Android Academy Hackathon 2019

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    The registration has officially ended on the 21st of March. It is now open unofficially but we do not guarantee we can find you a team until the Hackathon. The Android Academy 2019 Hackathon is on its way! We've been through the Android Fundamentals and Android Design courses and we know our way around design and code. Now it is time to put our knowledge into action and forge an application from an idea! Prepare for 24 hours of intense coding, designing and coffee drinking while you create your application. Please register only if you are 100% certain you will come. There is a lot of work and effort put into the hackathon and the number of tickets is limited. All of this couldn't have happened without our sponsors. A huge thanks to: Google Samsung Next Monday Kik Gett HereMobility What's in store for us? 21.3 Last day for registration. 25.3 Hackathon Best Practices and preparation 28.3 16:00: Hackathon begins 29.3 15:00: Hackathon ends 29.3 15:01 Hugs, Kisses and drive home safely. 25.3 19:00 Hackathon Best Practices and preparation Best practices and tools to use during the hackathon Meeting the mentor in person and get to know each other Discuss the idea for the app Choosing one feature that will be implemented during the hackathon Discuss and decide on user flow with design mentor Discuss and decide design & animations with a design mentor Discuss and decide on Software Architecture with development mentor (Classes, Methods, Patterns) Discuss possible APIs to use. Decide on homework each participant will do/research Guidelines Group Structure: At least one Designer and one Developer. Application Idea:The idea is up to you. Any idea is welcome. Equipment To Bring: Smile and a bucket of good mood :) Comfortable clothes / Costume (you can be creative!) Personal Hygienic stuff like a toothbrush Laptop with Android Studio, Git, AVD installed and working properly Power cable for laptop An Android device with a data cable Application Submission Guidelines: Design: At least one fully designed flow. Development: At least three screens with different designs. Fully working flow. At least one network call.


    Google For Startups
    Tel Aviv, Israel


    From 28th March 2019 - 04:00 PM
    to 29th March 2019 - 03:00 PM