Showing results 141 to 150 out of 272
Lhasa Limited - Chemistry/Toxicology/Visualisation Hackathon
26 Apr - 09:30 AM
Leeds, United Kingdom
Spend the day hacking on visualisation of chemical/medical data. More details to follow
Analytic's Spring hackathon
24 Apr - 09:30 AM
London, United Kingdom
***This event has been postponed***
Data analytics techies and professionals! Business Intelligence Group invites you to sign up for Analytic's Spring hackathon!
You will work in a team of 2-5 individuals and use Microsoft's PowerBI business analytics service to create an awesome interactive visualization of a given data set provided by King's College, London.
Maximize your hackathon experience with advice from our tips page!
Develop a Successful Artificial Intelligence Startup Business
23 Apr - 01:00 PM
Nottingham, United Kingdom
Learn to Develop a Successful Artificial Intelligence Tech Startup Business Today!
Develop a Successful Artificial Intelligence Startup Business
23 Apr - 01:00 PM
Sheffield, United Kingdom
Learn to Develop a Successful Artificial Intelligence Tech Startup Business Today!
Symphony Innovate 2020 Hackathon: London
23 Apr - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Hack into New Workflows at the Symphony Innovate Hackathon in London
Build on your secure collaboration platform to extend critical workflows beyond your company walls. Develop scalable, innovative solutions at an upcoming Symphony Hackathon to bring progress and efficiency to your firm. Developments should break down silos across firms, as well as internally across front, middle, and back offices.
Schedule: 9 AM - 5 PM Hackathon 5 PM - 6 PM Presentations 6 PM - 6:30 PM Awards, Cocktails to follow *Breakfast and lunch, will be provided
Requirements:In order to participate in any of the hackathons, individuals must:
Register each individual team member by 27 March 2020. Teams must be comprised of 1-5 individuals.
Attend our one-hour webinar prior to the event. Session dates to be announced.
Day of: Provide your own hardware (laptops, chargers, etc.). Internet access will be provided.
Note: You do not have to be a current Symphony customer to participate in the hackathons.
Awards & Recognition:Three winners will be selected from each location, one in the following categories:
Most Cutting-Edge Technical Development for the project with the most innovative use of Symphony APIs.
Most Progressive Business Workflow for the most improved workflow to an inefficient process. Special consideration for cross-company workflows.
TBA Host Category - Award and winner to be selected by hosts and may differ per location.
All winning developments have the option to be featured at Symphony Innovate 2020 on 28 April in London.
Questions? Email us at Have a team in Paris who would like to participate? Have them register now!
See our Innovate Hackathon & Innovation Award winners from 2019!
By attending a Symphony Innovate Europe 2020 Hackathon, you consent to (i) be photographed, filmed and/or otherwise recorded; (ii) be included in Symphony’s newsletter distribution list (which distribution will contain an unsubscribe option if you no longer desire to receive the newsletters); and (iii) the use and publication by Symphony Communication Services, LLC, its affiliates and any applicable media agency acting on Symphony’s behalf of (1) your name, likeness, statements & voice (if applicable) and (2) images, descriptions (whether verbal or written) and videos of any developments you bring to, or display or created at, the event, in each case as such information or media is received or recorded by Symphony at Symphony Innovate Europe 2020, for any purpose in which Symphony engages, including any promotion, advertisement or other conduct of trade.
Stemettes Engineering Hack @ MTC
20 Apr - 10:00 AM
Coventry, United Kingdom
Girls in the UK aged from 5 to 22! If you're interested in becoming an engineer or a maker, or some other career in STEM, then you're invited to participate in the Stemettes Engineering Hack at the Manufacturing Technology Centre in Coventry. If you're under 16, then you'll need to bring an adult -- parent or guardian -- with you. You'll be taught how to create a project using the easy-to-use Tinkercad 3D modeling program. Then, over the weekend, you'll work on your project and present it to a panel of judges for the opportunity to win fun prizes.
CoronaHack - AI vs. Covid-19
18 Apr - 09:00 AM
Biomedical and data scientists in the UK and beyond. Artificial Intelligence consultancy firm Mindstream-AI invites you to participate in the CoronaHack - AI vs. Covid-19 virtual hackathon.
Through a virtual platform, you'll get full access to Covid-19 datasets and other relevant technology. You'll work collaboratively with top data scientists, biomedical researchers, vaccine specialists, startup founders and investors to developing innovative approaches to the current crisis. Your goal will be to quickly come up with approaches to monitoring, diagnosing and controlling the CoronaVirus.
Athena Hack (2020) - Champion, Encourage & Inspire Women in Tech
18 Apr - 08:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Athena Hack (2020) is the UK's largest woman/non-binary only Hackathon.
After the success of Athena 2019, ShowCode have partnered with, Cisco and Imperial College London in order to Champion, Encourage and Inspire women within technology.
Our all-woman/non-binary hackathon is a 24 hour hack that is open to anyone aged 18+ who identifies as woman/non-binary.
It is an exciting experience organised by ShowCode as an initiative to champion woman/non-binary technologists and focus their skills on an exciting project.
Circular EconomyAt Athena Hack 2020 our competitors will be tasked with helping the Circular Economy!
The competitors at Athena 2019 created some amazing tech to help solve the plastic crisis, and in partnership with Cisco we are excited to take this years task to the next level.
Prizes to be revealed shortly!
Learn more on our dedicated Athena Hack webpage.
Virtual Hackathon - UK FinTech Week 2020 – Reinvent Retail Banking
17 Apr - 07:00 PM
Techie university students, working finTech developers and designers from industry and business, entrepreneurs and startup types residing in the UK!
If you're interested in creating new products, then you're invited to participate in Virtual Hackathon - UK FinTech Week 2020 – Reinvent Retail Banking -- a 48-hour online hackathon of product development. You don't have to be technical! Marketers, designers, finance and other business types are welcome. Come with a multi-disciplinary team of 4-6 people, or be assigned to one during the event registration period.
You'll get choose from two retail banking challenges:
Challenge 1: Peer2peer lending, B2B transactions, C2C transactions, payment sharing, mobile payments, and smart settlements.
Challenge 2: Account management, card management, banking loyalty programs, automated billing, personal banking security. money transfer, loan management, credit rating for individuals, fraud control, and investment user experience.
Your team will have present a working prototype and project business plan to an online jury panel, They will judge the projects based on customer validation, execution and design, and business model feasibility.
Digital Camp April 2020
17 Apr - 09:00 AM
Invitation to Digital Incubator
Techie teens and aspiring techies in the UK! You are invited to sign up for Digital Camp May 2020. The Digital Camp is an online event for teens where you'll learn about new tech and tools that you can use to help your community and the planet.
Take part in hands-on workshops and then participate in the Connect for Good - Ideas Hackathon. You'll be challenged to design a connected product or service to help people, the planet, and communities. As part of a team, you will work to understand user needs, build a product proposition, plan its launch, and then pitch your project to a jury panel. The five top winners of the Connect for Good Ideas Hackathon will be invited to join a Digital Incubator, where they will be supported to bring their projects to life and develop a proof of concept.
Get answers to your hackathon questions on the expert tips page!