Advancing Financial Inclusion Hackathon for Sustainability
Organized by
Calling developers, designers, finance industry insiders, tech entrepreneurs and social innovators to take part in a hackathon for Financial Inclusion.
Together with our partners, we invite you to come up with innovative financial technology products and services that are affordable and accessible to low-income communities.
Teams will come to grips with what 'financial exclusion' is, then use their creativity to ideate, code and test their ideas through rapid prototyping. The event culminates in a pitch event for a cash prize.
5 Oct - 08:00AM Breakfast- 09:00AM Welcome, Sponsor will present the problem statements- 09:30AM 60- pitch and team formation/shopping- 10:00AM Hacking time- 12:00PM Networking, Lunch and drinks
- 05:00PM Final Demo + Pitches, Judging, Award Ceremony, followed by snacks and drinks
- 06:00PM END
Microsoft Reactor
680 Folsom St. Suite 145, San Francisco CA 94107
Parking is available in the Moscone parking garage at 255 3rd Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, or street parking. Alternatively, use public transport, when possible.
Hours: 8am – 5pm M-F
From 5th October 2019 - 08:00 AM
to 5th October 2019 - 06:00 PM
to 5th October 2019 - 06:00 PM