Agileroo's First Iasi Hackathon for Kids

Organized by

    On March 7th, Agileroo, in partnership with Facultatea de Automatica si Calculatoare from Universiteatea Tehnica "Gheorghe Asachi" din Iasi, is organizing the first Hackathon for kids grades V- VIII. All agileroo community - kids, teens and mentors - will be present. The hackathon contestants are kids grades 5-8, from all schools in Iasi. They will a prototype whcih can be web application, mobile application or just a word document which will describe their ideas about the School of the Future. We are also looking for teens volunteers - come and join us if you want to help Why volunteer?! Because you will learn many new things about technology, you will be able to meet the agileroo vibrant community and make tons of new friends! 9:00 – Registration 10:00 – What is a hackathon: teams, hacks, pitches 11:00 – Presenting the theme "School of the future" and forming teams 12:00 – Start hacking! 14:00 – Lunch 16:00 – Hacking continues 17:00 – Pitches 18:00 – And the winners are.....


    Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering
    Iași, Romania


    From 7th March 2020 - 09:00 AM
    to 7th March 2020 - 06:00 PM