2015 Bay Area C4TK Hackathon

    2015 Bay Area Code for the Kingdom HACKATHON


    Transforming The Bay and Beyond Hackathon

     Ideate. Build. Impact.

     Create technology that matters.

    A hackathon movement to ignite the passion and purpose of technologists and entrepreneurs
    to innovate culture shaping technologies that would reclaim our times for the Gospel.

    Engage, envision, challenge, and release the culture makers for sustained impact.


    10 great reasons you should be at the Hackathon: 

    1. Listen to the keynote by Roberto Ortiz, Director of Mobile Design at Yahoo, co-founder of ELEO Conference, and one of the top designers in the world.
    2. Work with The Bay Area Anti-Trafficking Coalition (BAATC) to create technology that activates individuals, families, and groups of friends to take tangible action to fight human trafficking.
    3. Heed the challenge from TBC and Pat Gelsinger, CEO at VMware,  to invent technology to help churches, non-profits, and businesses in the Bay Area adopt schools and respond to the community needs.
    4. Join Francis Chan and CrazyLove in building technology to encourage personal intimacy with God.
    5. Create technology to match an individual’s skills and passions with the right serving opportunity in the community.
    6. Design games to impart to the mobile first generation of children the need and benefits of being generous of mind, time, love, and resources.
    7. Learn how to win a hackathon from Chris Chan, winner of the most Yahoo hackathons.
    8. Connect with mentors, like-minded individuals, and explore your new venture idea.
    9. Pitch your project at the hackathon and recruit team members to join you to help your vision come to life.
    10. Use your skills to affect our communities and global culture by creating technology that addresses significant issues confronting society, families, and spiritual life. Create technology that matters!!!

      --- WHAT IS IT?

    It's back, it's bigger, it's beautiful. 

    For the thrid time in three years, Code for the Kingdom, the world's largest faith-inspired hackathon movement, is coming back to the Bay Area. 

    On the weekend of November 13-15, 2015, we are bringing together technologists, entrepreneurs, creative’s, businesspeople, ministry leaders, visionaries, and anyone passionate about faith and technology, to create technologies what would address significant issues confronting society, community, families, and spiritual lives.

    See this video of what happened in the 2014 Bay Area Hackaton.



    Together our vision is to provide more opportunities for people like you to use your talent and be the change by addressing a number of challenges aimed at helping release the oppressed, teaching God’s Word, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and supporting the church and the body of Christ.


    • We want to catalyze friendship, passion, purpose, and collaboration in technical and entrepreneurial communities.
    • To challenge and release you to create and use 21st century technologies to serve God’s Kingdom.
    • To create a scalable community across the world to accelerate and encourage Christian innovators. 

    A Bay Area judging panel will choose the awards for best projects



    • be leveraged to create, cultivate, and strengthen society's foundational relationships of marriage, family, friendships?

    • bring the word of God to the first generation of children who are growing up with mobile devices?

     • help cut and/or combat the effects of fatherlessness in a child’s life, in turn strengthening families, reducing poverty and crime?

     • foster a culture of generosity towards each other?

    • identify, promote, test, collaborate, augment, and fill the gaps of ministry programs around the city?

    • disrupt human trafficking? 

    Join us on Nov 13-15, 2015 - make new friends, get inspired and build something that matters. 


    Everyone is welcome regardless of faith or worldviews - come as you are and join-up with a team on the Friday night, or bring a team with you.

    The Friday will start with food and then individuals / teams will pitch their idea, and invite people to join with them to hack for the weekend.

    What can you do?

    • Sign up now - get an early-bird discount.
    • Get some friends together - bring a team - or just come as you are.
    • Think of a product you would like to build. 

    We can't wait to meet you. 

    Your Bay Area Organizing Team 

    For more information visit our full website.



    Friday, November 13th

    7:00 PM Doors Open 

    7:00 - 8:00 PM Dinner & Networking 

    8:00 - 8:25 PM Welcome & Review Format 

    8:25 - 8:35 PM API Presentations 

    8:35 - 8:50 PM Review - Official Challenges 

    8:50 - 9:20 PM Open Floor - pitch your own project 

    9:20 - 11:59 PM Team Formation/Create Away

     Saturday, November 13

    12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Creating 

    8:30 AM Breakfast 

    9:00 AM Schedule and logistics announcements, team rebalancing 

    12:00 PM Lunch 

    4:30 p.m.   Optional progress briefing, more developing  

    6:00 PM Dinner 

    9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Meet with Mentors and Subject Matter Experts

     Sunday, November 15

    12:00 - 2:15 PM Creating 

    8:30 AM Breakfast 

    10:30 - 11:30 AM Option to join with Sunday Service 

    12:00 PM Lunch 

    1:00 PM Presentation Walk-thru & Judges Make Rounds 

    2:30 PM Submission deadline; Team Presentations Begin 

    4:30 PM Judges adjourn 

    4:50 PM Call-back 

    5:00 PM Awards Ceremony

    5:30 PM Closing



    Cityteam San Jose
    San JoseUnited States


    From 13th November 2015 - 07:00 PM
    to 15th November 2015 - 05:30 PM