Android Hackathon Workshop Repeat

Organized by

    Android Hackathon Workshop What & Why? PLEASE NOTE: This is a repeat of the September 8th event. If you missed out on the first event, this is your chance. Hackathons are fun, and not much quite beats the feeling of coming out of them a winning team. But in a lot of ways, that's a bit of a dice-roll. Not everyone gets to win a Hackathon. The marketing students with their shiny Powerpoint deck often have very decent odds at winning vs a semi-working app with a ton of work behind it. And who's to say it's not deserved? For a 24h "dev sprint", Hackathons are often more about vision than hard work, even if the organizing team doesn't admit it to themselves. This workshop will be about preparing for Hackathons with an eye to maximizing results. We'll see how to avoid common pitfalls, work efficiently as a team, and how project templates can let you focus on your "big idea" instead of coding boilerplate all week-end long. Where? District 3 1250 Guy Street, 6th Floor, Montreal When? Semptember 28th @ 18h00 EST Who? The Android Montreal GDG (Google Developer Group) Thanks! Many thanks to District 3 for hosting this workshop! Also please note, places are limited. It's important to subscribe via EventBrite to reserve your spot.


    District 3 Innovation Center
    Montréal, Canada


    From 28th September 2015 - 06:00 PM
    to 28th September 2015 - 08:30 PM