these foundations supports Glasgow's journey to a Smart and Future City. We want to share our lessons learned with you on how we have: Made our streets safer through the creation of the Glasgow Operations Centre. Demonstrated how we can better use, save and generate energy whilst reducing carbon emissions in the city. Involved and empowered communities with organised community mapping sessions. Inspired future generations to embrace the digital age through interactive, dynamic coding sessions. Promoted City innovation through cutting edge hackathons. Improved the efficiency of bus services for our social transport services. Opened up Glasgow through open data empowering citizens to interact with the city. Join us on 20th January 2016 for further information on this programme and take part in interactive workshops where you will have the opportunity to talk to SMEs that have worked on the project and interact with members of the community who have benefitted from the Future City Glasgow programme. People Make Glasgow Smart
    Hackathon - Global flood awareness system
    16 Jan - 09:00 AM
    Reading, United Kingdom
    The Global Flood Awareness System is looking for innovative ideas to improve their current system. Come and develop tools for improved global flood forecasting in order to save lives worldwide!