1st Swiss-UN Day / 1. Schweiz-UNO Tagung / 1 ère Journée Suisse-ONU
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1st Swiss-UN Day / 1. Schweiz-UNO Tagung / 1ère Journée Suisse-ONU, 23.03.2018University of Bern, UniS
8:45-9:15 Registration and coffee
9:20-9:30 Welcome remarks by Sebastian Justiniano Bircher, Chairman, Gesellschaft Schweiz-UNO (FR-DE-ENG) 9:30-9:45Opening Speech by Prof. Joseph Deiss, former Federal Councillor, former President of the UN General Assembly, Honorary Chairman United Nations Association Switzerland (FR)
9:45-10:00The UN and Switzerland in a time of feminism and “hackathons”Emilia Pasquier, Director, Foraus (DE)
10:05-11:20Panel Reconciling environmental limits and economic growth. Is the UN fit for purpose?
Switzerland in international environmental negotiations: a bridge-builder for a better world?Ambassador Franz Perrez, Federal Office for the Environment (DE)
Economic effects of natural disasters: what we know and what this implies for policy Prof. Eric Strobl, Chair Environmental Economics, University of Bern (EN)
Building institutional architectures that support integrative implementation of the 2030 Agenda Tatjana von Steiger, Deputy Assistant Director General, Global Cooperation, Swiss Development Cooperation (DE)
Tackling environmental challenges in the UN and beyond: views of a young generation Océane Dayer, Project Manager Agriculture and Politics, WWF Switzerland/ Founder-President, Swiss Youth for Climate (DE)
Moderator: Prof. Thomas Breu, Director, Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern (DE)
11:30-12:50Panel The UN and the support for economic development – below the radar of high politics The WIPO development agenda (FR) Georges Ghandour, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Cooperating with the ILO to support better working conditions along the value chain Monica Rubiolo, Swiss Secretariat for Economic Affairs (DE)
Making the international investment regime work for sustainable development: UNCTAD's reform package Elisabeth Tuerk, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (DE)
International Telecommunication Union: Developing countries and the digital divide Fernando Rivera, International Telecommunication Union (FR)
Moderator: Prof. Damian Raess (FR)
12:50-14:00Lunch Break
14:00-15:20Panel: Towards reaching an internationally actionable plan on migration withAmb. Pietro Mona, Swiss Development Cooperation (DE)
Disasters, climate change and the Global Compact on Migration Prof. Walter Kälin (DE)
Beyond statism: regions and cities in global migration governance Prof. Sandra Lavenex, Global Studies Institute, University of Geneva (DE) Moderator: PD Dr. Marion Panizzon, Institute for Public Law (Institut für öffentliches Recht), University of Bern (DE)
15:30-16:50High-Level Roundtable: UN institutional reform and the place of Switzerland in the UN
Mr. Carlo Sommaruga, Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Swiss Parliament (FR)
Amb. Thomas Gass, Director, South Cooperation, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (EN)
Prof. Thomas Biersteker, Global Governance Center, Graduate Institute (EN)
Mr. Salman Bal, Chief Political Affairs and Partnerships, Office of the Director-General, United Nations Office at Geneva
Moderator: Prof. Manfred Elsig, Deputy Managing Director, World Trade Institute (EN)
16:50-18:00Drinks reception (apéro)
From 23rd March 2018 - 09:00 AM
to 23rd March 2018 - 06:00 PM
to 23rd March 2018 - 06:00 PM