Showing results 81 to 90 out of 212
IAMCP UK Exclusive Dinner: The Partner Eco-system - How do we stay ahead of the game in a world of channel disruption?
08 Sep - 06:30 PM
London, United Kingdom
IAMCP UK members! You're invited to an exclusive dinner event, where the topic will be: "The Partner Ecosystem — How do we stay ahead of the game in a world of channel disruption?" The world’s power balance is shifting—West to East; central controls to decentralization; asset accumulation to the sharing economy and the preference for “utility” consumption commonplace for almost every product or service. Come and hear how new world power brokers are shaping the future of business success and how partnerships, ecosystems, and collaboration are fuelling some surprising and profound successes across industries and centres globally.
Lucene4IR: Developing IR Evaluation Resources using Lucene
08 Sep - 09:00 AM
Glasgow, United Kingdom
Collaborate to develop a common set of teaching and training resources for students and researchers wishing to use and learn about Information Retrieval (IR) Evaluation using Lucene. The tools and resources built during the event will be uploaded to GitHub and shared with the community and will form the basis for tutorials and teaching materials.
Distributed Ledgers & Smart Contracts - Technical Workshop for Developers
05 Sep - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
For those that have ventured farther into blockchain than most, this full day workshop will take a look beyond the theory of many concepts related to block chain, and give in-depth instruction on how to apply concepts to create a functioning decentralized application.
Food, Glorious Food: Reinventing a Sustainable Food Ecosystem
03 Sep - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Interested in a sustainable food eco-system? Then sign up to participate in Food, Glorious Food: Reinventing a Sustainable Food Ecosystem. Join MakeSense to focus on the Food Security Cause. Collaborate with like-minded individuals to help Food Social Entrepreneurs to tackle their challenges with innovative design thinking workshops, a mini-hackathon, public debate blended with live music and a day long festival “Farmers of the Future” and its focus upon Food Production.
StartupBus UK Hackathon Kick-off
01 Sep - 07:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Are you a developer, designer, UX specialist or marketeer? Think you have what it takes to build and launch a product in three days? Apply to ride the Startup Bus! Come to this year's kick off — an event that includes talks, panel discussions, and networking. Equal parts hackathon, road trip and global community, StartupBus is an annual competition designed to challenge top tier talent to hop on a bus and conceive, build and launch a startup in 72 hours.
HackerNest Manchester August Tech Social
22 Aug - 06:30 PM
Manchester, United Kingdom
Calling all techies in the Manchester area! Come and participate in the HackerNest Manchester August Tech Social. You'll find it's a fun, relaxed way to connect with your local tech community. Atmosphere: chill, friendly, unpretentious, agenda-free and brimming with UltraSmart people. Manchester is an up and coming UK tech hub and HackerNest wants to help you connect with the local tech scene!
Digital Democracy Hackathon
20 Aug - 11:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Techies, digital enthusiasts, academics and entrepreneurs! At the end of August, the Jeremy for Labour Leader campaign will launch a new range of digital principles and policy. Come help the Corbyn campaign formulate a range of policy that will appeal to people who think digital is important, with a focus to digital policy and principles than can better facilitate a fairer democracy. The aim of the hack day is to create a range of digital principles and policy that emulate Jeremy's key 10 pledges  but for digital.
GDG Hackathon : For Developers By Developers
20 Aug - 10:00 AM
Shoreditch, United Kingdom
Developers wanting to develop? Come participate in GDG Hackathon—a hackathon for developers by developers! No business presentations! No pitch decks! You'll get to code and in just one day, you'll get up and running on the Google Cloud Platform!
Get Digitl Hackathon
20 Aug - 09:00 AM
Shoreditch, United Kingdom
Makers, hackers, coders and enthusiasts come participate in the Get Digitl Hackathon at Google's London Campus. Compete in a software based competition to develop the best project. You don't have to be a coder! The competition is aimed at more competent coders, but even if you've never coded before, feel free to come along, learn, join in and meet new people! Everyone will be put in teams on the day. Bring your own computer, tablet or computing device of your choice! You can compete with something as small as a Raspberry Pi!!
oneTRANSPORT: Open Transport Data for the Developer Community
18 Aug - 06:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Interested in building apps that use technology and the Internet of Things to improve public transport? Want to learn how to use the oneM2M standard to access an open marketplace for transport data? Want to learn and contribute to the use of new technologies, through deployed real-time sensor data and other live datasets? Sign up to participate in the oneTRANSPORT Hackathon — help explore and create IoT solutions for transport that can be used by the wider community and benefit local authorities. The event allows for developers to draw data from the platform, as well as contribute back to the platform, enriching the existing services that are available through the platform.