2018 Holiday Social (Centre for Biomedical Research, Victoria Health Hackathon, VILS, NSERC)

Organized by

    Please join us for the Victoria Health Hackathon Holiday Social! This is VILS's "XMas party" this year, thanks to the kind inclusion of Vancouver Island Life Sciences in the Centre for Biomedical Research's Hackathon Social, in partnership with NSERC. Please join us for holiday cheer & snacks, while continuing conversations about the challenges, solutions and future ideas raised in the Victoria Health Hackathon, as well as general life sciences networking as always at VILS gatherings! If you have not already, stay informed on VILS events as well as community events such as those the Centre for Biomedical Research puts on, by signing up for the VILS mailing list at www.vils.ca. For questions about the event organisation, please contact cfbr@uvic.ca or sam@vils.ca. Legal note: Please ensure you register and obtain a ticket, since in compliance with BC's antiquated liquor laws, this is a private event by invitation/registration only.  


    Swan's hotel
    Victoria, Canada


    From 12th December 2018 - 06:30 PM
    to 12th December 2018 - 10:00 PM