Showing results 41 to 50 out of 285
HackTrain 4.0 Hackathon (Registration)
24 Nov - 03:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Developers, designers, railway entrepreneurs, and policymakers! You're invited to attend the HackTrain 4.0 RailTech Conference and to participate in the annual 48-hour hackathon on a moving train. At the conference, you will hear specialists assess and outline the best methodologies to counter cyber security attacks and also define the next era of multi-modal transport. In the hackathon, you'll get to collaborate and compete on your participation track selected from one of Customer Experience & Rolling Stock, Cybersecurity & Infrastructure, or Policy & Performance. Register here and then go to in order to receive the official chocolate ticket to take part in the hackathon.
Sex Tech Hack II - Discussion Day
24 Nov - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Students, academics, and professionals! Hacksmiths invites you to participate in the Sex Tech Hack II -- beginning with the Discussion Day. Sex Tech Hack is a two-day hackathon around the themes of intimacy, companionship, and sexuality with technology. Come and showcase your creativity and compete to be the winning project.
HackTrain 4.0 RailTech Conference
24 Nov - 08:30 AM
London, United Kingdom
Developers, designers, railway entrepreneurs and policymakers! You're invited to attend the HackTrain 4.0 RailTech Conference and then to participate in the annual 48-hour hackathon on a moving train. At the conference, you will hear specialists assess and outline the best methodologies to counter cyber security attacks and also define the next era of multi-modal transport. In the hackathon, you'll get to collaborate and compete on your participation track selected from one of Customer Experience & Rolling Stock, Cybersecurity & Infrastructure, or Policy & Performance.
Hack The North - DWP Digital Hackathon
23 Nov - 04:00 PM
Manchester, United Kingdom
The challenge for our hack is to identify and address the barriers to people applying for these jobs, and develop an innovative solution to encourage people to retrain and travel to where the work is.
We'll kick things off on Thurs 23/11 from 4pm, when we'll set the scene through some quick-fire presentations from a range of speakers.
The teams will then spend the whole day on Fri 24/11 putting their ideas into practice before presenting these to our expert panel towards the end of the day.
Hack The North - DWP Digital Hackathon
23 Nov - 04:00 PM
Manchester, United Kingdom
#HacktheNorth - Helping the region work and grow
Use your digital skills and creativity to help solve Manchester’s unemployment challenges, and further cement the city’s position as an international cultural and economic hub.
What to expect:
The event will be held across two days, from 4pm to 8pm on Thursday 23 November. We'll then start again from 9:30am to 6pm on Friday 24 November.
The challenge:
DWP Digital will be joined by some of the brightest and most creative people in the north to work on solutions which address one of the most pressing issues in the area. Despite Manchester’s growing popularity among top employers and its reputation as one of the UK's tech hubs, there are still more than 158,000 unemployed people in the North West.
The challenge for our hack is to identify and address the barriers to people applying for these jobs, and develop an innovative solution to encourage people to retrain and travel to where the work is.
We believe it’s a great opportunity to generate ideas to help further cement Manchester’s place as an international cultural and economic hub, and we'd like to invite you to co-create solutions which could make a difference to this important cause.
Event format:
We are working in partnership with our sponsors MongoDB. We'll kick things off on Thursday 23 November from 4pm, when we'll set the scene through some quick-fire presentations from a range of speakers.
Ideas will be then be pitched and teams will be formed who’ll then spend the whole day on Friday 24 November putting their ideas into practice before presenting these to our expert panel towards the end of the day. You’ll have access to searchable open-source labour market data to help bring your ideas to life.
Our developers, engineers and data science specialists will be on hand with advice and tips.
Food and refreshments will be provided by our sponsors. And like all good hack events, there’ll be a prize for the best solution!
Please note that the event will be filmed for promotional use.
What to bring:
Apart from yourself, you'll also need to bring your own laptops and chargers.
Please don't bring your own or your organisation's proprietary solutions to this event - we're looking for imaginative ideas on the day!_____FAQs
Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? Yes, this event is designed for attendees aged 18 and above.
Is my attendance confirmed? We will email you with an invitation which will serve as a confirmation of your attendance.
How can I contact the organiser with any questions? If you wish to get in touch with regards to the event, please email us at
Is it an overnight event? No, we will hold the event across two days, starting on Thursday 23 November from 4pm – 8pm and continuing on Friday 24 November from 9:30am – 6pm.
Does the venue have a step-free/disabled access? Yes.
What will happen with my solution/code developed? The digital solutionsand code written during the DWP Digital Hack event, will be published open source. We hope that these outputs will be used to inspire ideas and we will find a way to drive forward any feasible ideas
Health Innovation Exchange - Self Care Hackathon
23 Nov - 09:30 AM
Liverpool, United Kingdom
The Health Innovation Exchange want you to join us to provide answers for self care solutions for health challenges. We are collaborating with DigiCreDis, Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust and Liverpool John Moores University to give the opportunity for healthcare professionals and healthcare patients to set challenge they have always wanted to be solved. To kick start team's projects, there will be free vouchers available for the use of Amazon Web Services. The event is sponsored by the European Regional Development Fund, with prizes provided by Knowledge Transfer Network.
General themes for the day will include:
- Smart fire / heat sensing for use in homes
- Monitoring nutrition
- Suicide prevention
- Improvement of physical health for those living with mental health conditions
Hackathon delegates will have the opportunity to set further challenges for teams.
Health Innovation Exchange Self Care Hackathon Programme
Thursday 23rd November
9.00 am - Registration and coffee
9.30 am - Welcome
9.45 am - Roy Foden – ignite presentation- personal perspective on self care
10.00 am - Challenges
10.45 am - Break
11.00 am - Team formation and networking
11.30 am - Initial team session
12.45 pm - Lunch (provided)
1.15 pm - Hacking
3 pm - Break
3.15 pm – Get active
3.30 pm - Hacking
5.00 pm - Close
Friday 24th November
9.00 am – Coffee, hacking, preparation for practice pitches
10.30 am - Practice pitches
12.45 pm - Lunch (provided)
1.15 pm - Final preparation
2.30 pm - Presentations to judges and prizes
4.00pm Close
The Health Innovation Exchange helps businesses develop and deploy products and services into the health and care sector by providing:
·Access to healthcare professionals, universities, other companies and members of the public to develop and evaluate products and services·Support navigating health system deployment, including information governance·Access to Health Economics expertise·Support with the repurposing of products/services from non-health fields·Links to other programmes including those to support advanced product manufacturing (LCR4.0) and fund business advice (New Markets)
hAQUAthon 2017 - Water "Data Hack"
22 Nov - 12:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Be part of the smart transformation of the Water Industry
Based on the Hackathon or “Data Hack” concept, the ground-breaking hAQUAthon will bring together a range of organisations throughout the water industry to collaborate with data science and analytic experts to drive innovation through a fun, informal event.
The event is free to attend and will provide the opportunity to build new networks, identify real-world solutions to big challenges and accelerate innovation in the water community. The event aims to go beyond theory and “ideation” and yield actionable solutions.
The culmination of the event will see teams pitch and present their ideas to the Judging Panel and the rest of the groups. The most viable solution will be awarded during the closing ceremony with other recognition for other outstanding contributions.
Winners will also be granted automatic entry to dragons 2017 with the opportunity to pitch the winning idea on the 4th December to a panel of experts.
You can enter as a single entry or a team of five, which is the group "hacker" size during the event.
#haquathon #datascience #water #tech #hackerthon
OpenCon London 2017: Open for What?
21 Nov - 06:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Developers and hackers in the Greater London Area (and beyond)! You're invited to participate in OpenCon London 2017. This is a satellite event to the OpenCon 2017 conference held in Berlin, Germany the week before. The satellite event will feature a hackathon during the day and an evening event. Sign up here for the evening event which features a keynote presentation and a panel on the topic 'Open for Business'.
BBC #newsHACK: Applications of media monitoring to data journalism
21 Nov - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Developers, designers, data visualization experts! If you're interested in the application of technology to monitor masses of news items, then the BBC Connected Studio Team invites you to participate in an edition of BBC #newsHACK that's focused on applications of media monitoring to data journalism. Participating in a two-to-six person multi-skilled team, you'll be challenged to build a prototype that can help data journalists make sense of the accumulated database of global news stories aggregated by SUMMA platform.
OpenCon London 2017: Hackathon
21 Nov - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Developers and hackers in the Greater London Area (and beyond)! You're invited to participate in OpenCon London 2017. This is a satellite event to the OpenCon 2017 conference held in Berlin, Germany the week before. The satellite event will feature a hackathon during the day and an evening event with a keynote and panel discussion on the topic 'Open for Business'. Sign up here for the hackathon in which you'll be able to participate on one of two tracks - Open for Reproducibility, and Open for Collaborative-Coding.