Showing results 181 to 190 out of 285
Depression - a design hackathon for our times
10 Jun - 09:30 AM
London, United Kingdom
Hackers, designers, healthcare professionals! The XDs (The Experience Design Group) invites you to participate in Depression - a design hackathon for our times! This event will attract a wide variety of professionals in the design and healthcare sectors -- from disciplines including psychology, AI, UX, pharmacology and games design. You'll collaborate in teams including end-users to explore and create a prototype solution to will help people with depression and their friends and family. You'll go from insight to prototype in just 48 hours.
BP-Imperial Hackathon 2017
09 Jun - 06:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Coders, designers, hackers in the UK! Imperial College Advanced Hackspace invites you to participate in the BP-Imperial Hackathon 2017: Voice Activated Technology. You'll learn all about emerging voice activated technologies and then be challenged to create innovative new ways for BP to use that technology to connect with customers.
Lancaster Silly Hackathon 2017
27 May - 10:00 AM
Lancaster, United Kingdom
'Nobody will use this' There's no end-goal, no notion of good or bad, and no idea too simple or too stupid. The Silly Hackathon is aimed at everyone with the desire to build their wacky and fantastic ideas for the simple sake of building something. Details The plan is simple, we'll be holding a day of building silly tools, gadgets and thingamabobs. Use your programming skills to develop something which has no utility but enormous humouristic value.   if (idea['type'] == 'terrible'     OR list_uses(idea) == []     OR wtf(idea) > 0) {     print('Perfect!'); }   At the end of the day, every participant or team will have a five-minute presentation to show off what they've made to everyone else. Please visit for more information!
    First NRF Legal Hackathon
    27 May - 09:00 AM
    London, United Kingdom
    We have partnered with Norton Rose Fulbright to bring you the First NRF Legal Hackathon. This Hackathon is designed to partner students up with lawyers to create applications that you design together. It runs until you can't type anymore, with the awards ceremony the next day Breakfast lunch and dinner will all be caterered for. So make sure to bring your own laptop and most of all, have fun!
      Freshwater and citizen science: A research hackathon.
      25 May - 05:00 PM
      Oxford, United Kingdom
      PhD students and freshwater scientists in the Oxford area! If you're interested in citizen science, then Earthwatch Institute invites you to participate in a research hackathon to be held at Oxford Brookes University. You'll collaborate with other participants to hack FreshWater Watch's citizen science-generated dataset on water quality in rivers, streams, ponds, lakes and wetlands. You'll work in a small team to explore a given research issue and use the FreshWater Watch dataset in conjunction with other accessible datasets in order to identify opportunities for freshwater ecology.
      24 May - 10:00 AM
      London, United Kingdom
      Solidus developers and architects! Are you planning to attend SolidusConf 2017? Conference sponsor--Lost My Name--invites you to participate in an informal hackathon with the core Solidus product development team. This is your chance to collaborate with the experts and contribute your skills and creativity in order to make the Solidus platform even better than it is now!
      SolidusConf 2017
      24 May - 09:00 AM
      London, United Kingdom
      Solidus developers and architects! Are you planning to attend SolidusConf 2017? If so, why don't you also plan to participate in an informal hackathon with the core Solidus product development team? This is your chance to collaborate with the experts and contribute your skills and creativity in order to make the Solidus platform even better than it is now!
      Break into the Blockchain space! Hands-on Blockchain Developer Workshop.
      24 May - 08:30 AM
      London, United Kingdom
      Due to popular demand and positive feedback from our students during our March 2017 workshop, we are pleased to offer further training in London during May 24th and 25th. Join our two-day Blockchain Developer hands-on workshop and be at the very forefront of this new technology. Our workshop consists of topics that all future Blockchain Developers must know and we incorporate plenty of hands-on development sessions. Our goal is to help regular Application Developers become Blockchain Developers. Day 1 Intro to Blockchains, Bitcoin, Proof of Work and Mining Intro to Ethereum and Smart Contracts Hands-on development on Ethereum Solidity and Smart Contracts Day 2 Smart Contracts Security and Ethereum Internals - Cryptography, Consensus, EVM, Privacy What to know as a Blockchain Developer Hands-on development on Ethereum Solidity and Smart Contracts One month of continued on-line support via a dedicated Gitter channel After the workshop, we hope our students will continue coding, learning and exploring the Ethereum platform, and in good time, we hope our students will have the opportunity to work professionally in the Blockchain space.  With this in mind, to help our students succeed, we are providing a dedicated Gitter channel after the workshop where our students have up to a month to ask further questions in relation to Ethereum, smart contracts etc. Recommended development experience Minimum of 6 months development experience is recommended We have a great line up of trainers that will help you break into the Blockchain space. Matthew Di Ferrante Matthew is a Software Engineer with a passion for Information Security, Cryptography, and Distributed Networks. He has worked in many different areas, from hardware, embedded and kernel programming, to data mining, analytics, and network / systems programming. He first started learning programming at 12 years old, and is completely self taught, both on the practical side of programming, and on the theoretical side of computer science, mathematics, and cryptography. Matthew was first exposed to Bitcoin in late 2010 due to his interest in information security, as Bitcoin was first mainly used on darknets/Silk Road, and got fully involved in the Blockchain space around the time Ethereum started to exist - beginning his foray while living with Vitalik Buterin and long time friend Vlad Zamfir (Creator of Ethereum's Casper Protocol) in London for a few months. Matthew currently works as a Technical Lead at Clearmatics, developing Blockchain Technology for financial use cases. In his free time, Matthew works on personal hardware projects, gives Information Security and Blockchain related talks at various events, and organise one of the largest monthly Information Security events in the North-West. Matthew’s design for a Secure Oracles Reputation System on Ethereum recently won first place for Smart Contract Security at the Thomson Reuters HackETHon. Matthew will be introducing developers to the way the Blockchain works technically, and what its potential applications could be.  He will cover the workings and history of the Bitcoin Blockchain, as well as Ethereum and its concept of smart contracts that allow Turing complete code to execute on a virtual machine on the Blockchain.  Matthew will also talk about Smart Contracts Security and Ethereum Internals. He will discuss the most important areas to know as a Blockchain Developer. Matthew will hold a Q&A session after each topic. Laurence Kirk After a successful career writing low latency financial applications in the City of London, Laurence was captivated by the potential of Blockchain Technology, and in particular smart contracts. Two years ago, Laurence moved to Oxford and set up, a consultancy working with start-ups in the UK and overseas, developing applications on the Ethereum platform. He brings with him a wealth of real world experience that he loves to share with those new to this area. Laurence hold a Physics degree from Durham University, and currently taking his MSc in Software Engineering at Oxford University. In addition to giving talks, mentoring at hackathons, and running groups about Blockchain Technology, Laurence also organise Artificial Intelligence and Data Science groups in Oxford. During the workshop, Laurence will be teaching Solidity (an object-oriented programming language for writing smart contracts) from the simplest smart contract up to interacting with a web application. The focus is very much the practical techniques that are needed when developing on Ethereum. The sessions will be very hands on, encouraging students to practice and explore Ethereum and raise any questions students might have regarding the Ethereum platform. Nick Johnson Nick Johnson is a Senior Software Engineer and has been working in the software engineering space for the past 16 years. Nick is currently working as a Software Engineer for the Ethereum Foundation and prior to this, he worked at Google for a number of years. He brings with him a wealth of knowledge and expertise in Solidity that he loves to share and will be teaching how to write and develop smart contracts during the hands-on development session, and will give students the opportunity to ask questions in relation to the Ethereum platform. Nick comes from a Computer Science academic background having gained his BSc degree from the University of Canterbury. There will be plenty of Q&A throughout the whole two day workshop. Date:  Wednesday 24th & Thursday 25th of May, 2017 Time: 08:30 to 17:00 Workshop Location: Rise London, 41 Luke Street, EC2A 4PD, London Secure your ticket early as spaces are limited. Please present your ticket confirmation receipt upon arrival. *Breakfast and lunch are provided during the workshop on both days. For further details on our workshop, please email us on or contact us on 0044 (07)923 521 833. Follow us on Twitter @bc_workshop Tweet us on hashtag #theblockchainworkshop Join our meetup group (Photo image from Jan 2017 Blockchain Workshop, courtesy of ©matteogiachettiphotography) Venue Sponsor: A special thank you go out to Rise London for sponsoring our venue. Rise London, in partnership with Barclays, is an exclusive place for start-ups to develop, collaborate, scale and innovate together. Rise London, the home of fintech and Barclays Accelerator powered by Techstars, is the place where great minds co-create the future of financial services. Visit Rise London website to find out more. Follow Rise London on Twitter.
        PG Taster Day
        23 May - 10:30 AM
        Bailrigg, United Kingdom
        Get some PG Tips! Advice - book a personal 1 to 1 surgery for application writing or career guidance Join in – participate in a discipline specific taster session to inspire and meet fellow students Support – learn everything you need to know before realising your ambitions of PG study   Schedule: Elevenses 10:30 - 10:35       Welcome (Dr Joe Finney) 10:35 - 10:45       Tea and Coffee with Classic Biscuits 10:45 - 11:05       Hack into Cyber Space (Dr Andreas Mauthe) 11:05 - 11:30       InfoLab Tour 11:30 - 11:55      EBIN Hackathon Experience (Prof Juliana Sutanto & E-Business students)  Pie n Peas, Chips n Gravy 12:30 - 12:35       Welcome (Dr Deborah Costain) 12:35 - 13:15       Pop-up Caff Lunch 13:15 - 13:35       Delve into Data Science (Dr Chris Nemeth) 13:35 - 14:30       Campus Tour Good Afternoon Tea 15:30 - 15:35       Welcome (Prof Adrian Friday) 15:35 - 15:55       Load-up Computer Science (Dr Barry Porter) 16:00 - 16.25       Open Q&A Session 16:25 - 16:30       Until October (Dr Chris Edwards) Throughout the day 10:30-16:30 Bookable Surgery Sessions Application, careers and funding experts available for guidance Drop In Exhibits: Employment, Industry opportunities, and funded PhD research projects Undecided on PG study: Check out the wide range of postgraduate opportunities from across Lancaster University  Any Questions:    
          ECS Splunk Hackathon [Cyber Academy International Conference on Big Data in Cyber Security 2017]
          10 May - 10:00 AM
          Edinburgh, United Kingdom
          As part of the Cyber Academy's International Conference on Big Data in Cyber Security, ECS and Splunk are holding a Hackathon based around the Splunk Platform that will test your skills and logic against other like-minded technologists and in the end the team with the best analytical skills, use cases and dashboards will prevail and take the prize! You will first receive a brief overview of the big data platform (Splunk) and an introduction to starting your data analytics using this powerful software. This event provides an opportunity to not only demonstrate your technical and analytical know-how using the Splunk technology, but also to win prizes (Amazon Vouchers & Splunk T-Shirts)! Our Hackathon presents a challenging scenario for attendees to work as part of a team in a fun and relaxed environment. Even if you don’t have deep technical skills we’ll make sure your team does is well balanced for the challenges. (Complimentary refreshments will also be available!) Register here.