Showing results 251 to 260 out of 285
24 Feb - 09:30 AM
Leeds, United Kingdom
Data scientists, programmers, technologists, activists, analysts, policy makers — in fact anyone and everyone who is interested in air quality! ODI Leeds invites you to participate in #AirHack, a 2-day event working with the UK's Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) to explore air quality — the problems, the data, the solutions. You don't need to be an expert on data or digital technology — you just need to be interested in how Defra datasets might be used for the civic good.
LabVIEW Hackathon - University of Sheffield
22 Feb - 01:00 PM
Sheffield, United Kingdom
LabVIEW professionals! National Instruments, the Fraser Nash Consultancy, and Tribosonics invite you to sign up to participate in the LabVIEW Hackathon at the University of Sheffield. Come and help solve great engineering challenges and network with engineers from industry. You'll get the chance to showcase and further develop your LabVIEW skills and compete with the best-of-the-best to win awesome prizes.
Science Museum London Digital Lab Hackathon
21 Feb - 09:30 AM
London, United Kingdom
Coders, designers, fabricators, science fans, video gamers, and hackers! You're invited to sign up and participate in the Science Museum London Digital Lab Hackathon. You'll get to use the museum's new Collection Online API, and come up with weird, magical, useful and innovative ways of presenting the Museum's collections.
All Around The Blockchain: Girl Geek Scotland Blockchain Workshop
19 Feb - 02:00 PM
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Apply Now!
We are running a short course for women, to learn the basics of working with Blockchain technologies in a friendly and supportive setting.
You do not need previous experience of working with Blockchain to apply for these workshops.
This course is an introduction to Blockchain technology and is aimed at learners with some experience of programming.
Who is this course for?
We will be concentrating on two main areas of back-end functionality, and front end UX design and user experience. We are looking for learners who are interested in developing their knowledge of one or both of those areas.
Learners will be organised into small teams in a collaborative learning environment and have the support of an expert programmer in their team.
Applicants to do back end development should have some recent experience of programming, and knowledge of at least one common general use language (e.g. Python, Ruby, Java, Javascript).
Applicants to do UX design and development should have some recent experience in this area.
We encourage learners to do a bit of their own coding in between the two sessions, during which time the volunteer coaches will be available for online advice and support.
IMPORTANT: We are unable to supply laptops for this event, so all applicants must bring a laptop, and may be asked to do some setup/installation of required software in advance.
How to apply
IMPORTANT: Registering for a ticket does not guarantee a place on our workshops.
Each applicant will primarily be assessed based on their motivations for participating in the course. When you register you will answer a few questions about yourself including:
Why you wish to attend this course
How this course will help you work towards your career goals
What your experience is in programming and with UX design and development tools
We will also be balancing applications against one another, to ensure that we develop the ideal teams for our learning environment, with mixed skills and abilities.
If there are no tickets shown as available, please sign up for the waitlist. We will contact you by email if you are successful in gaining a place on our course.
From First App to Creative Hacks!
This is a feeder event for our Hackathon for Entrepreneurs, taking place in March and April, and will help you develop the skills to build an awesome Blockchain app. The course gives you the opportunity to familiarise yourselves with tools to create prototypes of innovative Blockchain-based apps at the event.
The hack events are also structured so that participants can work on their project flexibly over a month, to encourage participation from people who are put off by the usual hackathon format of a long sleep-deprived weekend!
What is Blockchain?
Blockchain is a secure distributed ledger technology, probably best known for its use as the basis for the Bitcoin virtual currency. It has many more applications in finance and beyond, and an increasing number of organisations in Scotland are using it - not just startups, but large multinational companies and the public sector. This makes experience with Blockchain a great thing to have on your CV!
Important Dates
Sunday 12th February midnight
Sunday February 19th, 2-5pm
Sunday March 5th, 2-5pm
Sunday March 26th, 2-5pm
Sunday April 23rd, 2-5pm
Girl Geek Scotland
At Girl Geek Scotland our aim is to grow a community of professionals and entrepreneurs who are able to support each other at entry-level and throughout their careers in computing, creativity, and enterprise. A big part of this is ensuring that there are role models for everyone to learn from and aspire to.
Girl Geek Scotland welcomes people from all gender identities, physical abilities, neurotypical and atypical people, religions and ethnicities. We ask everyone attending to show respect for others at all times.
GGS Event Policies
Please refer to our Anti-Harassment Policy and Event Photography / Videography Policy as set out on our website. Your acceptance of which is assumed should you register to attend one of our events.
With thanks
With enormous thanks to our partners, sponsors and suppliers who help us make this happen. They are:
NCR Edinburgh has grown from a successful software startup to an integral part of a global, multi-billion dollar organisation. Every day, NCR powers more than 500 million self service transactions with solutions for customers in the financial, retail, hospitality, travel and telecoms sectors.
Now home to over 18,000 students from over 100 countries, we first welcomed 800 students as Napier Technical College in 1964. However our story goes back to the time of John Napier, the brilliant sixteenth century mathematician and philosopher from whom we take our name. When you come to Edinburgh Napier University, you’ll study at one of our six specialist schools. Each of our schools is an impressive institution in its own right, with world-class facilities, academics, researchers and international links.
Bright Red Triangle (BRT) offers a comprehensive set of professional/personal development activities for students and graduates in partnership with key stakeholders within and beyond Edinburgh Napier. Our focus is on improving the enterprise skills and employability of our students and graduates while instilling them with an entrepreneurial mindset. We offer business incubation services, paid consultancy experience as well as design thinking and design your future courses to our current and past students.
Property Tech Hololens Hackathon
18 Feb - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Developers, designers and Hololens AR enthusiasts! Do you have Hololens development experience? Then Realities Centre & TLA PropTech invite you to sign up to participate in the Property Tech Hololens Hackathon. You'll showcase your creativity and skills against like minded enthusiasts and create a unique Hololens Augmented Reality (AR) experience for a given PropTech industry theme.
env.infohackit evening presentations @Birmingham
17 Feb - 08:00 PM
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Interested in seeing real scientific ideas presented in new innovative ways? Want to see science teamwork at its best? Come to the env.infohackit evening presentations @Birmingham. You'll see the project presentations made by teams of PhD environmental scientists, designers, developers and other creative types. They will present the results of their hackathon participation where they will compete to create the most exciting, informative and compelling infographics to communicate their research topics.
Property Technology (PropTech) AR/VR Conference
16 Feb - 06:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
AR/VR techies! Come and participate in the hackathon to be held at the Property Technology (PropTech) AR/VR Conference. You'll be challenged to create innovative AR/VR solutions foir the property market. Details of the hackathon are to be provided.
Connected Parking Hackathon
15 Feb - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Social innovators, students, NGO's, designers, UX/UI, anyone interested in using technology to improve parking! Impact Hub Westminster invites you to sign up and participate in the Smart Cities - Connected Parking Hackathon. You'll be challenged to design and prototype an innovative solution to ease the problems of parking in the City of Westminster — congested roads, underutilized parking, limited community interaction, and air pollution. You'll showcase your solution at the hackathon demo day and compete for the £300 cash prize and the right for your project to be presented to the Department for Transport.
Up Close and Personal: living with and loving robots
09 Feb - 06:30 PM
London, United Kingdom
Exponential View's dinner series begins it 2017 programme with a discussion between Dr Kate Devlin and Azeem Azhar on what will happen when we get up close and personal with robots.
The evening is led by Dr Kate Devlin from the Department of Computing at Goldsmiths, University of London. She will explore the implications of human-robot relationships as we develop closer connections with AI. What does getting personal and intimate with robots mean for our physical and emotional wellbeing? Why and how does robot intimacy offer new opportunities for self-expression and freedom, or not?
In our convivial dinner setting, we will also discuss some of the philosophical, legal and bioethical areas of debate about living with robots in intimate, personal dimensions of everyday human life.
Kate Devlin is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computing at Goldsmiths, University of London. In December 2016 she ran the UK's first sex tech hackathon and chaired the Second International Congress on Love and Sex with Robots. Her current research in Human Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence focuses on how sex and sexuality shape technology.
Food & drinks will be served.
This event is in collaboration with BGF Ventures who are kindly hosting us and providing libations.
The event is strictly limited to 50 people so that we can maximise mingling, conversation and participation.
Please note: Tickets are non-refundable.
London Fintech Conference 2017
08 Feb - 12:30 PM
London, United Kingdom
The largest student-led financial technology conference in Europe is returning to bring you the brightest ideas and thoughts of industry pioneers on the financial world.
Join us on the 8th of February 2017, in Imperial College London, to learn about the newest trends, connect with likeminded students and gather inspiration from top founders in order to continue innovation in the financial sector. The conference will reflect on topics such as the development of roboadvisors, usage of big data and blockchain technology, the transition of consumer banking and wealth management, as well as starting out your own venture and the implications for student entrepreneurs. Participants confirmed so far include TransferWise, Anthemis Group and Scalable Capital amongst many others. The full schedule will be released on the 16th of January!
Following the lessons and successes of the 2016 edition, we are aiming to make the conference more interactive, by organising a hackathon the weekend before (link), the winners of which will be awarded monetary prizes and a chance to pitch to leading venture capitalists on stage of LFC 2017!
Tickets are released on the 1st of January, so be sure to grab one quickly as the event is expected to sell out! After the conference, a small number of students are given the opportunity to participate in a formal dinner at Elena's L'Etoile to network more closely with industry leaders and spend an exciting evening discussing the latest socioeconomic and technological developments.
Early Bird Tickets - 7£
Regular Tickets - 12£
Student Dinner Tickets - 39£ (includes access to the conference)
Professional Dinner Tickets - 59£ (includes access to the conference)
Event Dresscode: Business Casual
See you on the 8th of February 2017!