Showing results 171 to 180 out of 272
Develop a Successful Artificial Intelligence Entrepreneur Startup Today!
24 Mar - 01:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Learn to Develop a Successful Artificial Intelligence Tech Startup Business Today!
Develop a Successful Artificial Intelligence Startup Business
23 Mar - 01:00 PM
Bristol, United Kingdom
Learn to Develop a Successful Artificial Intelligence Tech Startup Business Today!
Develop a Successful Artificial Intelligence Startup Business
23 Mar - 01:00 PM
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Learn to Develop a Successful Artificial Intelligence Tech Startup Business Today!
Develop a Successful Artificial Intelligence Startup Business
23 Mar - 01:00 PM
Liverpool, United Kingdom
Learn to Develop a Successful Artificial Intelligence Tech Startup Business Today!
Develop a Successful Artificial Intelligence Startup Business
22 Mar - 01:00 PM
Bradford, United Kingdom
Learn to Develop a Successful Artificial Intelligence Tech Startup Business Today!
RAW Galileo London 2020
21 Mar - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
The 24h hacking event. We will develop Android application utilising Galileo (GNSS).
IWF 'Every 5 Minutes' Hackathon Cambridge
21 Mar - 09:00 AM
Cambridge, United Kingdom
For too many children, the ordeal of sexual abuse doesn’t end when the abuse stops. The recording, viewing and sharing of countless photos and videos online mean victims suffer humiliation and misery every time someone clicks on an image of their abuse.
We are calling all engineers, developers, cyber security experts and individuals with awesome skills from Cambridge and around the world to come together and work on innovative projects to help stop distribution of child sexual abuse imagery online.
The Hackathon is a one-day event in at IWF in Cambridge and you are invited to join us to help find and create “tech for good” solutions to make a genuine difference to the victims of online child sexual abuse.
What kind of skills do I need?
We welcome anyone who can help technically and/or who has experience with the following:
Write tools to help scrape websites or organise files (images + video)
Experience of ML/AI and NLP
Who can perform OSINT (OpenSource Intelligence)/SOCMINT (Social Media Intelligence)
What should I bring?
Something to work on - tablet, laptop etc.
What will be provided?
Internet access, a comfy place to hack, IWF tech support and encouragement!
Drinks and food will be provided throughout the day. Please state any dietary requirements on the booking form.
All IP developed will be donated to the IWF Hotline for the investigation and removal of child sexual abuse only.
Spaces for the event are limited and RSVP does not guarantee participation, you will receive a confirmation email two weeks in advance.
Homeless Hackathon Edinburgh
20 Mar - 05:30 PM
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Homelessness To Help: Hack
Join 100 people ready to hack homelessness across a weekend.
Friday: 17.30 - 21.00
Saturday: 9.30 - 17.00
Sunday: 10.00 - 16.00
Ben Hammersley, the San Fransisco based Editor-at-Large for Wired magazine contacted the organisers Gallus Events to offer his support, “What a great idea. Homelessness and rough sleeping are some of society's biggest failings and without a doubt tech companies have a big role to play in alleviating these ills.”
The Homeless Hackathon Edinburgh will bring together:
- Scottish tech and start up community
- Charities and other organisations dedicated to end homelessness in Edinburgh and across Scotland
- Policy makers and think and do tanks
- Local and national politicians
- Political and community activists
- Anyone with ideas, time, skills and resources to dedicate, to supporting charties and other organisations, or to creating thier own solutions
- Those with lived experience of being homeless
FOR FULL DETAILS OF THE EDINBURGH HACKATHON including supporting organisations.
Further informaiton and links:
Introduction to the Global Series of Hackathons taking place in Barcelona, Edinburgh, Dundee and London.
To find out a full list of supporting organisations and more details on our objectivces.
To find out more about the hackathon visit Homeless Hackathon including getting involved including sponsoring or large donations. Contact William.
The series of Homeless Hackathons are not for profit events.
Mental Health
19 Mar - 06:00 PM
St Helens, United Kingdom
HR and Learning & Development professionals in Cheshire and on Merseyside! The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) invites you to participate in the Mental Health Hackathon. You'll get to hear three guest speakers provide unique perspectives on mental health -- and then take part in a #hackathon that will distill those perspectives into practical approaches that you can bring to your work practices.
Our tips page provides practical advice for hackathon participants!
Hackathon: Tax and fintech for the vulnerable
19 Mar - 08:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
What role does tax play in safeguarding the most financially vulnerable in society?
Tolley and LexisNexis invites you to a one-day hackathon to explore how fintech and tax technology can be used to support those that are least likely to have access to professional support.
We recognise that trying to navigate one of the most complex tax systems in the world without professional help leads to overpaying tax, under-utilising benefits and cases where individuals are targeted for fraud.
When and where is it?
Join us on 19 March 2020 at Lexis House in our full-day hackathon where you’ll work in teams to come up with creative solutions to tricky problems.
Who can take part?
This hackathon is an open event. We believe solving complex social issues requires individuals with diverse backgrounds, skills and experiences. On the day we hope to bring together those with skills in software engineering, design, product and tax expertise but we also want great communicators who can pitch in front of audiences, craft compelling marketing messages, facilitate workshops and so much more.
You can take part in this hackathon whether you have technical or non-technical skills. So, if you’re not a software developer, that’s ok. There will be activities you can help with including contributing ideas, challenging groupthink, facilitating mini workshops and much more.
Do I need to bring anything?
Bring your own device and we'll take care of the rest including WiFi, access to cloud services and food and drinks throughout the day.
Schedule (subject to change):
8.00am – registration and networking breakfast9.00am – hackathon briefing9.30am – forming teams and making a start1:00pm – Lunch6.00pm – pitch and demo playback7.00pm – judging panel and winners announced7.30pm – drinks networking