2017 S.T.E.AM Achievers Purpose Hackathon (pH)

Organized by

    KIDS GIVING BACK: ** DESIGNING VIDEO GAMES FOR CHILDREN WITH AUTISM ** These will be exciting and positive bi-annual competitions where scholars from numerous Independent School Districts will team up to give back their time and talent. During the Spring 2017 Purpose Hackathon, scholars will be designing video games for children with Autism! Exciting prizes, certificates, recognition and mentorship from University of North Texas Kristin Farmer Autism Center (UNT), University of Texas at Dallas (UTD), Texas Christian University (TCU) and executives from organizations in STEAM fields including AT&T Oasis, IBM, Microsoft and Cerebrum, among others, will be presented and provided.


    The University of Texas at Dallas
    Richardson, United States


    From 13th May 2017 - 08:00 AM
    to 13th May 2017 - 05:00 PM