AI to Save the Planet (2020)

Organized by FruitPunch AI

Join ASAP and learn how we can apply artificial intelligence to solve the climate crisis!

We are currently facing a pandemic. But as long as we work together we can face any challenge 🚀. It's amazing to see how the world can come together so quickly in times of crisis. We believe that we can achieve a similar reaction 💪 to an equally dangerous, although even less visible, crisis: climate change.. That's why on the 12th of June 2020 we, FruitPunch AI, will organise AI to Save the Planet (ASAP) Online, an online event, so we can join arms despite these difficult times.


In the fight against climate change, resources are scarce. We believe artificial intelligence to be the best force-multiplier. We also believe in self-sustaining projects. ASAP Online is a competition 🏆 for the best sustainable business case that tackles climate change with AI. We like to call it the Heroes track: we will guide you through the process during the competition. We will match you with other bright minds to form a team, we’ll have guided online brainstorming sessions and experts available on call! At the end everyone will pitch and our expert jury will decide on the winner. 


We’ve given the competition an exciting twist with our new ‘Cards Against Climate Change’. Pick a card, make your match and create the best solution! Curious to learn more about how this works? Go to to find out!


The event is freely accessible to everyone, worldwide 🌍!



From 12th June 2020 - 02:00 PM
to 12th June 2020 - 05:30 PM