Showing results 31 to 40 out of 212
"Rocket into STEM" Panel Event - November 2016
12 Nov - 01:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Morgan Stanley and Stemettes invite you to a celebration of women in STEM. Routes to STEM is a panel discussion with a difference! It’s exclusively for 14-18 year-old young women, where you’ll hear all the different ways people begin their scientific careers. Topics that will also be discussed include apprenticeships, A-level choices, university degrees, work experience. You’ll be able to ask the panel questions, and network with each other and the experts!
Maker Assembly Manchester
12 Nov - 09:30 AM
Manchester, United Kingdom
Maker Assembly is a gathering of people interested in making*. We bring people together to have a critical conversation about cultures of making: their meaning, politics, history and future. We encourage everyone to participate by combining short talks with contributions from the attendees. It is peer-to-peer, informal and conversational. We're organising this event in conjunction with the Crafts Council's Make:Shift conference. Schedule 9:30 - Arrival and registration 10:00 - Welcome Address by Maker Assembly co-organisers Liz Corbin and Marc Barto 10:10 - Welcome to MadLab by Asa Calow and Rachael Turner 10:15 – Learning from International Making CulturesChaired by Liz Corbin The session will hear from representatives of making cultures in Paris, Shenzhen and Cape Town. As an assembly, we will explore the uniqueness of each culture as well as those challenges and ambitions which we commonly share. - Justyna Swat – Strategic designer and architect, designing for social impact and co-founder POC 21 (France)- Craig Dunlop – Maker, founder of Workshop, (South Africa)- David Li - founder of Shenzhen Open Innovation Lab (China) 11:45 – Coffee break 12:00 – Making and Humanitarian Relief Talk and activity by Laura James What roles can making play within responses to humanitarian challenges? How can the use of digital platforms enable individuals and communities to organise themselves globally in order to collectively work on solutions? How can we avoid the pitfalls of hackathons and make sure that what we design is needed and can be adapted by users locally? How can we share knowledge and learn from the experience of others, such as Humanitarian Makers and Field Ready’s global network?  13.15 – Lunch & chats Lunchtime Activity: The Incomplete and Crowdsourced History of UK Maker Culture 14:45 - Making and Manufacturing Chaired by James Tooze Technological advancements and cultural shifts are reshaping the way we make and manufacture things on a national and global scale. This session aims to explore making and manufacturing at all levels, including; informal production by individuals for individuals, collaborative production by hyper-local communities, (re)distributed and networked manufacturing, and finally, new business models for local/global production chains.  - Ruth Claxton – artist and half of MakeWorks Birmingham - Adrian McEwen – founder of MCQN Ltd., co-founder of DoES Liverpool- Paul Sohi – Product designer for Autodesk - Alon Meron – Tutor in Design Products, Royal College of Art 16:00 - Coffee Break 16:15 - Keynote address  Laura Billings – Project Lead on The Open Works project and Author of Designed to Scale. Keynote Address title: The role of making in wider civic infrastructure 16:45 - Crowdsourced closing remarks 17:00 - To the pub Venue We'll be holding Maker Assembly in Manchester Digital Laboratory (MadLab), a grassroots innovation organisation based in Manchester UK focusing on science and technology, arts and culture. Tickets Thanks to support from the Comino Foundation, ticket prices are heavily subsidised. Your ticket also includes a communal lunch and refreshments during the day. About Maker Assembly If you'd like to find out about previous Maker Assemblies, check out our first event in London, and the second event run by friends in Belfast and recently our third event in Sheffield.  Maker Assembly is a community-run event, produced by Andrew Sleigh, Irini Papadimitriou, Liz Corbin, Marc Barto and Tom Lynch. We are supported by Lighthouse and the V&A, and with funding from Comino Foundation. We want everyone who attends our event to enjoy the day, feel able to express their views and welcome. As such we expect all attendees to follow The Ada Initiative Code of Conduct. Follow us on twitter: @MakerAssemblyUK, join the conversation using #MakerAssembly * What do we mean by "making"? We're talking about people who craft, design, manufacture, tinker with, engineer, fabricate, and repair physical things. Art, craft, electronics, textiles, products, robots. Hi-tech and low-tech, amateur and professional, young and old, with digital tools or by hand. Historical perspectives, what's happening here and now, and how things might change in the future. We aim to be diverse and inclusive. If what you make, or how you see yourself, is a little bit on the fringes, you're doubly welcome.  Credit photo: Photos by Dan Sumption.
    GreatUniHack 2016
    12 Nov - 09:00 AM
    Manchester, United Kingdom
    Student hackers! Come and participate in the GreatUniHack 2016 at the University of Manchester. Come on your own or with a team. If you're on your own, you'll find teammates when you arrive on site! You'll be tasked with tackling sponsor challenges which will be announced before the event, Collaborate in your team with like-minded student techies to compete for awesome prizes!
    Hack X: First Year Hack
    12 Nov - 09:00 AM
    London, United Kingdom
    Freshers at King's College London! Are you looking at a future in technology and interested in building tech products? The KCL Tech Society invites you to come and participate in Hack X: First Year Hack Fresher’s Challenge. Come and hack your Saturday away in a beginner-friendly environment! There is no theme, so you're encouraged to strut your techie stuff. Get creative, build something awesome and learn for yourself what hackathons are like.
    Hack the Change: The worlds first Hackathon to progress the Rule of Law
    11 Nov - 06:00 PM
    London, United Kingdom
    Coders, developers, designers, innovators, big data experts, machine learners, do-ers, maker-ers, think-ers! Anyone who believes passionately that no one is above the law! Sign up to participate in Hack the Change and be part of the world's first Hackathon to progress the Rule of Law. Bring your skills and creativity and collaborate to find solutions that help the 57% of the world’s population who live outside the shelter of the law.
    Social Storm Hackathon at Middlesex University
    11 Nov - 01:00 PM
    London, United Kingdom
    Middlesex University students! Passionate about building a better society? Want to use your skills and ideas to find solutions to society's problems? Come and participate in Social Storm Hackathon 2016. Collaborate with your team of like-minded students to develop a business plan to help solve a social issues challenge and submit a video pitch to the team of judges. It's not only a great addition to your CV, plus the winning team receives a £100 cash prize and will also go to Summer Jam for Entrepreneurs in Croatia 2017, flights and accommodation paid for!
      Social Storm- 24 hour Virtual Hackathon
      11 Nov - 01:00 PM
      Birmingham, United Kingdom
      Aston University students and graduates! Are you passionate about finding innovative solutions to global issues? Come and participate in the Social Storm - 24 hour Virtual Hackathon. You'll collaborate with like-minded individuals to tackle two global issues; food security and sustainable housing. You'll work in a team with students from other universities to find a sustainable solution to a real life problem, and to present a video pitch to a team of judges.
      Make stuff better - Facebook + InterTech 24hr Hackathon (iv)
      05 Nov - 11:00 AM
      London, United Kingdom
      Developers, UX, content and visual designers, tech project managers and coordinators! So bring all of your design, technical and organizational talents and participate in Europe's biggest LGBT+ Hackathon! The theme is #MakeStuffBetter, so you'll be challenged to come up with innovative ideas to help spread tolerance, promote health, and create awareness!
      AstonHack 2016
      05 Nov - 10:00 AM
      The Aston Triangle, United Kingdom
      Students and recent graduates! Come and participate in Aston University's second student hackathon! The AstonHack event has been expanded to allow for even more student hackers to participate in 24 hours of designing, coding, and making! Be prepared to collaborate with other participants to build cool software.
      05 Nov - 09:00 AM
      London, United Kingdom
      Developers and designers! Interested in how technology can help improve the future of learning? Come sign up to participate in HackEDU. You'll collaborate with like-minded people to design and build pedagogical tools. You don't need to be an expert! You'll get to work with all levels of expertise to brainstorm, design and build prototypes for presentation and judging.