3Pillar Hack Fest

Organized by

    From antibiotics to wearables, innovations in the Health and Wellness sector have sparked revolutions. In the 21st century, only technology can answer the complex challenges faced by the Health and Wellness industry.  At 3Pillar Global, we believe that the best way to tackle these challenges is by inviting technological innovators like you to brainstorm and build solutions. That’s why we are launching the first ever 3Pillar Hack Fest, a hackathon for the Health and Wellness industry. Mentored by business leaders and solution experts, you will ideate, collaborate, and build solutions that propel the Health and Wellness industry to the next level. Click https://goo.gl/dnYjms to register now! Prizes: Winner - ₹ 50,000 Runner Up - ₹ 20,000  The Hack Fest is divided into two phases: • Online idea submission phase (Last date to register is 21st July 2017) • Onsite Hack Fest at 3Pillar Global’s Noida office (On 29th and 30th July 2017) Click https://goo.gl/dnYjms to register now!


    3Pillar Global
    Noida, India


    From 29th July 2017 - 08:30 AM
    to 30th July 2017 - 09:00 PM