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WHAT IS A HACKATHON? Hackathons are more commonly used in the Technology sector as a collaborative experience to tackle specific coding challenges and product issue. The model has been adapted for the social service sector because it encourages creativity, curiosity, and exploration, key elements needed for distilling ideas into activity and community motion.
WHAT IS A WICKED PROBLEM? Persistent social or cultural problems that communities face that are difficult if not impossible to solve because of thier interconnected and interdependent nature. Using systems thinking allows for and requires a more integrated and collaborative approach to tackle these sorts of issues. Wicked problems require different thinking and open mindsets that can be developed using Design Thinking.
WHAT IS DESIGN THINKING? Design thinking is a holistic systems approach to delivering human-centred services that meet client and service users needs and expectations.
WHY A WICKED PROBLEM SERVICE HACKATHON? The Hackathon model allows participants to develop, explore and test ideas in collaboration with others. Wicked Problem Service Hacks are learn-by-doing events where the only agenda is to meet the expectations and needs of the service users.
A Lab for Learning, Sharing and Challenging Ideas and Perspectives for Change in the 0-6 Service Sector!
WHAT IS THE GOAL OF THE 0-6 Years SERVICE HACKATHON? Participants of the 0-6 Service Hackathon will be better equipped to deliver services as per the OEYCFC guidelines and contribute to the transformation of a more integrated and cohesive system for Children 0-6 and their families . For example-
-Respond to parent/caregiver concerns about their child's development
-Information sharing about services and programs.
-Facilitate and coordinate community connections and service planning for all family members.
-Collaborate with community partners to offer additional programs and services that align with the needs and priorities of the community.
Each 2-day session (select only one to attend) is limited to a maximum of 20 registered participants.
Individuals and teams of 0-6 Service Providers are encouraged to attend one of the three sessions- Consolidated Municipal Service Managers (CMSMS), District Social Service Administration Boards, School Boards, Data Analysis Coordinator, Early Literacy Specialists, 0-6 Researchers 0-6 Community Service Providers, Best Start Members, Early Years Staff and Community Health Service Providers, Family Supports and Service providers, other Community, Ministry and Government Stakeholders/Funders.
Those interested in attending as a service team or network member are encouraged to attend different session dates to increase exposure to broader thinking and perspectives to improve the overall collective learning experience.
WHAT WILL PARTICIPANTS TAKE AWAY? Participants will learn alternative methods for approaching and tackling complex service and community problems. Using large and small group discussions and iterative prototyping activities over the course of 2 days. Participants will also be introduced to, use and analyze a User Experience (UX) Mapping process to explore user service needs and expectations to identify problem areas and opportunities that impedes positive outcomes for users. A great tool for an Program Evaluators toolbox and community service providers wanting to go deeper into the world of service satisfaction and quality for IMPACT.
Resources and access to additional Peer Learning supports.
Hackathon Background Documents
Ministry Planning Documents Ministry of Education Early Years Division Feb 22, 2016
2009 Star Newspaper article Opportunity to Transform early learning in Ontario
2009 IDEO Shopping Cart Challenge Video
Design & Problem Solving
Fast Company Article- Habits of Curious People
Wicked Problems and Design
Designs that Matter
Solving Public Problems through Behavioural Science
Design Thinking for Evaluation & Learning
Registration only available using this Eventbrite page.
Registration includes Lunch and snacks on both days.
Optional overnight Block Accomodations available for registered participants.