1st Italian SDR Hackathon
Organized by
Join us to learn and experiment what Software Defined Radios can do!
A 24-hours collaborative marathon, open to all italian students (B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.) in the ICT sector, but with focus on communication technologies.
Groups of communications enthusiasts will be challenged in a unique experience, to exhibit their talent, creativity and teamwork.
The goal of this edition will be to develop intelligent receivers to automatically identify the transmision mode in wireless communications, starting from real-time transmission samples and using SDRs and NI LabView Communications software suite.
To bring participants up to speed, on the date before the Hackathon (Nov. 13) as well as during the morning of the first day, experts from IRS S.r.l. and University of Trento will provide dedicated training and examples.
Be the first to apply (registration is free!) and experience 24 hours of full immersion in the world of Software Defined Radios!
Accepted groups will receive a six-months licence to National Instruments LabView Communications software suite as well as training videos some weeks before the event, and a small SDR token!
Preliminary schedule:
Nov. 13 afternoon: briefing and introduction to the hackathon, with partners and topic presentations (attendance is highly recommended)
Nov. 14 morning: hands-on with LabView Communications
Nov. 14 lunchtime to Nov. 15 lunchtime: 24-hours hackathon
Nov. 15 afternoon: results presentations
The event is sponsored by IEEE Joint VTS/ComSoc Italy Chapter, IRS S.r.l. and DISI - University of Trento.