Showing results 271 to 280 out of 285
Innovating with Defra data - open meeting (London)
25 Jan - 05:30 PM
London, United Kingdom
Data scientists, technologists, story-tellers, activists, analysts! Are you interested in mining the value of the data sets available from the UK's Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)? The ODI invites you to participate in an open meeting to shape an upcoming 2-day hackathon event in Leeds that will address air quality. You don't need to be an expert on data or digital technology — you just need to be interested in how DEFRA datasets might be used for the civic good.
Innovating with Defra Open Data - Open Meeting
25 Jan - 05:30 PM
Bristol, United Kingdom
Data scientists, technologists, story-tellers, activists, analysts! Are you interested in mining the value of the data sets available from the UK's Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)? ODI Bristol invites you to participate in an open meeting to shape an upcoming 2-day hackathon event in Leeds that will address air quality. You don't need to be an expert on data or digital technology — you just need to be interested in how DEFRA datasets might be used for the civic good.
Innovating with Defra data - open meeting
25 Jan - 05:30 PM
Leeds, United Kingdom
Data scientists, technologists, story-tellers, activists, analysts! Are you interested in mining the value of the data sets available from the UK's Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)? ODI Leeds invites you to participate in an open meeting to shape an upcoming 2-day hackathon event in Leeds that will address air quality. You don't need to be an expert on data or digital technology — you just need to be interested in how DEFRA datasets might be used for the civic good.
Public Transport Hackathon - brought to you by Wayfindr
21 Jan - 11:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Creators, developers, and entrepreneurs - students or professionals! Interested in inclusive smart cities and innovative solutions for public transport? Wayfindr invites you to sign up and participate in a Public Transport Hackathon. You'll get the opportunity to collaborate to come up with ways in which Bluetooth Beacons and APIs can improve the travel experience for citizens of London on the London Underground. You will be challenged to create innovative uses of the Beacon API to provide new digital navigation services for commuters who need additional assistance, such as vision impaired people.
EdTech Augmented Reality Hackathon
21 Jan - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Developers, designers and AR enthusiasts in and around London! Come sign-up and participate in the EdTech Augmented Reality Hackathon. You'll network and collaborate in a small team with like-minded AR-enthusiasts to build an Augmented Reality (AR) experience. You'll be given a challenge theme and in just over 24 hours, you must create a unique AR application connected to your own personal interpretation of the theme. Your only limitations are time and your imagination.
env.infohackit evening presentations @Manchester
20 Jan - 08:00 PM
Manchester, United Kingdom
Interested in seeing real scientific ideas presented in new innovative ways? Want to see science teamwork at its best? Come to the env.infohackit evening presentations @Manchester. You'll see the project presentations made by teams of PhD environmental scientists, designers, developers and other creative types. They will present the results of their hackathon participation where they will compete to create the most exciting, informative and compelling infographics to communicate their research topics.
Blockchain Week Hackathon
20 Jan - 06:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Developers , designers, techies interested in the use of technology for the public good! Fintech Worldwide invites you to participate in the Blockchain Hackathon! Your challenge is to collaborate with like-minded innovators to improve citizen and municipal services. Sign up, come and generate awesome concepts that help government at all levels better assist their citizens — perhaps by exploring ways to help the unbanked, track the movement of goods, voting, e-citizenship, licensing, etc. Winning teams will be judged on concept originality, feasibility, level of development and appropriate use of Blockchain.
Global Game Jam 2017 at Dundee Makerspace
20 Jan - 06:00 PM
Dundee, United Kingdom
Gaming enthusiasts—ages 18 and over—in and around Dundee! Come and participate in the Global Game Jam—the world's largest game jam event, where you can collaborate with like-minded gamers to create awesome new games! You're invited to explore new technology tools and testing your skills by designing, creating, and testing your own new game—all in less than 48 hours.
Go to the hackathon tips pagefor useful advice!
Global Game Jam 2017
20 Jan - 04:30 PM
Lincoln, United Kingdom
College and University student gaming enthusiasts in and around Lincoln! Come and participate in Global Game Jam 2017 — the world's largest game jam event, where you can collaborate with like-minded gamer techies to create awesome new games! You're invited to explore new technology tools and testing your skills by designing, creating, and testing your own new game — all in less than 48 hours.
Get ready for Global Game Jam 2017 with the best hackathon advice!
Global Game Jam 2017 SAE Institute London- OFFICIAL REGISTRATION
20 Jan - 02:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Gaming enthusiasts in and around London! Come and participate in the Global Game Jam 2017 at the SAE Institute London. This is the world's largest game jam event, where you can collaborate with like-minded gamers to create awesome new games! You're invited to explore new technology tools and testing your skills by designing, creating, and testing your own new game—all in less than 48 hours.
Visit our hackathon tips pageto prepare for your Global Game Jam 2017 experience!