Advoc8 Hack

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    Disclaimer: Advoc8 Hack is a free of charge event. Due to event popularity, filling out the application form does not guarantee participation in the event. We will begin sending out confirmation email on a rolling basis starting from the first week of July 2017. We appreciate your patience while waiting for the official confirmation. Advoc8 Hack Project Liber8 organizing its first Hackathon initiative in exploring innovation solutions in raising awareness on human trafficking issues among youth. Be part of the Advoc8 Hack and join us to code for a cause! To know more about the event, click here. Confirmation of participation We will choose the 200 best applications for Advoc8 Hack. Selected applicants will receive an official confirmation via the email address provided in the application, starting from the first week of July, 2017. This confirmation will include a Participant Pack that details all information concerning “Advoc8 Hack”. I have questions, who should I ask? Almost every question is answered at the FAQ section in the website! If it is not, drop us a line at For all further event details, visit our official event website or our FB event page. About Human Trafficking Human trafficking is a modern form of slavery. It involves controlling a person through force, fraud, or coercion to exploit the victim for forced labor, sexual exploitation, or both. An estimated 20.9 million men, women and children are living as victims of human trafficking globally, and more than half of them are in Asia Pacific. Stories about human trafficking are often set in far-away places, like cities in Cambodia, small towns in Moldova, or rural parts of Brazil. But human trafficking happens in cities and towns all over the world, including in Malaysia.  Human trafficking doesn't discriminate on the basis of race, age, gender, or religion. Anyone can be a victim. Most of the human trafficking victims in the world are female and under 18, but men and older adults can be trafficking victims too. While poverty, lack of education, and belonging to a marginalized group are all factors that increase risk of trafficking, victims of modern-day slavery have included children from middle-class families, women with college degrees, and people from dominant religious or ethnic groups. It's happening to people just like YOU. About Project Liber8 Project Liber8 is a youth-centric non-governmental organization that aims to raise awareness on the issue of human trafficking. Formed by youths in 2012 to reach their fellow peers, Project Liber8 has been actively involved in organizing and executing events that cater to current youth trends so as to be able to effectively disseminate facts and raise awareness to their target audience. The mission for this project is based on the Triple A concept; AAA. Attention, Attachment, and Action. We aim to attract the ATTENTION of citizens to this issue as it is only with proper edification that people are truly aware of the situation. With that, we hope to clean the windows of the minds’ eye of the public so the people, especially youths, can be given a clear view of the cruel reality that is human trafficking. We then hope to gain the ATTACHMENT of the public with regards to this issue so that we, as one movement can ACT together to bring change in whatever ways we can; be it by making donations to main anti-human trafficking organizations or by using our powers as consumers to go against human trafficking by not supporting brands that exploit trafficked victims. To know more about Project Liber8, please visit our website or Facebook Human trafficking is a modern form of slavery. It involves controlling a person through force, fraud, or coercion to exploit the victim for forced labor, sexual exploitation, or both. An estimated 20.9 million men, women and children are living as victims of human trafficking globally, and more than half of them are in Asia Pacific. Stories about human trafficking are often set in far-away places, like cities in Cambodia, small towns in Moldova, or rural parts of Brazil. But human trafficking happens in cities and towns all over the world, including in Malaysia.  These chains are only invisible if you DON'T know what to look for; or, like many people, don’t want to look for. We all want to believe we live in a nice, safe neighborhood. A neighborhood where we can feel safe walking at night or letting our children play outside without worrying they are in danger. But too often, human trafficking victims are hiding in plain sight.



    From 29th July 2017 - 07:00 AM
    to 30th July 2017 - 06:00 PM