ASEAN Makerthon 2017

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        ASEAN MAKERTHON 2017 About : a. Introduction:The rise of Maker culture has led to the increase of maker hackathons throughout the world, including the Southeast Asian region. In line with Strategic Thrust 3: Innovation, of the ASEAN ICT Masterplan 2020 (AIM2020), the ASEAN Makerthon 2017 is one of the many initiatives by ASEAN to drive a vibrant and responsive ICT sector to encourage entrepreneurship and idea generation. The program is not only a competition but a platform to network, share and learn. To further encourage regional ICT growth, all 10 AMS have been invited to participate in the program, as well as ASEAN TELSOM’s dialogue partners. The ASEAN Makerthon 2017 will be a 3-day event during which, participants will be required to build physical prototypes in line with the theme, within a specific amount of time. The program will take place at the myMaker IoT Lab in the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Malaysia (MCMC) headquarters in Cyberjaya, Selangor. The lab comes equipped with equipment such as laser cutters, CNC machine, 3D printers, solder kits and some basic tools. Finalist teams from participating countries will be invited to Malaysia for the ASEAN Makerthon 2017 - Southeast Asia’s very first ASEAN-supported maker hackathon. Interested participants will first need to submit their proposed prototype ideas by 31 July 2017 to their respective country focal points (Updated contact details are displayed on the website), and only two (2) finalist teams per ASEAN Member State (AMS) and one (1) finalist team from the dialogue partners will be invited to Malaysia for this program.  Each interested team should comprise of 2 – 3 members.     b. Dates and Location Dates: 8 – 10 September 2017 Location: Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), Headquarters, Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia  c. Theme and Scope The theme for the 2017 ASEAN Makerthon will be the Internet of Things (IoT), more specifically, the scope will be on Smart Cities, Healthcare and Agriculture (Track, Trace, Improve, Reduce).  d. Prizes Champion: USD1,000.001St Runner Up: USD800.002nd Runner Up: USD500.00Special awards (5 categories) *Certificates of participation will be issued to all participants  e. Website Updated information on the program can be accessed via the f. Social MediaInformation and updates will also be uploaded on Instagram (@aseanmakerthon) and Twitter (@aseanmakerthon). For more information, pls contact at your respective contact in each country or email us at


    Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission
    Cyberjaya, Malaysia


    From 8th September 2017 - 08:00 AM
    to 10th September 2017 - 05:30 PM