7HACK 2017

Organized by

    24 HOURS + CREATIVE OUT-OF-THE-BOX-THINKERS + INDUSTRY EXPERTS = FUN, NETWORKING & GREAT PROTOTYPES   THE EXPERIENCE Following our vision and strengthening our leading position in the market requires disruptive innovation and talented employees that don‘t hesitate to try new things. With the 7HACK 2017 it´s the second time we open our doors to internal and external developers, designers and creatives to team up for 24 hours to generate valuable outcomes.   THE CHALLENGE Hack yourselves into e-commerce - A hackathon which discovers new possibilities for the e-commerce ecosystem. The commerce business has change dramatically during the last 15 years – what will the future look like? Together with us and our API–Partners you will have the opportunity to make your disruptive ideas happen. Think together outside the box. Let’s redefine the word of e-commerce together! We are very much looking forward to meeting you at our campus in Unterfoehring!


    ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE
    Unterföhring, Germany


    From 13th May 2017 - 09:00 AM
    to 14th May 2017 - 05:00 PM