Showing results 91 to 100 out of 285
Glam Kids Hackathon & Startup Bash
22 Oct - 09:00 AM
Luton, United Kingdom
Kids in the Luton area! Bring your parents and participate in the Glam Kids Hackathon & Startup Bash. You can also enroll in the Glam Chess and Coding classes for chess and coding, 3D modeling and printing, web design, ... and many more.
Kingdom Code: BUILD '17
20 Oct - 06:30 PM
London, United Kingdom
Christian hackers in the UK! KIngdom Code invites you to join like-minded developers, designers and entrepreneurs from across the UK to participate in Kingdom Code: BUILD '17. This hackathon is part of a global series happening in cities around the world. Expect challenges aimed at helping release the oppressed, teaching God’s Word, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and supporting the church and the body of Christ.
School of Computing 60th Anniversary 24 Hour Hackathon
20 Oct - 06:30 PM
Leeds, United Kingdom
Everyone is invited to our 24 hour non-stop hackathon looking at the challenging and exciting area of FinTech in partnership with major technology leaders (HSBC, IMC, AQL and others). Join us for this event, work in a team and propose a concept, or build a prototype, or design a start-up – whatever you do you will have the chance to win a portion of over £2,000 in prizes, continued mentorship, and gain access to job opportunities.
In 1957, the University of Leeds was one of the first universities in the UK to buy a computer. This was a revolutionary development in university science and engineering, and the springboard for academic computer science in the university.
60 years on, computer science underpins nearly everything we do.
The sponsors have provided a set of topics in the areas of financial tech, digital identity, security, and personal digital assistants. Your team will have 24 hours to propose a great idea for a particular topic and produce an initial prototype. You will then present your idea to a judging panel on Sunday afternoon. A winning team will be chosen for each topic area. Throughout the event you will be given mentoring and support by research staff and engineers in designing and building your concept. Mentors will also be on hand to look at your CV and give you tips on employability etc.
Over £2,000 of prizes to be won across sponsor led challenges as well as opportunities for sponsor mentorship and recruitment.
Teams will consist of 4 people, you can either register as a team or we can help you form a team at the reception event. We encourage multi-disciplinary teams to give you the best the chance of success.
Friday 20th October (18:30) - Welcome reception for delegates and sponsors with an introductory talk by Dr Chris Sier Fintech Envoy for the North
Saturday 21st October (10:30) - Hackathon Start
Sunday 22nd October (12:00) - Judging/prizes by Sponsors (scheduled close 15:00)
Are there restrictions on who can take part?
There are no restrictions on who can take part (other than age requirement of 18+). We would particularly like to see as many students (undergraduate, masters, and PhD) involved as well as staff from the universities in Leeds. We'd also love to see a great mix of disciplines, although having someone with a computing background on your team will help.
Are meals provided?
Yes, at the reception on Friday we'll provide a buffet. On Saturday we'll provide lunch and dinner. On Sunday we'll provide breakfast and lunch. There will be coffee and soft drinks available throughout as well. There is not cost for the food or drink.
Do we need to register as a team?
No, teams will consist of 4 people. You can register as a team online before the event or else you can let us know on Friday that you've got team sorted. If you haven't we'll help you either form or join a team during the reception on Friday and Saturday morning.
Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event?
Yes, hackathon participants must be over 18 as the event runs throughout Saturday night.
What are my transport/parking options for getting to and from the event?
After 5PM the University Edge and Multi-Storey car parks are open to the public. Payment is made before exiting. Further details can be found here:
What can I bring into the event?
Please bring a laptop.
How can I contact the organiser with any questions?
Either use the contact details on your registration form or contact the School of Computing on 0113 343 5430.
Hacktoberfest: London Meetup
20 Oct - 05:30 PM
London, United Kingdom
It's Hacktoberfest 2017! Let's celebrate open source over food, drinks, learning, and great company!
Make sure you bring your laptop :)
17:45 - Welcome: Opening talk, intro to Hacktoberfest.18:00 - Workshop: How to contribute to open source.18:20 - Share your project: Got an open source project you'd like to share? You'll be able to show it off here, and if there's any issues, make sure you add the Hacktoberfest tag so that people can find them!18:30 - Food begins serving.18:30 - Let's build! Find some projects that interest you, and have a go at working on any issues they have. Feel free to ask for help if you have any questions/problems!21:15 - Demos: Worked on something you particularly enjoyed or were proud of? Feel free to show it off to everyone else!
Code of Conduct
By attending our event you agree to follow our code of conduct to help ensure the event is as welcoming, inclusive and friendly for everyone. You can read it here.
What's Hacktoberfest?
Hacktoberfest—brought to you by DigitalOcean and GitHub—is a month-long celebration of open source software. Maintainers are invited to guide would-be contributors towards issues that will help move the project forward, and contributors get the opportunity to give back to both projects they like, and ones they've just discovered. No contribution is too small—bug fixes and documentation updates are valid ways of participating.
Can't make it to this event? Hacktoberfest is virtual and open to participants from around the globe. Sign up to participate today.
Rules and Prizes
First sign up on the Hacktoberfest site. If you open up four pull requests between October 1 and October 31, you'll win a free, limited edition Hacktoberfest T-shirt. (Pull requests do not have to be merged and accepted; as long as they've been opened between the very start of October 1 and the very end of October 31, they count towards a free T-shirt.)
Connect with other Hacktoberfest participants (Hacktobefestants?) by using the hashtag, #Hacktoberfest, on your social media platform of choice.
New to DigitalOcean? Receive USD $10 in infrastructure credit at
Learn the basics of Git in 15 minutes
How To Create a Pull Request on GitHub
GitHub Training Kit: Open source slides, workbook, and cheat sheet courseware for teaching Git and GitHub classes
Git cheat sheets in multiple languages
Understanding the GitHub Flow
GitHub training sessions and webcasts
Patchwork: Casual, mentored workshops for beginners to Git and GitHub
More resources from GitHub
Open Source
Open source 101
Where to find Open Source projects to work on?
Find more resources and useful tips for participants on the Hacktoberfest site.
How do I sign up for Hacktoberfest?
Register with your GitHub credentials at
When can I start?
You can sign up anytime between October 1 and October 31.
Who can participate in Hacktoberfest?
Hacktoberfest is open to everyone in our global community!
What are the rules?
To win a shirt, you must sign up on the Hacktoberfest site and make four pull requests on GitHub by October 31st. (Pull requests do not have to be merged and accepted; as long as they've been opened between the very start of October 1 and the very end of October 31, they count towards a free T-shirt.)
Where can I make pull requests?
Pull requests can be made in any GitHub-hosted repositories/projects.
What if I don't complete four pull requests by October 31st?
Everyone who participates receives limited-edition Hacktoberfest stickers—regardless if you complete the four pull requests or not.
Have questions?
Contact us through Eventbrite, the Hackathon Hackers EU Facebook group, or email to find out more about the event.
Bentham Hackathon
20 Oct - 05:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Jeremy Bentham, the English philosopher and social reformer, famously wrote ‘Many hands make light work‘. UCL Innovation and Enterprise invites you to collaborate with many like-minded individuals to make light work of transcribing Bentham's writings to build a comprehensive dataset of Bentham’s manuscripts. You'll help make new kinds of research possible into Bentham's works and contribute to an enhanced understanding of our cultural heritage.
KMKY: Integration Narratives
20 Oct - 11:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Social activists and anyone interested in migrant integration! If you're in the Greater London Area then The Wonder Foundation invites you to participate in the KMKY: Integration Narratives workshop and social hackathon. Following a film that deals with issues around migrant integration, you'll get to participate in the hackathon. Coding skills are not necessary -- you'll be challenged to design interactive games, programmes, and projects around migration and integration.
Propensity to Cycle Hackathon
20 Oct - 09:00 AM
Leeds, United Kingdom
This Propensity to Cycle Tool Hackathon is designed for advanced users and developers of the tool to share ideas, use-cases and skills. The aim is to build know-how of the tool and how it can be used, modified and extended to improve its ability to help provide an accessible evidence-based for transport planning.
Attendees will likely split into teams at the outset to work on issues such as:
How to best make use of data generated by the PCT
New scenarios (e.g. 'Go York')
Modifications to the PCT (this could have multiple teams)
It is hoped that the knowledge learned will be shared beyond the event via write-ups, workshops and extensions to the PCT by attendees.
R must be installed, in addition to the development version of the stplanr package:
It will help if you have Git installed on your computer. With it installed the following commands will download all files you need to reproduce the tool:
# clone the pct data creation scripts git clone
If you want to work on the 'full' PCT you'll need these on your laptop before the hackathon.
To download the input data, install git lfs from GitHub and run the following lines of code from an appropriate shell (e.g. bash on Linux or Windows Powershell):
git lfs install # check lfs is working # clone the data (warning - large) git clone # raw input files git clone # national outputs git clone # regional outputs used by pct-shiny
The contents of the regional outputs are used by the code in pct-shiny, which can be downloaded with:
git clone
See full draft agenda here:
The rough running order of the event will be as follows:
Getting up to speed 9:00-10AM (optional)
The aim of this section is familiarise attendees with the PCT. Optional for experienced users.
Policy relevance and the type of questions we want to answer (15 minutes)
Open question and answer and a chance for people to ask technical questions (15 minutes)
Meet and greet and team formation - talk to person next to you and decide what you want to get out of it (15 minutes over coffee)
Coffee break, discussion and set-up (15 minutes)
Learning to use and hack the PCT (10 - 12)
Live demo and where we're at with the Propensity to Cycle Project and quick demo (Robin - 15 minutes)
The aim of this section is to learn skills needed for the hackathon. By the end of it everyone should be in a team with a plan.
Split session. Getting up to speed with the tool - Robin, Nikolai and Ali to do tech explanation for people with PCT installed, others to demonstrate use cases for people without (45 minutes)
Free time to play with the tool, test hacks and network to finalise teams (1 hr)
Lunch: 12 - 1PM
The hackathon (1 - 4pm)
This is where the bulk of the work will take place
Reconvene to hear and discuss team ideas (30 minutes, ~5 min per team)
Free time for hackathon (2 hrs)
Feedback (4 - 4:30PM)
Presentation of hacks and discussion
World MoveIt! Day - Shadow Robot Company & UCL Hackathon
18 Oct - 11:00 AM
Stratford, United Kingdom
MoveIt hackers in the Greater London Area! Shadow Robot Company & UCL invite you to participate in their World MoveIt! Day Hackathon. You'll collaborate with like-minded techies to close as many pull requests and issues as possible. You'll also get to be creative and explore new features and improvements for the MOVEit managed file transfer software framework.
HackSheffield 3.0 [MLH]
14 Oct - 09:00 AM
Sheffield, United Kingdom
Our third Major League Hacking Hackathon based in the University of Sheffield - for students and recent graduates across the world!
For more information, visit!
Facebook Event
13 Oct - 05:00 PM
Chester, United Kingdom
University of Chester students! You're invited to sign up to participate in the 24-hour HackThornton hackathon. Come as a team, or join one at the event. You can pick one of the designated hackathon tracks -- voice UI, virtual reality, gaming, or innovation -- or work on your own idea.